Eval Input - Copies the input to the history window and the T evaluator. The input window is cleared. The copying is done using the pasteboard so the input is still available. The Enter key also performs this action.\
Eval Selection - Copies selected text in the history window into history window and the T evaluator. The copying is done using the pasteboard.\
Eval Pasteboard - Copies the contents of the pasteboard to the history window and the T evaluator.\
{\f0\b\fs24\fi0\li0\ql\gray0 Scroll modes}
{\f0\fs24\fi0\li0\ql\gray0 \
Always scroll to show added text - When turned on, all text added to the history window is made visible. When turned off, text added to the history window by the slave process will not be made visible by scrolling to it. This allows you to use the scroll bar while the slave process is adding text.\
{\f0\b\fs24\fi0\li0\ql\gray0 Defaults}
{\f0\fs24\fi0\li0\ql\gray0 \
{\f1\fs24\fi0\li0\ql\gray0 SlaveCommand}
{\f0\fs24\fi0\li0\ql\gray0 - The command used to start the slave process. The default command is "}
{\f1\fs24\fi0\li0\ql\gray0 t}
{\f0\fs24\fi0\li0\ql\gray0 ".\
{\f1\fs24\fi0\li0\ql\gray0 \
{\f0\fs24\fi0\li0\ql\gray0 - Font used in the input and history window. The default font is Ohlfs.\
{\f1\fs24\fi0\li0\ql\gray0 NXFixedPitchFontSize}
{\f0\fs24\fi0\li0\ql\gray0 - Size of the font used in the input and history window. The default font size is10 pt.\
{\f1\fs24\fi0\li0\ql\gray0 Columns}
{\f0\fs24\fi0\li0\ql\gray0 - The number of columns in the history window. The default number of columns is 80.\