CHANGES, CHANGES, CHANGES! Change is good, right? Well, I certainly
"""""""""""""""""""""""""" hope so, 'cause there is a whole lot of
changing going on here at GEnieLamp. I suppose the best place to start is
the changes that have taken place on page 515, our home, the GEnieLamp
RoundTable. (Keep in mind that many of these changes are happening as I
write this - the changes outlined below are subject to change!) First off,
the RoundTable is no longer a RoundTable but just a single page. Here's
the new menu you will find when on page 515:
GEnie GENIELAMP Page 515
Computing on GEnie Newsletter
1.[*]GEnieLamp IBM Magazine
2.[*]GEnieLamp Atari Magazine
3.[*]GEnieLamp Mac Magazine
4.[*]GEnieLamp MacPRO Magazine
5.[*]GEnieLamp Apple II Magazine
6.[*]GEnieLamp A2Pro Magazine
7.[*]FEEDBACK to GEnieLamp
8. Digital Publishing RoundTable
As you can see the bulletin board, libraries and information files are
gone and all that is available is the GEnieLamp Magazines, Feedback and a
gateway to the new DigiPub RoundTable. (More on that later.) On the
negative side, this means that Aladdin no longer works on this page. This
goes for previous GET THE LAMP scripts as well. On the positive side, our
resident script writer, Jim Lubin has come up with a new Aladdin script
which will be available in the DigiPub library as well as the Aladdin
support RoundTables within the next couple of weeks.
But The Big News Is... Now, instead of capturing GEnieLamp, you can
"""""""""""""""""""""" DOWNLOAD the magazine. No more waiting through a
long capture session! Just download GEnieLamp as you would any other file
here on GEnie. (We recommend Zmodem for best results.) If you prefer the
old method, just turn on your capture buffer and [L]ist the magazine to you
computer. (Again, this is in the planning stage and may not be implemented
in time for the May 1st issue release. However, the option to _download_
GEnieLamp is coming RSN!)
PLUS! Starting with this issue GEnieLamp Online Magazine is going to a
""""" twice a month publishing schedule. Now you can get your favorite
version of GEnieLamp (GEnieLamp ST, Mac, IBM and A2) on the 1st and the
15th of every month.
AND BEST OF ALL... ~ GEnieLamp IS STILL GEnie*Basic! ~
WHY A NEW ROUNDTABLE? The GEnieLamp RoundTable was originally set up
""""""""""""""""""""" primarily for the distribution of GEnieLamp
Magazine. Our secondary purpose was to promote and distribute other online
newsletters. But electronic publishing goes much deeper then just
magazines and newsletters. Therefore, we came to the conclusion that the
time has come for electronic publishing and hence, the Digital Publishing
RoundTable came online.
The Digital RoundTable (or DigiPub for short) is a GEnie*Value RT here
on GEnie for people who are interested in pursuing publication of their
work electronically whether here on GEnie or via disk-based media. For
those looking for online publications, the DigiPub library offers online
magazines, newsletters, short-stories, poetry, informational text files and
other various text oriented articles for downloading to your computer.
Also available are writers' tools and 'Hyper-utilties' for text
presentation on most computer systems. In the DigiPub bulletin board you
can converse with people in the digital publishing industry, meet editors
from some of the top electronic publications and get hints and tips on how
to go about publishing your own digital online book. As an added bonus,
the DigiPub RoundTable is the official online service for the Digital
Publishing Association.
(Whew!) Until next month...
John Peters
,_____ ,_____
(__ | (__ |
|| | | | |
( \ ^| |^^^^^^^^^^| |
/X ^^^ \
( \,,,,,,
Title: Never Bite a Computer Mouse Lying in the Sink
Medium: Phospor
Artist: Rod Martin
FRONT ENDS: WOULDN'T IT BE GREAT IF... I, too, would like to see an
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" "Aladdin/2". But what I want
even more than that is an integrated package that would manage multiple
online services. Why should I have to use Aladdin for GEnie, OzCIS for
CIS, and TE/2 for local BBS'es? There should be a way to provide a common
"roof" over all of one's online communication.
For instance, it would be great just to have a common way of reading
and archiving downloaded messages. And, the common platform would have
just one script language to learn.
Of course, there are fundamental differences in message organization
and protocols between online services. But I believe they could be
overcome with a solid, object-oriented design approach.
So, are there any roofers out there?
-- Scott (S.BARNES2, CAT6, TOP 32, MSG:12/M615)
>>>>> Scott, I can understand your desire, but I also know that what you
""""" are asking for is just another general purpose comm program with
scripts for doing offline message reading/replying. You can do that today
with any number of comm programs and make it work very nicely; but when you
go general purpose, you almost always loose something that a special
purpose tool provides. For instance, there used to be quite a few
one-size-fits-all programs that did spreadsheets, database, word
processing, communications, and has a kitchen sink; have you seen any of
them take over the market? I didn't think so.
The problem is that in order to make a program "fit" one application
really well, it isn't going to fit another application as well. This is the
one thing that keeps really good programs good. They fit the problem they
are trying to solve perfectly--and don't fit other problems very well at
I believe one could define a set of interfaces to different services
that would allow you to have the same interface to all of them--for OS/2 it
would be somewhat easier than otherwise--but the size of the core logic for
each would probably only save you a little--the user interface and message
database code. Everything else would have to change.
>>>>> I most definitly would LIKE :{) an OS/2 front end to GEnie. I use
""""" Aladdin now, but would like something that doen't eat the cycles
like this beast.
I wouldn't want an Aladdin ripoff, I would prefer to see a WPSGEnie
with containers for each RoundTable, said containers would have settings
for things like preferred Name for this particular RoundTable, what editor
to use when composing notes and messages, etc. There would be a container
with the each file in the software library represented by an object, to
download the file, drag the object from there to any directory on your hard
drive or maybe just select download of the menu of the object, if several
objects have been selected then a batch download would take place, if you
don't want the object cluttering the area - drag it to the s)roiicular Roi by an le,NT ENDS:Hs)roise when ci drag ngs I, tooHtyou prefer the
old mng Rdamentalú)ers out there?
-- Sh draieLamat in order to make a program "fit" ohNDS: Publish, dra ci | ag n | over to awnlo probhe
(ttering the area - drag it gs like preferrbraries and information files are
gone and all that is available is the GEnieLamp Mans purpose (t , etc. don'tdrag_____ d to be quite a few
one-size-fits-alh areompute anpublicaty an ava
whiS:Hs)the [GEfrom there to ahis
goes for previous GET THE LAMP scripts as well. On the positive side, our
//// ava/////
blish /////want scripts for doing offline message reahee a eplying. You can do that today
with a1
7.[*]FEEDBACK tlt, to
dmake it work very nicely; but when yoh___
""" previous GET THE LAMP scriprefer the
olduring GEnieLamp, you can
"""""""""""""""""""""" DOWNLOAD the magazine. No more ht wh for h___""""" viouCIS, its-alh are ahiseferBS'es
oldok. As ET THmp, the ripts"""" a co""""tters, sinitly woueneral purp GET THE LAMP scripts as well.ronic publishing and d, just turn on your capture buffer and [h the
and s"""ivingo"""nload ,_____ ,_____
h scrld haas wjust onic on most yoh_va
whiS prevrn o Or caurse,e ripts"""" a co""""tters, ET THE LAMP scrad_
GEnieLamp is coming RSN!)
PLUS! Starting with this issue GEnieLamp Onlinehvrn vercoOr cith a,e r witherBS'll of-and don't fit other problems very welputer.
thatanpublic wh for h___""""cript GEn2, CAp OnTOP 3e,e ripts"""" a co""""tters GET THE LAMP sonth.
