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- - 1 -
- 4. _B_u_g__F_i_x_e_s
- 4.1 _B_u_g__F_i_x_e_s__B_e_t_w_e_e_n__I_R_I_X__6_._5_._1__a_n_d__6_._5_._2
- 4.1.1 _M_a_x__I_m_p_a_c_t_,__H_i_g_h__I_m_p_a_c_t_,__S_o_l_i_d__I_m_p_a_c_t_,__M_X_I_,__S_S_I_,__S_I
- +o Powerflip backgrounds wrong on Impact graphics. Bug
- Number 507091.
- +o glStencilFunc may crash gfx if not preceeded by
- glFinish. Bug Number 578854.
- +o Evaluator state may be disturbed by context-switching.
- Bug Number 584097.
- +o Fragment operations affect glAccum(GL_RETURN,*). Bug
- Number 599628.
- +o Detail texture function interpolated incorrectly on
- machines with hardware texturing. Bug number 604510.
- +o Failure GLXDestroyContext during indirect rendering.
- Bug Number 621011.
- +o IGLOO lmc color mode can't render indirectly. Bug
- Number 623684.
- +o Line color wrong when lines are clipped. Bug Number
- 631712.
- 4.2 _B_u_g__F_i_x_e_s__B_e_t_w_e_e_n__I_R_I_X__6_._5__a_n_d__6_._5_._1
- 4.2.1 _M_a_x__I_m_p_a_c_t_,__H_i_g_h__I_m_p_a_c_t_,__S_o_l_i_d__I_m_p_a_c_t_,__M_X_I_,__S_S_I_,__S_I
- +o Geometry not flushed when losing current. Bug Number
- 507358.
- +o Edge flags wrong in some cases. Bug Number 576511.
- +o Polygon stipple not context switched. Bug Number
- 577320.
- +o Fractional pixel zoom displaced by zoomed pixel height.
- Bug Number 580128.
- +o Fractional pixel zoom is now rounded to an integer only
- above 24x instead of above 6x. Bug Number 580128.
- +o Window clipping wrong on newly created contexts. Bug
- Number 587308.
- - 2 -
- +o OpenGL 1.1 Polygon offset bias scaled by large factor.
- Bug Number 595452.
- 4.3 _B_u_g__F_i_x_e_s__B_e_t_w_e_e_n__I_R_I_X__6_._2_,__6_._3_,__6_._4_,__a_n_d__6_._5
- 4.3.1 _O_n_y_x/_I_n_f_i_n_i_t_e_R_e_a_l_i_t_y, _O_n_y_x_2/_I_n_f_i_n_i_t_e_R_e_a_l_i_t_y, _a_n_d
- _O_n_y_x_2/_R_e_a_l_i_t_y
- +o PAB2 with voc1b swaps fields when vampiring off of 30r2
- format. Bug Number 543728.
- +o XSGIvc 64bit call QueryChannelInfo dumps core. Bug
- Number 575616.
- +o Video - 10% of time, video comes up jittering/bouncing.
- Bug Number 330865.
- +o Setmon doesn't work on InfiniteReality unless X is
- running. Bug Number 353401.
- +o Texture load with convolve enable does not work. Bug
- Number 353894.
- +o Gfxinfo does not display video info correctly. Bug
- Number 354431.
- +o Texture Manager can Corrupt Textures. Bug Number
- 355810.
- +o Disabling any texture (1D/2D/3D) disables all
- texturing. Bug Number 355811.
- +o Non-2dMipmap texture binds not setting all necessary
- shadow parameters. Bug Number 356357.
- +o InfiniteReality w/ Sirius suffers from field-dominance
- confusion. Bug Number 356365.
- +o Add table driven AA points. Bug Number 356742.
- +o 3d sharpen does not work. Bug Number 356879.
- +o Texture Manager Alignment Issues. Bug Number 357038.
- +o Setmon -p <pipe> does not work. Bug Number 357335.
- +o Libvidfmt validator doesn't get hw config for 2nd pipe
- of two pipe system. Bug Number 357427.
- +o 1d convolution hangs graphics. Bug Number 358206.
- - 3 -
- +o ilSharpenImg default kernel hangs graphics. Bug Number
- 358926.
- +o Blank video in IR textport. Bug Number 359464.
- +o Sirius may not be detected (by ircombine and others).
- Bug Number 361565.
- +o Very Wide Texture will not Download. Bug Number 363351.
- +o Redundant glXBindChannelToWindow calls result in X
- errors. Bug Number 363481.
- +o Quality of the multisample transparency mask is low.
- Bug Number 363681.
- +o Certain DG4 boards' DACs do not get initialized
- correctly. Bug Number 363854.
- +o glMaterial() change outside of bgn/end, between small
- geometry may have caused a pipe hang.. Bug Number
- 364443.
- +o Switching between convolution filters crashes graphics.
- Bug Number 365808.
- +o GLX: Xsgi crash while indirect rendering. Bug Number
- 366790.
- +o The application cannot share filter4 textures between
- contexts. Bug Number 371032.
- +o Incorrect MipMap if Odd Number of Levels. Bug Number
- 372566.
