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The files in this directory constitute the exportable CMU Computer Science
department additions to the C runtime library. They are part of the CMU
CS runtime library by default, but may be exported separately as LIBCS.
Descriptions of user-callable routines are as follows:
execute process and wait for exit:
run run ala execl
runv run ala execv
runp run from path ala execlp
runvp run from path ala execvp
path utilities:
abspath determine absolute pathname from path
path break path into file and/or directory components
ascii translation:
atoh ascii to hexadecimal
atoo ascii to octal
atot ascii to time_t
string utilities:
folddown fold string to lowercase
foldup fold string to uppercase
salloc allocate dynamic copy of string
sindex find index of substring
skipover skip characters in cset
skipto skip characters not in cset
ulstrcmp case-insensitive version of strcmp
ulstrncmp case-insensitive version of strncmp
string table utilities:
prstab print string table to stdout
fprstab print string table to file
srchscore perform approximate string matching
stablk string table lookup
stabsearch search for best match within string table
stlmatch match leftmost part of string
argument parsing:
nxtarg strip off arguments from a string
boolarg parse boolean argument
chrarg parse character argument
doublearg parse double argument
floatarg parse float argument
hexarg parse hexadecimal integer argument
intarg parse decimal integer argument
longarg parse decimal long integer argument
octarg parse octal integer argument
searcharg parse "best" string table argument
shortarg parse decimal short integer argument
stabarg parse string table argument
strarg parse string argument
interactive parsing:
getbool prompt user a yes/no question
getchr prompt user to select a character
getdouble prompt user for double
getfloat prompt user for float
gethex prompt user for hexadecimal integer
getint prompt user for decimal integer
getlong prompt user for decimal long integer
getoct prompt user for octal integer
getsearch prompt user for "best" string table entry
getshort prompt user for decimal short integer
getstab prompt user for string table entry
getstr prompt user for string
date and time conversion:
fdate return formated date string
gtime return time_t from struct tm
parsedate parse date string
kernel support:
vmnlist quick kernel nlist routine
path searching:
searchp search path for file
fopenp search path and fopen file
openp search path and open file
fwantread attempt to fopen file along path for input
fwantwrite attempt to fopen file along path for output
wantread attempt to open file along path for input
wantwrite attempt to open file along path for output
password file matching:
getpwwho lookup user using liberal matching
getpwambig return ambiguous matches from getpwwho
file moving/copying:
movefile change name of file
ffilecopy very fast buffered file copy
filecopy very fast file copy
random utilities:
bsearch binary search ala qsort
ci command interface
del interrupt handler
dfork "double" fork
editor invoke preferred editor for user
errmsg return error message string
expand expand wildcard filename pattern
fgetpass read password from file or terminal
gethostattr get attributes of current host
getname get name from user-id
putenv add variable to environment
quit exit program with error message
setpath "smart" path modification interface