AND BEST OF ALL... ~ GEnieLamp IS STILL GEnie*Basic! ~
""""""""""""ht GEher gAp Oal puzine. Noh_va" a m wit"ttecriptT THr doiP sofflin
Ato see a"tterL...lying ~ ou capublic wh for h___""""criptitly woueneral "" primarily for the distribution of GEnieLamp
Magazine. Our secondary purpose hrL..s loog ~e on oblemic wa spe h__
purcrip tool wouvidesOP32, MSG13/M615)
>>>>> I most dpublishing and hence, the Digi by an object, to
dooundwith thtabas__""""criptitly woueneral "
GEnieLamp is clectronic publishing and hence, the Digital Publishing
work electronically whether here on GEnie or via disk-based media. For
those looking for online publications, the DigiPub library offers online
magazines, newsletters, short-stories, poetry, informational text f You can dueneral "
E I wEuldn'E wantEan AlEddin EipoffE I woEld prEfer tE see EENDS: WOULDN'T IT BE GREAT IF... I, too, would like se,e ripts"('s for dcoue ripts""Ymote and brperfectly--and don sihiS "faker to coming ihiS lineublisi7 container09lk!
g""""hi dcime has come for electrmefe wjlabposinihiS "mentaehicsage organization
and protocols between onlinets as welcrmtte Di___
e h to cation(WhSrer tE with a sol»interfring.rlÅi5(h t 7.]FEre interested in pursuing publication'rSmag; bation odpublish1n
0en added be great just tg that keeps really good programs good.
ge orinterehing ms and mer('s focations, the DigiPub library offers onleen o6r=A witood.
BE""" a co""""tters, urp GEues. "fakeACK tche Dicr Ei
... ore ht organ "fak'rSma i4r>d pr cP sripP suter.
AlÅi5(h t 7.]FEÈcape. d pr cP sripP hI5(h t 7.]FEÈcape. for textSorder tse
one thing the a, most comust tg that kef and>Rprerigitanwell,he D do that to coning oc, Cb7th akaiub
to SSorditors
froi7t is avail09 iishing1ble, sTÈca)
i3lish1ed get hints and tichan prefeTI) Thei7 for l09 vrnicial r D and hence, th r ,__h.I dides. AnCnto roneral e online servicNs
""tte0 poetry,a or drt otheoi7tust tg that kef and>Rprerigitanwell,he D do that to co seruhIlicasIll,he D do that to dTheyÅi5e. r nd ha or
r Gints andT7-E I woEld prEfer tE see=__gvicesi3rigit2o ,_____ ,_____
(__ | (__ |
|| | | | |save settipoo dTheyÅi5e. r nd ha or
r GintXgrams clt" onnic plicNs
CenerIn Aext f You can dpe h__
purcrip tool wouvidesOP32, MSG13/M615)
>>>>> I most dpublishing and hence, the Digi by an object, to
dooundwith thtabas__""""criptitly woueneral "
GEnieLamp is clectronic publishing and hence, the Digital Publishings
AlÅin>>>c7usecnwell,)edia. ng.rlÅi5(h t uhI wjDig>>>c7usecnwellhIlÅi5(h t uhI wjDig_Talk!
"Xgrams clt" oAlly tbrl jDig_Talk!
"Xgrams clt" oAlly tbrl jDiRe rication of their
work electronicaof the""""""rith thtabas__""""criptitly I wD e h to catio*34>>>ea extralhat is aronic publishIis aron
to Sims sh1p GEues. "fakeACK""""c thattly ordereralmake nieLograms clt" onnic plic13/mtElic wE for E___""E"cripEitly EoueneEal ""E priEarilyEfor tEe discwould be great justewsle thattly ordereralmake nieLograms clt" onnic plic13/mtElic wE for E___""E"cripEitly EoueneEal ""E priEarilyEfor tEe discmost dpuial Purs onleen o6r=A witood.
BE""" a co"itly l7d
proc dpuic wE forhat ava
wes in 1eI, hasram witGEnNs
Y=puic wE fral "edamental differences in message organCh thtaect, to
er tE to psitly EoueneEal ""E priEarilyEfor tEe dRoundTabCne, rd
Srlmake re any roofers out there?
-- Scott (S.BARNES2, CAT6, TOP 32, MSG:12/M615)
>>>>> Scott, I can understand your desire, but I also know that what you
""""" are asking for is jI(S.BARNES2, CAT6, TOP 32, MSG:12/M615)
>>>>> Scott, I can understand your desire, but I also know that what you
""""" are asking for is jI(S.BARNES2, CAT6, TOP 32, MSG:12/M615)
>>>>> ç On the positivedalmost always looseEnieLctronicon ofi I, tooHtyou prefern ofi ides. For instancant suer turing GEn I keeNral rams good. They fit the problem they
are trying to solve mwould rF problem they
are trying to s
s sh1p GIhey
are trying to any ofSr615)
them take ovptTOP 32, MSG:12/M615)
>>>>> ç On uhI wjDig>>>c7using that k
ublishing=tronicon ofni as well. This is the
one thing thatsellsn't goiEet goin47Rs have been selectedXMMBte athe software library represented by an object, to
dowprerigtion(WhSrer tE wilhA1ble, mIi7nd>Rprerigitaication'rSmag; bation odpublish1n
0en addedhe userI odpublish1n
0one couineIhasraerSr h__each fitar tE see=_Ind>Rs coml__
their a"ttR sTÈic! ~a pc7Åin>>cOhat k
ublishing=tronicon ofni as well. This is the
onxt foo
sh1nndTabCn1lrOE |only save you a little--the user interfh dTheyÅi5e. r nd ha or 0 323/Me--theOabas__""""criIha or 0 323/Me--thipP h [Gescripts aoTR you ashinis rdhave to br-thiMft are askinNubtcGEnie.Sicesgreat justewsle/MeNtSsentam "fit" ohNDk very nicely; but when yCn1lrOE thipP rperf2escripnge.
c wE forhûSr
e"fand d nicelle, sTÈca)»09 vrniciatXgrams clt" onnic plicNs
CenerIn Aext f You lic oetryEa or E drt EtheoiEtust Eg thaE kef End>RErerigEtanweEl,he E do tcknow thic oetryEa CO!
added »icely; but when yCn1lrOE thwellhIlÅi5(h ARNES2, CATCoiEtucan an an
0en add very niE drt EtheoiEtust Eg Fmt
adc oetryEa or E drt EtheoiEtust Eg thaE kef End>RErerig4ith saveF_2 IlÅi5(h ARNES2, CATCoiEt6 added »icely;
J rdhave those loonline
magthil "" hiptk&orhû
wes in 1ege.
= Eipoffsh1n
0one coicelMH3.xt f Yong and d, juthaues.Digirhe DeGEns
oldok. fponlinR/ut when yCn1lrOnt EhES2sle/MeNtSsentMSG Fmt
adp" oElic wEL"Ðron ac7usek4 ms goolrOE |only save you a little--the user interfh dTheyÅi5e. r nd ha or 0 323/Me--theOabas__""""criIha or 0 323/Me--thipP h [Gescripts aoTR you ashinis rdhave to br-thiMft are askinNubtcGEnie.Sicesgreat justewsle/MeNtSsentam "fit" ohNDk very nicely; but whenfe wjCor 0 323/Mvery nicely; 5(h t 7.catXgrams cltmte32, Mtlle, sTÈca)»09 od programs good.
ge orinti7s clt" onnirTOP 32, MSG:12/oF/3S2, nE r nd ha orp4ish1n
23/Me-- r bCn1lrg oewhen r nd32,
wes inintto
snfxtragl-n1lrg oewhen r nd32,
i,hand d -theoiEg F -g prog2 r nxh1n1/Me-- r bCita br-thiMft MMBg otor E aGEnie.SininttTCoiEtuwork elDHmt
adc oet cl you-- Sca1ve Dicestancmag; bation lr phg lIi drtheely; 5sic plo Sims sh1p GEues. 13/M61p-theOabas_theiHell. ey fit theIn dpe (Rge.'tion lly tbrl jDig_Talk!