- +o Texture Manager Swap-In uses Application Unpack Modes.
- Bug Number 372831.
- +o Min/max blend function broken on IR. Bug Number 372917.
- +o InfiniteReality graphics may hang during
- shutdown/reboot. Bug Number 373067.
- +o Push/Pop attrib of blend equation is broken. Bug Number
- 373220.
- +o IR stereo is field-swapped, cannot genlock to RE2
- serrated stereo. Bug Number 375120.
- +o H/C sync output select doesn't work. Bug Number 375675.
- - 4 -
- +o Push/Pop of Texture Attributes is Broken. Bug Number
- 375894.
- +o 3d proxy textures do not work. Bug Number 378867.
- +o Pipe Crash if malloc Fails. Bug Number 381089.
- +o Texture Mangager Inefficient. Bug Number 381401.
- +o Texture Draw After a getteximage can Fail. Bug Number
- 383163.
- +o Texture Readback of non-zero min lod. Bug Number
- 383165.
- +o Swap-In of Exactly 64MB Texture can Fail. Bug Number
- 383350.
- +o Changing texture priorities on the fly may fail. Bug
- Number 384524.
- +o Ircombine won't load 640x480_180q field sequential. Bug
- Number 388118.
- +o Sometimes managed area did not match video area. Bug
- Number 392758.
- +o Push/Pop attrib of texgen broken. Bug Number 395994.
- +o Texture scale and bias are not set on texture object
- bind. Bug Number 399151.
- +o Light position and spot direction aren't pushed/popped
- correctly. Bug Number 400363.
- +o Xsgi grows - pixmaps not being freed properly. Bug
- Number 407446.
- +o gluBuild2DMipmaps causes infinite loop. Bug Number
- 426457.
- +o Texgen with viewport clipping causes performance hit.
- Bug Number 431814.
- +o Context switching problem when rendering to pbuffers.
- Bug Number 433323.
- +o Context switching hoses X drawing to overlay planes.
- Bug Number 433687.
- - 5 -
- +o Selection/feedback data is sometimes corrupted. Bug
- Number 433710.
- +o Deleting texture object causes crash in
- releaseMemBank(). Bug Number 437768.
- +o 64-bit OpenGL SEGVs in getmatrix test. Bug Number
- 438494.
- +o Clipmaps don't work with texture color lookup tables.
- Bug Number 447267.
- +o Readback of convolution kernel can hang pipe. Bug
- Number 449847.
- +o General clipmap HW sub-clipmap positioned badly. Bug
- Number 451935.
- +o Pipe crash in glTexSubImage3DEXT. Bug Number 453252.
- +o Pixmap rendering is broken on InfiniteReality. Bug
- Number 454622.
- +o Vsync frame scheduler support is missing. Bug Number
- 455030.
- +o Software support for HU-DDO. Bug Number 457431.
- +o OpenGL doesn't allow window wider than 3k. Bug Number
- 464027.
- +o Z precision in GE. Bug Number 464438.
- +o IR BEF shadow write bug workaround. Bug Number 482637.
- +o Slow display list download on Onyx IR. Bug Number
- 493009.
- +o SceneViewer print to RGB file produces bad file. Bug
- Number 497144.
- +o SceneViewer provokes Xsgi memory leak. Bug Number
- 504810.
- +o Gfx hang in CosmoPlayer dlist download with shared
- contexts. Bug Number 514550.
- +o OpenGL apps don't run with X server proxies. Bug Number
- 524291.
- - 6 -
- 4.3.2 _O_n_y_x_/_R_e_a_l_i_t_y_E_n_g_i_n_e_,__O_n_y_x_/_R_e_a_l_i_t_y_E_n_g_i_n_e_2_,__a_n_d__O_n_y_x_/_V_T_X
- +o Graphics hang on REII IP19 when loading texture memory.
- Bug number 472831.
- +o DoubleBuffer application goes SingleBuffered in stereo.
- Bug number 481989.
- +o Pixmap rendering is broken on RealityEngine. Bug
- number 454622
- +o Incorrect primitive lighting when using
- GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE parameter to glColorMaterial().
- Bug number 341355.
- +o A pipe hang caused by X server drawing large bitmap
- images. Bug number 419755.
- +o Incorrect X server drawing of bitmaps under certain
- circumstances. Bug number 372836.
- +o Corruption of dynamically allocated graphics subsystem
- memory (heap memory) that occurred when multiple
- graphics contexts allocate memory (i.e., for histogram,
- pixel maps, OpenGL's attribute stack etc.) such that
- the total size of the graphics subsystem heap exceeds
- the available heap memory. Under certain circumstances
- such corruption would cause a pipe hang. Bug number
- 358341.
- +o Incorrect restoration of many parts of OpenGL state
- after glPopAttrib(). Examples are the stencil
- writemask, user clip planes, TexGen environments, etc.
- Bug numbers 406391, 407193.
- +o Incorrect handling of glCopyPixels() with convolution
- enabled. In addition to possible pipe hangs the
- determination of the ability to use optimized path
- based on the values of the color matrix and color
- buffer write mask was incorrect. The failure to select
- an optimized paths had a very significant performance
- implication. Bug numbers 365068 and 412633.