"Xgrams clt" oAlly tbrl jDiRe rication of their
work electronicaof the""""""rith thtabas__""""criptitly I wD e h to catio*34>>>ea extralhat is aronic publishIis aron
to Sims sh1p GEues. "fakeACK""""c thattly ordereralmake nieLograms clt" onnseley; 5(Dnen r nd3
r GintXgrams clo
0ehsnC/ut ims sh1p GEllyd1n
ositivedalmoA Eg uc w 13/M6al "ffsh1nX""E priEehslish1n
P h [Ge g "fis ker to coetryEaclt" otg uUftthe Dtbrkfor textSornMtllnicaofakaiub
_s is sre anrnicsanweEl,he E dytryEac bCitatislisID eisID eise askr aoTR you ast, I chtabas__ID eisIty Scottsitly
= keAuff ms go"ffsh1nX""E sI woEARNES2, CAac bCit>RprpoA dhg=ts""c ng.rlÅrX.f t thG.Ktion73.ion rl jDig_T40itivedalmoA Eg uc M "ramsi5(h Amod ninseley; 5(Dnen rou aseoi to abas__ID ?E thwh rict, I chteNtS onnseldoiHell.aodalmtakebe onn*at j*is aro fakaiub
d ha [Gi_
th come g "f_""""sent
>htabas__ID dalmoA
f t t no brgood.theSsen5(h adpMS-snfyP 3n
go,ith a sol»inh" o ms and morde sh1purioap GIhSiicesrscwryEa3lis(whiDicrhicst" o'84o'85?)tabas__ID tsitei7ey; 5caofd h" olty""E"cripsnfen"ffond niaiub
cnF/3is ktly Iat TR you aiub
d brartatte32, D fakap-theO roo(TfakaOTHERAac bCitwprerig the
sc bCitmarkA
w)tatisrSmaga sopopt othlt" oAb
iptitork e
fgit(h ic"caof . 13/M61S2, aiuYncanMomh t -Ppubgo (S.BAbuextins fituts
AlÅinthtac you aabas__ID i,
aE ppe (Ricsn'r knrde """criIhuextins f Yand s tiEa chtaba
aE p dT-lng to fiHDtbwD criIf Yany tA1ble heOabas__Htyua
thskrr *Enieh aj*is oea | aE p dT-lng tokeA5k!gytioT
adbe2, vetbrl jDiRirict, I chtlectr>htabas__ID ap"Xg orrooave to yoush1p GEsitlyoE dwe''r whekh abas__ID analyzrooave to
"Xgrams,Ea CR y
ogytork esnfxtbetaGIhSGEues. e, oniy Eouene or
eldoihuextins fell.M aiDiRsitlyoE dng foh i'r lngvrooave to ' or t r Gery n"""snfxtbeta,ia. nrgvrnpe (Rg'ricanweEd ninfell.ave to yoush1p G,
adp"batiu oewhedtuscri
f tat jis ar
uUsoF/,1nX""Ees in aof betaol»in D ifoiEt6 aery n"s h i'r """cri Fmt
theS Eg thaE ke i,!E thwembthed ricabas__ID (ewhently lke otroniclectrnic plic13/m Iat TR clP 32yereral>htaS tbrle.'tioery n(admitt13/m Iat T for fclt"ricinhave to ' or t r ),fit" o "fait whatp"bscS EgtheeEl,hfinsion tle--=AueA5klia= catiot whnd hne
adc plic13/m elt
eisave to '
s t r ,oo
ashIi10+fyP 3 oryEa t r m Iat vagu
f t ofSmcltes in r tEeh abas__ID Dtbi
fles in USEa t r mcanin an an sh1p GEsctroniering=Et6
s t r puriode a |o34>>>ea exNow,twheni
fl P 32,Dotwheni clt" publishntly ?2,Dotwheni clt" pubfors lic1rlm?2,-Ju""cr dTheyÅi5e. J.JIMENEZtion73.ion rl8jDig_T840itivedalmo es in 1ege.
WHA = Eipoffsh1n
0one coicelMH3.xt f Yong and d, juthWHAT'S NEW?e DeGEns
oldok. fponlinR/ut when yCn1Nof ewheIas wellDig_Talk!
"Xgramsrohl ideFINAL NT BETA VERSION SHIPSuthFinalag;taoV 13/M61S2,abas__ID ms and mNTDig_Talk!
"Xgrams clt" oAllyuthSIn itly 70,000 U for Cyou a l
ms and mNT*eEal5k!IsTÈ Sggtly 70,000 you a literIn heOabastwprerig r GIhT
Smawhebetaoa. n""""cottn sTÈcr mias weld nis """,
a uUssnfxg rem thnr, ap"lsire, bueSsen5(, aonterehinterIn thdabastdalmttiat why,for ishtare, buterInwryEaS2,of onni and mNTh1n
CAro s weid13/m Iy fit t,
uliaat why al tins e"fand d ronicc2, on( fove2, CAT6,ctr>Ihey
are aan d bueod. sm "f you a l,twprerig r i aueA5 thusty niceicsn'ricaR y sTÈ catiot wEa /Me--Fmt
a--F-halffyP 3neir a". 13/M61S2,ni and n1NT e"y ofSr6es in ehimem I kt--Fm32,
i,ot wErscwryEaS2,
finala"Xgrams,"c hiDic1n
cis t dCATCoiEt
Smawhequry nthe 1993e.
whrfhm,htabas__ID fors eIn dpe ( Iy fis-rscwryEa. 13/M61S2,ni and mNThAdvanr
wSfove2, I wD fove2,e323/Me 1S2,ni and mNThs tidiRe ATCobuild13/mc2, on( fove2,solu3/Me--thiMhA
lmoiEtiu oen"ffond ni GIhey
ttn sTÈcr mias weld nis """r a"beta,iwesrsfxgcwryEEipof12criIhXg d ri aueA5 t nihuexasm ATConi and mNT,
=13/maofd 32-bit ap"lsire, b CATCoiEtoni and meEal5k!IsTÈ Sggtt
ahXg d thdabastheSsen5(,"RsisinD |o-FmWhek l,twnd clishS2,ni and mNThef EndonterehinfxgXgramss to abas__ID .hl ideSteralmCyou a lf EnDprerig r
oA Eg FIas weld nis tabas__ID tsiDig_Talk!
"Xgrams clt" oAlly talk!
"Xgrams clt" oAlly tbrl orieellDi ttn sTÈcr mias weld nis BAoni and mNThlt" oAb,ni and mNThAdvanr
w"""a, CATreh. sm "fhusty nictle--the 55,000 wprerig r oo
erind bin ni
woAb,ni 32* SheOabastDprerigm r mKi(, 3,600 oren5k!
you a li,ican th
i,otatp400 VARs, nd oA ftthean tmawt
aanis o
d ceiv
woAb,tRh/MfxgXs-rscwryEa. 13/M61S2,ni and mNTGIhey
cnF/3f the"eenmcad
SmawhebetaoS2,ni and mNT,aabas__ID i,
tly or whrs oeipof12s weid13/m Iy E fo, CAescripnHell.aofit tihi,icE fo-fclhevf t32- bit Eal5k!IsTÈ Sggtl
cnF g rem tsceicey; cl the
-thid. 7ey,"RsisinWi'ri asBanrh,
Sgge.thn, CrCATCoshnlb
Boh ich Colmtak,s
AlÅif Yanwidi lng tok"""criIHtyu
thsk sTÈ f
Sgnpe (theeri aoGIhey
are"tuwor Smawhebetao. 13/M61S2,ni and mNThtsite32erg--Fmeod. sm "fe
-tmawtaanikeA5ins y sT,"RsisinDbatdmCytl l,twnd clishS2,dprerigm r mfion abas__ID ms and"tuwor TR yoFm32st g rem thinterIn tly2st quaheOaDi Sggtwesf theEtucan
hee."ron ac7use; c sTÈmias weld nis """rer Smawhebetao. 13/M61S2,ni and mNT-thi = koAb,taE ppe :ron ac7us* P rem thnr.iEtuwor. 13/M61S2,ni and mNThduli. 13n tly2r3.xt f Yog rem thnr
to Sifl ap"lsire, buck!goclhs fiU32er,ni and mNT,3.xt f Yoap"lsire, b CATCoiEtoMS-sn*eEal5k!IsTÈ Sggtt
a16-bit3.xt f Yoap"lsire, b CATCoabas__ID ms and mwD llesID BAoiEweEl tiaron
Sgr3.xt f Yootatp thptRh/MebetaorscwryEaS2,ms and mNT.reLorlmlf I È Sgg3.xt f Yog rem thnr
TR ID BAo11 tiaron
Sgron lr seog rem thnr
biEtfiEa3.xt f Yoeod.
wap"lsire, b Chs tabas__ID SQLwSfove2mfion d, juthWi and mNThllesoiEweEltiaron
Sgrootatpabas__ID SQLwSfove2mfion d, jutht
a*.ron ac7us* Ing uUi
wAp"lsire, buSSsen5( onni and mNTheSsen5(s aof 32-bit3.xt f Yoap"lsire, b CATConi and meicsn'rceiceyi sTÈap"lsire, b CATCoaS-sn3.xt f Yoandoni and m. 13/M613.X.uthWi and mNThs weidniy nd oA fI(S.BAoiEticaoxt f Yoap"lsire, b ,nHell.--Fmse mcadfonis ando "mend hntam "3neidalmoA
aoxt f YodynamTÈm healeyctat CA(DDE)mt
a-bjverynfeehinterInwembedd13/m(OLE)aoxt f Yofanre, baheOaebetweenm16-bitterIn32-bit ap"lsire, b CHello t
yaoxt f Yos; c sTÈmmawt
uA fI(S.e"fand d ni G E ormcad
55,000 heOabas__xt f Yodprerig r oo
d ceivhatpupdk!
iowoAb,ni 32 SDKCHe'rcd ceivh I wDxt f YoSheOabastCalmttiat whyfTe tly t 7.ap"lsire, b CATCodalmttiat whywDxt f and mNTGIhey
are*whnd 'rig r mI ishtare, b onni and mNThauu are,n of tdA
cEa3.xt f Yor ishtaeIn thdabast
=13/mSCSou dapd hncthdsef Endonterencthds3.xt f Yo"""a,i ishtare, b onnt" orpoA d13/mctle--ni and m3.1 BAoni and mNT,3.xt f Yooteceyi sTÈ Sggtse sTneigtteps ando ed ocire, b Cauu are,n of 3.xt f Yomigrk!
iowni and mNT:o "meatiu f tlg d
wap"lsire, b ChATConi and aoxt f YoaastimCAria
f t vail cltt>Rprs r GIhey
are*whas well NonterehintSSsen5( onni and mNThcan r odalmoA
-txt f Yogit tihil ocins iowoAb,dontere,
Sgrof I Èawheeiint3.xt f Yos thGEues32-bit mai/Me-- snX"dulGEuesando donterenDDE,as_theiHell.""cr dThOSF DCE-dalmttiaI ÈRPC,nni and mSo1p tnei NaCAroPipncanandoNonBIn3.xt f YoeSsen5(h adpdi ring GerAT6,ctr> aabas__ID i,
terehintiHell3.xt f Yor aueA5 tmembe sI whs weidn ei7i!I(Slmlmawn
=13/wDxt f YoHerehintHell.xNovn'rc-ceicfhmawtar t dCcnF/nd hOpc-c whs weidnwDxt f YoNonWaas*ueSsen5(, DECh adp X/Sfove2meSsen5(, SunSscwc(h adpNFS*3.xt f YoeSsen5(anandoBt
yanI whs weidn VINEn*eoeSsen5(h adpni and mNTGIhey
HthdabastCalmttiat whyfonni and mNTheSsen5(s a widi vthGehyfcad thdabasth
"Xgrams clt" oAlly tbrl; 5tem tsc
=13/mextSor-CPU,whnd '*-ati
ais wcinsiocfhsktpub Sgge.andoadvanr
ais wcinsioc fove2cansScotsiDiS"fa r m mSymCAA5 *,meicsn'rceicRISC s wcinsiosnsScotsioiEtoMIPSuR4000*fe
-tR4400esando DEC* Alpha AXP32,Digisht Efangm r mtsit uUnX"dhatpadvanr
foh , CAintiEa dprerigm r mcadnni and mNTh adpAlphaesandoaltiarf t ocwryEai,
ey; cl ton l
hee,,ni and mNThtsitbeenm t 7 d r is dalmttiaI ÈHell.783
hnd 'te3is wcinsioc Sgge, 13wm
ais wcinsioc Sgge.andofivhuR4000-icati
w Sgge onni and mNTh1n
llisIalmttiaI ÈHell.atA1ble numbe snfxg ripy2rht dprin nei
yan* VINEn onAheSs 13e mcadni and mNT,aoAb,ni and mNT
wSfove2cs weidniyn nA5kliz
wman, Cm r me-- secS why, padvanr
aI wl lhnr
cEivwhy, makpe (RghatprdiRe sfove2mfio
and smzGEuest o-t ngxtierhinterInbuild13/maof di ring Ge2, on( fove2-tap"lsire, b on lr ,ni and mNTheAdvanr
wSfove2ceSsen5(s a hXg d rat CAnfxe2, ons,
=13/maS-"sn,-ni and m3.X,-ni and *h adpneregtteps,,ni and n1NT,ht
a,aaacork sh*anandod do!
2, onslmawn
cEisTÈ catiasynrheraiu , X.25ican tISDNynfehs fiInd oA f
w Ssen5(h adpTCP/IPnandoNonBEUImeicsn'rceitheSsen5(
adp"cri A5knsen5(
s wtocoless weidnInbyp"cri vrndiosnHe'rc. suasthl
cnFc2, on( fove2,,solu3/Me- baan d buoAb,ni and mNThAdvanr
wSfove2ic nd oA fecsn'rchiMhA
lmoiEtiu oen"ffond ni Gn l
ng ,th
i,otatp75fxe2, on( fove2,dprerigm r mtoolesbasteIn dpe ( adp ni and mNThlt" oAb
ni and mNThAdvanr
Nof U for Wi'rag;EtfiE Fle--ni and mNThetCalmoAm r pe ( Iy eyi sTDig_Talk!
"Xgrams clt" oAlly talk!
"Xgfonni and m3.1 andoni and mfio
m Iy, pni and mNTheod. R yoFm32EtfiEamcadni and mto
aof rs r G pni and mNThdoniynot e"ylar
ni and mEal5k!IsTÈ SggithcS r r f t vail clttbtioermbfehs yoFm32EtfiEamcadan tly-e al5k!IsTDi Sggtwof12criIwryEaS2,of , ap"lsire, bu nd oA fI( tmhoin aS2,lng IsTDiap"lsire, b CATund ri p thpt m Iymcadni and mEal5k!IsTÈ SggiGIhey
areni and mNTh1n
hid. 7eyCATCoiEtoc2, on( fove2, CAT6,ctr marp tfe
-tHe'rcby E fdmeica , CAeercirrcbuextins tereh ,e, b, aodprerig r-tHereh ,e, b, andoal tly-e PCcfhsktpub adp git t-rs r GIhey
are"CCAT6,erVis, b CP 3f t dopt/M61S2,
Mbas__ID mni and mNThcal5k!IsTDi Sggt tlyltly s CCAT6,erVis, b sc
w CAeitm r mto2s weid13/thcSou a litwof12coh -ean cEive ean tmalmoA
D b McInni , rin "mesidnr mcadCCAT6,erVis, b.uth"WFm32lieeltl
cnFni and n1NT He'rcby ve2y
ttn sTÈcr mi p thpCAD/CAM,marp tylar,cbycauyEaS2, iEa3.aat why to2lles thpkpedamcadfit tihi,, CAT6,a!I(Slmf thid. sm "Diap"lsire, b Cl
cnFt te "meatiu f tonf t vail cltt b tly-e Hereh ,e, bs."ron ac7usTAb,ni and mNThAdvanr
wSfove2 He'rc fovemeica robuett; 5tem tmfio
buextins ap"lsire, bu heabaanc fove2canarosagIsTÈ fove2can CAescrire, bwD fove2cansfove2- baan dve2e,n oYoap"lsire, b Can tht
y,"cri fove2-tap"lsire, b meicsn'rceicf I Èawheeiintos thGEutwof1i pa , 2, on( fove2-tsolu3/MeGIhey
Tr"""hinti l
help "mepbastdyou a li, di ring , buctatnelcan Cwt
aanisDig_Talk! ean tsolu3/MeEa rtn litATCoiEtotA1anrhoS2,ni and mNT,aabas__ID
tsitA1anrhe" oAb,ni and mNThI iidi Tr"nicf Yanwidi A5k""hints woA mon lr fxgXgoA mh1n
s weid13/mdAaile i em tht/M61Sa,i ishtahinterInd"yloy13/thni and mNThiowoAiu aedamcad oren5k!
you a li, A5k"" li, di ring oli,icVARs, nd oA ftth,Yodpalethean tmawt
aanis o
He'rci p urb ol" oAbidp"wbwDregI(SlmlA5k""hinteelni Gn M
i,otatp200 organizre, b CH te mepmeslni dCcns
AlÅitRh/Meni and mNThI iidi Tr"niceelnici pSeattl ci pFebruryyfo1993ethni and mNThI iidi Tr"niceelnissf the
aisI È itniy n
Eurcalsando Afclca andoar
to th CApe (Rn AueA5kliaesCan,da,whndiaesJamta,icSpe ap
i,andoSo h Aa llcaGIhey
are"tu te ica reht dpmandofTCo"duire, buabo ni and mNThlt" iEamrol ci s
AlÅic2, on( fove2,,en"ffond ni,"RsisinMike Osborn,twnd clishS2, ngxtierhinwD fovin nCcnFCTRsBaextins S Sgge, a , Cren5k!
nd oA ftt(Rn Po tllt",icOreg b.ut"TAb,ni and mNThI iidi Tr"nic ocil lhi dCoutiaat whyfoiowmeetthcSou a l dpmando
uli. 1(Rn-d"yf12cechn,n oYA5k""hint buni and mNThlhng
S2,iEtot"XgramsG pne me cltt>Rpgive outicSou a lit in r em tht/M61 iny
nd oA fecni and mNTheork oAbidpc2, on( fove2,; 5niynow."roAvail ct whywDey
areMbas__ID mlt" iEamsolu3/MeEa rtn li, o
eSsen5(thni and mNT,,; 5ntly ey;lt" oAbr Smawhebetaotle--3,600 S r r È itniyto
15,000 itniyf YanwidiGIhey
areInoad7i!I(S, oAbr SmawhebetaoerInd"rerigm r mtoolesbasteIn dpe (cnFnoicad7i!I(Slmlmh1ble ly
55,000 S r r Èni 32 SheOabastD"rerigm r mKit3.(SDK)icSou a liG pFtt(h
i,r em tht/M6,YoTCoiooTCdeCoiEtoSDK,,; wryEan ofn abas__ID Dprerig rwSfovin nCcnF(800) 227-4679on lr ,eiin aS2,oiEtoSDKai,
$69ofTCoCD-ROMtonf , ando$399ofTCoCD-ROMtplus "mend Indocum r a3/MeGIhey
areFTunde i o1975,aabas__ID (NASDAQ "MSFT") TR yoFmf Yanwidi lng tok""-tsoeOabast adp g li(SlmlmaAT6,eriG lr ,Ialmt
y,"an r oa widi rat CAnfx"Xgramssme-- seovin nC adpbuextins ando " li(Slmlof , uUnXcfhsttne Hell3.yoFmmis3/M61S2,makpe (Rghwryiatian th
n THE MARCH BETA OFmNThLIVES! p Hgr 'sha fof CAeenissaf,erIa Cuple S2Dig_Talk!
"XgramhetAiursaS2,of :Ihey
are-tCalmttiat whyfwof12t
a Boot Man, Crh1n
s wmis tonWu te TR it?ey
areeeWu te TR yoFmdoc? SETUPhlt" oAbdDiskhAdApeitar tol mecotn ze oAb
areeeBootManEa rti!I(S, btioi ishtahintNThleD mm ÈHello BootMan, o
icl3.xt f Yome5niyIsf the
boot t
a "anaS2,frigpiesnandod i ishta BootMan.3.xt f YoI'm eSsens
be cltt>Rpboot NTh le--BootMan.pne''rc fe...Thumbs3.xt f Youpo b s wmis i, Ahumbs and o b rehtwhy.Ihey
are-tDri. 1itATCoiaalsdri. sme-- sTund bothds TR mScotbet,er.yIsweicaclt3.xt f Yo>Rpb"nicupomy NTha rti!I(Stiowmy Te--be g 3820mSCSouiaalsdri. ,Ccns
xt f Yoabo oAbr am Èspo
cadCPB"niupo8.0 under"snG lr ,PAS-16 sTunds
xt f Yobothd TR eSsen5(ed! <rah!> l
Rpb" tI Culdn't g tfittiowHere. <boo>s
xt f YoVidiosdri. resbastbet,er.ySte'rcno 8514ctt(ATIsdri. reG lr r 'shas
xt f YooiEtric VESA 800x600 dri. rG lrumbs moh f tup.Ihey
istbet,er ((Stmy 486/33 lon o-bueÈ Sgg).yIt'shste'rcslit t3.xt f Yo>tatpmy ni and m3.1 3e upoendonIN-t
a 3.1 under"oAbdDecembe st
a3.xt f Yo2.1 beta, btiob"crAS2,iEns sbastrun"hint ocil lhi dCvidiosdri. re.3.xt f Yolrumbs up.Ihey
i, ocG clt.yIsweicaclttiowEns sb"crAoAbdJuf t ndoOclib t3.xt f Yo ocwryEnCcnFyoFmdrcamcadan atG lr ,Marcot ocwryE tsitg bbr Sv2rht3.xt f YoAiursaHello a rashon(IpeIoulhehcalsso! 8->)olrumbs up.Ihey
are-tSETUPhweicmScotwryiat. Eeln a Sou a 3e upodidn't s wmp adpenrug13.xt f Yo>thins fiIt'shste'rcnot ,errinf tuseo-fcle f ,Cl
rug1.pFtt(exalmoA,3.xt f YoI adgottiowanrhenicyoFm"S tfup,donterelmaAT bbnis" rhenicboxfe
-txt f YoAa
go therug12criIdonterel3e up.yItpeIoulhebehwryiati>Rpb"nicup3.xt f Yo>terug12criI3e up.ylrumbs moh f tup.Ihey
are-tYouscanonowsf thecoladp*andoanimhi d* S soreG AtCanA5ol Panels
xt f Yoapplethleissyouschons s le--aI3e mcadeSselied S sore adpdian rbni3.xt f Yomofhs (nadthl S sor,oAiurglaecansizhin, utc).yNeat ean cE.dJusi3.xt f Yow
cnFyoutiav2rhgnc fove2sao eG 8->Ihey
are-tlr ,sTurchecodttiowDLGEDIThlt" SPY TR eSselied. Vlyyfnin , ftonf s
xt f Yoa,
tstud t idGIhey
areIt'shg t,hintbet,er.yIsdon't know ftCaldex TR uUi(Slclttbtio iny' i
g t,hintclns r.yI''rcbyoi ishtahinti bua 386-40 o b, andoI''rc feow
areeeeeeeeeeeee(PROF.MARKesCAT14, TOP12,aaSG:36/M615)Ihey>>>>>eeeHi PrcadMarp! p Y i, i we'rccap ure mlipst CH 'rcashste'reG lratn "Xgra Yodoein't dowmecmScotgoodobecausbr inlonf twg yI'hef the
n ZIPMan, Crhv1.1 ee(ApeishupgA de) tsitbeenmensi dC&peIoulhebehavail cltt adDig_Talk!
"Xgramhetdownload 3/25!i A Apeis, btiofrutar thintbug tsitbeen
(Ip>thik i was-yoFmmajtt(causbrcadanlo mcadeiocltm ), andoa cCupleico2Èsmhta enhanreenisscanobtt aund T p thpaof . re/MeGusTAb,olhe. re/Me tsiwDbeenmremweedofle--yoFmlibrayyGus-Lorhin Rns ey
y OS/2 users"t threobastcutn threGusTAb,numbers mig1t sfemebintyoeyou, btiofr kf ,tIalmtr
sizeaof infDns ndpni and markets,tinyobastApeiscule.reA'rcyoushathetceydo is lonk at woat sof wbasspeople bastbuyi g,eyoFmlietssbastdoApehi dCbys
Dns ndpni and epplichi/M6s.eyn ac7usNcal,eI f1T kFoAbdwaytyoege OS/2 supen5(hisnto bet" sTm Èmanufactursn ear i6 aenrnthrdway.rePointho p oehimeyoat shiÈe EVERYONEhisnignoriintOS/2
cnFoAbrr i,
a "capti. "ds5lesamarketFoAbrr adCtAe folkseyoat DOhaddres3n is.reRig1t now T p thpDnsadCni and Werldpavet"adCiscfig1thint adCaesliceeyof infpi amangsnFhrardsaof rnthrdvet"ads,me-- iat'schard tereGusTAbsbic"eople ne
tocrearise t
cnFoAb OS/2 pi , o
smhta r,2isn mas lytjusihsitthintyoFre.reAnd yoat wof12aplittleFterelthey canoge aic"met y BIGesliceaof iat pi fiBecausedii suastsfemihtocmeeyoat yousOS/2
usersmtalk2aplottyoeSneme-rnthr,me-- iat yousbastALL vlyyfun-happyCabo s
the lackaof supen5(, e-- iat IFhyousdiscovly2apgood quality board (even ifn is'scsayhnrnFoAbdboard wof12oAbdbest ;er adthiÈe)eyoat has GOODsOS/2
supen5(, iat yousbastgohintyoed lhevlyyfrnthrdOS/2 userCabo it,me-- in
groupaof youswe'rclit tlmf 'flock'tyoepurchase t
cnF"morams.eyn ac7usYoussfe
wfeastI f1T kFmas mmanufactur rs goowrnngais i6 assumhintyoa s
theyswe'rcgenFoAbds5m Èsizedesliceaof iecOS/2 marketFasctinyodo ithpDnn market fiB co-sidedhinthow fof people bastelecthintyoepayticipaiehT p th
fig1t adCtAe OS/2 pi , I f1T kFoAat logic iscflaw .s OS/2 supen5(hne ss
to beF"mbsbni dCa,
a "missedoopen5(unity".s WhoevlyhgensnT p thirliiret,eylt" dcesalpgood jobswe'rcpioc cly-doApehi FoAat marketF adCaesignifichntictiar yoeIal .eyn ac7usssssssssssssssssssssssssss[*][*][*]
the p*ss-poadCvidio dri. r supen5(.reAhlargep"edcbniagepof iese "flaarrs"eylastconsulthnts,tVAR's and/adCcoCen5hi Foypesawof12purchase-decis/M6n influt ct.reI woulhdvettur nto saytyoa a
hig1 r "edcbniagepof OS/2
usersmmeenFoAbdcriteriapof "approvlsnadCmecalmendsapurchase of..."hif udceyni and users - ovlyhta.i Mas mof iese i aivhdualssbastSO fod-upawof12oAbeydelaysnT p32-bit Macl
supen5(hfle--ATI,nto naar a eiTme offend t, t
y fur!ri apurchasesaof ATIm;Xgramss,eyREGARDLESSmof argetpplat adtm(i fDn-ni and ).reIfCATImdcesanrnFoAT kn tist s-hur!hintyoFm,
weta, woat canoI say?sTAbyshathetthirlcoCen5hi FAea ss
T p thpsand...eyn ac7usssssssssssssssssssssssssss[*][*][*]
n n ac7uW
ioAtT6 GEni , odo yousspondnmas mof your tiar downloadhint iles? n IfssT, yousmaytbemmisshintoutCsTm exceta n infadthi/M6e p thpBhile!hi n Board sbasa.7usTAe messages mliet dCabovlCtT6ly-scratcl
ihsSrfaclCtTf n wiat'scavail clt lt" waithint adCyous p thpbhile!hi board basa.eyn ac7uIf yousbastseriaus Cabo your IBM-PC,eyoFmGEni Lamp staffesirnngly-
urgepnyousoegithetth pbhile!hi board basa a iry.7usTAereobastclit tlmf n tausandsatcadmessages mpoet dChfle--people clik yousfle--tall ovly2tth ps
went on2oo saytyoa "ii woulhdbetnTcttif weocruldcgenFoAbddar6FoA intyoey;oweteonCwof1o burnhintoutCclhpssbe adtctinlannruncedcdeli. ry dat ".eyHowevly, i s-nofslet er iscnrnForyhintyoecrsiha dispayagiintlig1t M6
n eyGEni Lamp>sssHi,uCharlitGusTAankeo adCbehintourd"Ini dviof of iecMonf1."Ih""""""""" re T lhu,
a littoAtabo yourself:
a littoAtbackgraund, woat you
sssssssssssssdo adCe lithin,mhof yousgonFhaok
upawof12GEni , woat your
sssssssssssssIalmut t set-upaisdlik ,tetc.IheyCharles>sssIcamta chemiet by rainhintand a Uni. rsity admhiistrhior durhiney""""""" re oAbddayGuIlbuilt myciirs mcolmut t (anoImsai)ti p1978 lt" was a
isic""""""""" re quess/Me:reAs youslaok aAea , woat do yousfeeaeisctinlfactor
sssssssssssssmcs mlik ly-io chhigt tinlfacesof calmuthinti p thpnextfow
devllopeenisof gA phic userCini dfaces (GUI's) isic"""""""ssssmakhintmajor chhigts i p thpfacesof IBM-Ialmaticlt Ialmuthin.
sssssssssssTA s- s-oneCcadoAb mcs msignhficanthdevllopeenis i p thpmeceni
ssssssssssspaet eysn eyGEni Lamp>sssOneCcadoAb mcs msignhficanthfacets of iecIBM RTeisctinlfileic""""""""" re sems/Me.reWAatsaastsTm cadoAb mcs msignhficanthchhigts i p th
ssssssssssssslype and qulmityCcadsharewarep tat yousseecascIalmar
sssssssssssssfow yeads ego?reW
ere do yousnA iktyoFmsharewarepconcepisisicsssssssssssssAea edti p thpnextfowsyeads?IheyCharles>sssSharewarepconthiu s2oo offedtsTm cadoAb mcs msignhficant,ic"""""""sssshig1esihqulmityCsof wbassavail clt in iecIBM marketplacl.sIlsee
isctr ndpconthiuhin.7Sharewarepis e Aealthy-Tnausiryasegeeni.
sssssssssssAs OS/2 and WTnaod NTematur , weowe'rcseeca rapi- ex"e-s/M6e
n eyGEni Lamp>sssDOSl6 isc;XgcablymoneCcadoAb hrnFisems caddiscuss/Me.reWAatIh""""""""" re is2your impresshMetaadoAb pmorams?IheyCharles>sssDOSl6.0pis e matur pmorams.7It is basiclmf anoevolus/Meary
"""""""ssssstepmRn DOSldevllopeeni,sbundlhinta vadhetyCcadtools-Tnio a
ssssssssssssingl package.reIs
iscanoexc lenthchoicep adCtAecnof userCor
a lotsof iar adCmoneye
sssssssssssobtainhintoAb plethn5hsof uthliti s2o
eastnrwlbuilt in oeyssssssssssslthpbasic package.
n eyGEni Lamp>sssDo yoususe einthr WTnaod ,eWTnaod NTeor OS/2?reIadso, woat doIh""""""""" re youslik abo toF-, and Tfcnrn,cwoat do youslik mor abo s
ssssssssssssslthpplain olhdDOSlini dface?IheyCharles>sssIcsirongly-believl in ushintios ftools-o
ex"loit ie
"""""""sssshardwarep oeiisslimit. Foatur sdsScl
es-multitaskhin, pmotect s
sssssssssssmodeCoperhi/on, pminimsenolhin, etc.
es-impleeeniedti pOS/2 ands
sssssssssssNTearep. ry astlacthvl.sIlamtushintbrnt platfadts cnFpresent ands
ssssssssssswe'rc;Xgcablymconthiu p oedo so.sIlhopeeyoat wetwe'rcseecas
n sssssssssssssssssssss>>> ILLITERACY OF HOMONYMS <<<n sssssssssssssssssssss""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""n sssssssssssCopyrig1tp1993 by Al Fasoldt. Alltrig1tstreserv .
n eysssssAcnof khid-cadillhi racycis sweephintoAb cauniryGs
n ac7usToegitheitCe properdnamt,pit'scoAb illhi racyccadhalonyts - wadd,p tat
saund l
ecs5m Èes-rnthr wadd, btisaastsp led differ n lyGuSTm sayFit's
by Ab pmoliferhi/onCcadspellhintcheckers usld on2colmut ts, btis
tat'scnrnFtinlfull sioryGs
n ac7usYoussee, mcs mspellhintcheckers bassabysmlmf dumb.rTAbysdon't knofs
iecdiffer nchpbetween "bead"se-- "bbas,"tad "do"se-- "dew." Allt tat mcs
spellhintcheckers knof i,p tat "do"sis sp led jusihascIarrectlycasc"dew"n isGs
n ac7usAnd l
ere l
ecdisast teIal s-TnGs
n ac7usCalbhiese bad sp let (huma
vadhety)twof12e bad sof wbass;XggA lp tat
can't disi/inuishpbetween oAb eppropri tetwadd e-- ieconeCtoat is jusi
"lain ludicrous,se-- you hathel
ecse s
cadtAecnof illhi racyGs
n ac7usA poem posiedton iecIni rnen,ca worldwidt colmut t nenwork, shod
woat Ismeae.reHere it is:eyn ac7ussssssssssssssssssssssssss"Sp lbaund"n ac7ussssssssssssssssssssssssby Pennye Harpers
n ac7usssssssssssssssssssI hatheamspellhintchecker;n ac7ussssssssssssssssssssssIs
ref it;n ac7usssssssssssssssssI'mdsSastyour pleasld toocnr.n ac7usssssssssssssssIt'sclett t-perfect in it'scweig1.n ac7ussssssssssssssssss Mytchecker to led m sew.s
n ac7usI've broug1tpo
upawof12rnthr writ ts, e-- ma
y radtAem says
ieccurr n relianceCcnmspellhintcheckers hascma e mcs mof usclazyGuInstea
of laokhintupa(e-- lwrrnhin)ca word wetdon't knofshof tocspell, weojusi
cnFoAb spellhintcheckertwe'rccascl
n ac7usTA s- s-;Xgcablymtrur.rBut Islaok a eitCenrnthr wayGuSpellhintisicsupposld topbeFoaug1tpRn schoolsloinpbefor studenis do mScl
PCs, sosItdon't nA iktspellhintcheckers basstopbl5m ÈTfcweocan' mspell; Is
i iktyoFse brainless
sof wbass;XggA ls basssimply shodhinthof enorly wen were laug1tpatsanoearly age.
n ac7usI sayF"we" sos tat yousdon' mgethoAb impresshMettoat Is lpjusihthlkhin
abo kids.rAdults hathel
isdhalonytic afflici/on, tooGs
n ac7usTAe2rnthr day,ma disi/inuishld publishlrccadhaw-topbaoks
TAbcMPC l celpconthiu s2oo grof in enpularity, e-- ss/ckshintwof12ittwe'r
pmevl t yousfle--endhin
upawof12inIalmaticlt Ialmonenis.usTAe2hardwarepisiccheap, e-- sof wbass s-;lentifulGs
n ac7usTAe2nwo main Ialmonenisccadmultimedia --usaund cadd, e-- CD-ROMIhdriths --uar Cafefairly hig1hqulmityCnof, bti mor importan ly,FoAbysar n inex"e-s/vl.s Vidto,slthpnextstepmRn multimedia,lhascshod n
of Vidtop adCWTnaod ,ebti ittwe'rcbeFsTm tiar befor hig1-qulmityCvidton we'rcbeF"layhinta tyour PC.n n n Saund Cadd, usTAe2rlhdSaund Blast tesiandardais ss/'rcwof12us,se-- it
16-biisrecordhinse-- any typeCcadCD-ROMlini dfaceuar Caps/MesGreIsstWTnaod Ihdrithrs bassless
thantperfect, e-- support
fle--g5m ÈIalmani s2hascbel
slof in coliinGs
n ac7usOne
cadtAecnofes mseri sdof saund cadd, ere l
os fbasld on iecARIAicchipset.usTAeseuar Cwathelaclt-basld synyos,Cmcs mofferhinsSaund Blast ticcalmatichlityte-- voiceprecognis/Me.usTAeysar ccurr n lycnrnFallt tat
pnpular,ebti oAbr cmay-be ascmanycasc20 radtAem on iecmarketainctinlnext
of monf1sGs
n ac7usRole-- ismknofn adCmakhinsgasatdpmofesshMetmusic equipmeni,ebti oAby
Aathealsocbel Cmakhinsgasatdsaund cadd, shichel
ecLAPC-1GreIsstcurr n
offerhin,p te SCC-1,pis e Generhl MIDI saund caddtwof12exc len
Tnstdumenis; hofe. r,pittl cksnecDAC,ethusFis musihbe usld in conjunci/onn wef12enrnthr saund cadd.usCaliintsoonti,p te TAP-10,2o
CanvascIalmaticlt aid-caferda 16-biisst te
reverb aid-chorusFeffects.s TA s-we'rc;Xgcablymbhel
ecsecon- "pmofesshMeal"n MPC saund cadd,
aft tel
ecMultiSaund.s TAe TAP-10-we'rcreportldly bheo ins
mid-Mayse-- renFahlp adC$599.n n n CD-ROMlDriths Douclt speedtdriths bassalmcs mbecoliinttinlnadtCnof, ands
""""""""""""" t adCsmorntlfull-moi/onCvidto,slthy'assalmcs masnecessity.n AthoAb s5m Ètimt,pthoug1,FfullycMPC Ialmaticlt driths bassbsehkiinttinl$200
n ac7usSony'sc31A ceddyless
drithpis elmcs mbecoliinttinlnof siandardaascmcs
lof-Ias mmultimedia upgA dsskiissnof include it.reIs
isdfairly slof,pwof12e
450 ms
stekÈtimt,pbti ittdoestfullycsupport
Kodak'scPhotopCDts Sgg,
including multisesshMetdiscsGs
n ac7usNECCwa,p te firet tocse'rcatdouclt speedtdrith, e-- ieirtMultiSpins
seri sdi,pone
cadtAecbes msellhin.usTAeysnof include 256KCbufferscandcPhoton CDeIalmatichlity.s Onthr douclt speedtdrithcmakers include Texelpands
Toshiba.usSeverhl rnthr Ialmani s2se'rcyoFse uniissund tel
y don't I "buckpup" e-- los fiecweig1tpagain,stinlrig1tpwaystA sIhtime? uHmm . . . Abr ',p te answer:ssI'mdwaithint adCR.aSimmMesFton cknofledge mycexisieichebymsellhin hi,ponce-contrc. rsilm "Dsal-a-Meal"n p ckag , loinpago adaptsd for uslpon PCs,pon iecQVCfshopphintnetwork.s
n ac7usTAenssTm rotu-- hackhr we'rcgithpin e-- writsses"cheatdpmogA m"Cfor
it, e-- I''rcbeFaclt lopeanFallt tt chocolat ccakeFa-- Haag n Daz (nrw ins
. rsion 6.0,sI believe) I want
oAb calls2he'- gethon iectech support
line?n "Riclard,el
isdisdWandaGu My husbe-- go sT
desperhi flrs mnig1tc tat
en hi fiecDsal-a-Meal disk, e-- woul-n' mgithpmt eebyte.reIs wa,pe
iecdisplay its lf. F"/N"ttellscFIND to slow tAecrllhi/vheline numb rtfcss
eactefile tAcnscontainsCtAecsearcl striin e--, astyoupcencs e,
it dehs t
et nth beginniin afelacleline.usIswan 2ooctrydMeermcre tAiin by cAangiin
tAcnslast camma--.n n
aDIR /W |eFIND /Nt"7"cisFtAeccamma--Fa--Fresults in:n n [7]DMDRVR BIN G7 COMss G7 SYS G7-NEWS G7-READ ME n [8]G7COM G7INSTAL BAT G7SYS GETCLK COMss HELP BBS
[11] 27 File(s)rrrr249856 bytesnfree
arrHatheyousfigurl- aunFwha isFgoiin on thre ybt?pIf not (orsethn ia
sT),sIswe'rcexplain it.usW Ftol- DOS ocgithcus aedirectorydwef12t
eco put
of tAcnscomma--Ftoabecfilt re- by FIND.usW Ftol- FIND to display tAeclis iin wints
cca find)e-tefile tllhi/vhe- "DIR.TXT" cen altinecrou)e-tyoupcennsCtAecsllscFIND to coun ie
numb rtcadoccurr nc s2afe"striin" e-- topreport nth total.s Is did tAa ,
right?pNotemuc_lthn ia
sT 9327OMss HE8-27DIRllNSTe'youreddisplay:n hcify ".EXmalleli"n admhi,do,cnrcnrW SET:00a
-- bfileso"strctort! An toslinnitrydMeermus tAn tplayf tAcnscommYoupk ilt ca'rctrydt cen iethctFsixf1-NEWScto" wh-d FINinsaupk itrcME cAahWS urr nttaDIRth begitArwecnhyoupsixNowplain os
n AUT9327th "Dupa yafe"srus tARllpapeg, he--splay-- bfilewsrecnd ietcdrithX/C/i"t;araiC/i"hreine n ni/ons n ipma--:nttablan"7"b"7" I'llttellNowmogramty TV, VCRoriinceppr neanswkn os
display, islitcn-Fbti sememb r, weBobes nIGss you[R.CONNORS2]ecaus FweoFwe4DOS, NDOS, AND knowLOADHw F COMMANDnthr
rldirectoFwIS MY BATTERY DIEING?tonthrDocIsseBob,:00a
[22]re ybtMS-DOS 6xuewaine cisscydMeerm4.02.TXT" fixract rHn ti i--Fllumbmha Orn n
n upperecas4.01x Is dids fixracis? yos
ayo I e cucurrco NDOS-- direI am uinsco to?drithclacelnG7INShclacDtriiltonthrHellocDtriil,:00a
[22MarrIurAaraellNSycwha e4DOSm4.02.fixesract rHn ti i FllumbmlscFsplay ehWSptt its specit (his sps QEMM386)in.Hen n
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de aixe
rig4.01G7INSTAiD is
a siexplisplay:pexampque2oio
arrHr oha nts pli by afe"see D is
a s1) Clng tplaySHELLan"ym;arainisplayCONFIG.SYS.fimb rtcpoidn'trldirectrtc4DOSmianpshorperNDOSatemTCLK NDOS- subseEX/C/4DOS,'trldirectr96 ]DM t beFecroo uiin cbecaus Fwe2)iApdefaulcFsernI typecifi. F"Wecg/4DOS.COMfi. COMMAND.COM'trldirect;arauscwha einisplaySHELLacuc 3ecn.22]G7SYS
ecpecit'trldirect(dwAeneonuscw4DOSmmys af) TAL BATrIurAar 44d,'trldirectac s nth ni. him.usIfe s nnI e-- sw--Fto fcX/C'trldirectexafiguVR B Fllumbmgiths yaprdat Fbticbecaus FweHlt!do,cnrhelps TAL a7SYSorpercecfio
rldirecthonCfiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidd\sssssssssl youssa/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~dd\sssss/ ddd.lNo Skwe'ng ! youss/ousseMOOy we IKE WHITEseMWHITE]sssssss(iin)d.l' yous*ssssssssCows15]DMDLu)e An 3p,iiiiiiiiiidd~~~hr
rldir hmareetr .RlAgecg..sss|]C/ckFdddddedeng F727eITPRO ,r n e lr "Oh,r eahHITEalsosdownloa islasssssss9ucufixe~~~~~~us oblemsu P 'iii-- ~~~~~~~~~~nt~~~~l/sd|ddDeskJess[DK0774.ZIP~~~~~~~diMicrosofteRT ( ygl 505)-hlibrary].RlFddddlllll n do