- +o Incorrect handling of GL_FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT_EXT
- blend function. Bug number 370840.
- +o Incorrect handling of OpenGL's 1D and 2D evaluators'
- enable state. Bug number 357517.
- - 7 -
- +o Incorrect error detection and handling for a variety of
- OpenGL commands both for illegal command parameter
- values and for issuing commands that are not allowed
- inside glBegin(...)/glEnd() while inside a
- glBegin(...)/glEnd(). One of the problems that has
- been fixed is described by bug number 372086.
- +o glGetTexGen() of the eye or object plane equations
- always returned the default values rather than the
- actual equations set by the user (although these
- equations were used when generating texture
- coordinates). Bug number 407195.
- +o glGetClipPlane() would return incorrect results when
- more than 16 graphics contexts were running
- simultaneously (the actual equations used by the system
- were however correct). Bug number 421407.
- +o Incorrect handling of linear fog; bug number 374451.
- Note that there were two issues in this case. First,
- there was a bug that caused certain fog parameters to
- be corrupted; this has been fixed. Second, there was
- no support for the IB2 chip, which has significantly
- improved fog capability compared to the older IB1. In
- order to preserve compatibility with previous releases,
- IB2 capability is not enabled by default. One must set
- the environment variable RE_FOG_MODE to the value 2 in
- order to enable it. Note that IB2 capability must be
- used if compatibility between RealityEngine and
- InfiniteReality is desired.
- +o There was a memory leak in glColorTableSGI() when
- loading texture color lookup tables. Bug number
- 437745.
- +o Iconifying and de-iconifying a running application
- could cause a segmentation violation. The conditions
- needed to cause this are exceedingly rare, except in
- real-time applications running with non-degrading
- priority. Bug number 452106.
- +o Cursor colors with component values greater than 127
- were handled incorrectly. (No associated bug number.)
- +o Suspension and resumption of selection and feedback
- modes were handled incorrectly. Bug number 458806.
- +o A problem (introduced in patch 1442) with accidental
- enabling of user clip planes was fixed. This bug was
- manifest as incorrect feedback results after user clip
- planes had been set. (No associated bug number.)
- - 8 -
- +o When using pixie with N32 OpenGL programs, the pixied
- program dumps core. Bug number 372990.
- +o Use of a glDrawPixels() command with an image of a
- particular size could cause display-list corruption,
- leading to a segmentation fault. Bug number 433594.
- +o The change introduced in patch SG0001702 to fix bug
- 374451 accidentally created new problems with
- exponential and EXP2 fog, for both OpenGL and IrisGL.
- Bug number 467103.
- +o The performance of IrisGL and OpenGL mode changes
- (i.e., setting of the color mask, depth test, blending
- and fog functions, enables, material binding, etc.),
- and OpenGL matrix queries have been improved by more
- than 30%.
- +o OpenGL switching between different contexts
- (glMakeCurrent/Read) performance has been improved by
- about 25%.
- +o The performance of OpenGL pushing and popping of the
- current state (glPush/PopAttrib(GL_CURRENT_BIT)) has
- been improved by a factor of more than 15.
- +o The performance of OpenGL and IrisGL evaluators has
- been improved by more than 40%.
- +o glDrawPixels of small images (< 50K bytes) has been
- tuned.
- +o The size of the available graphics subsystem dynamic
- memory (heap memory) has been doubled. Thus, for
- example, OpenGL applications can use a larger number of
- big pixel lookup tables (PixelMaps) simultaneously with
- a large histogram.
- +o The maximum width of an OpenGL viewport has been
- increased from 2048 to 2560. Bug number 448477.
- 4.3.3 _M_a_x__I_m_p_a_c_t_,__H_i_g_h__I_m_p_a_c_t_,__S_o_l_i_d__I_m_p_a_c_t_,__M_X_I_,__S_S_I_,__S_I
- +o Corrupt 3D textures on pacecar patch1447 (420320).
- +o PTC: Textures fail on solid impact (496353).
- +o Patch 1935: kernel panic in MgrasEramBufFree (504019).
- +o Allocating and deallocating P-Buffers crashes (504774).
- - 9 -
- +o patch 1935: corrupted textures in perfly (512526).
- +o patch1935: GLquake - loading levels much slower
- (505864).
- +o Allocating and deallocating P-Buffers crashes (504774).
- +o OpenGL on MGras prevents unpin or unmap of memory
- (486824).
- +o 64-bit Performer-based applications with big texture
- fail (571915).
- 4.3.4 _O_2
- +o Color bias doesn't clamp correctly on O2 (555270).
- +o Poor read depth buffer performance on O2 (547483).
- +o Masked stencil buffer clears don't work on O2 (547481).
- +o Power-up stereo-in-a-window fails on O2 (545312).
- +o OpenGL stereo picking off by 20 pixels (543964).
- +o Fast RGB broken with pixelzoom and histograming
- (543642).
- +o O2 fails w/ GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH set to large value
- (542763).
- +o Soft pbuffer to texture to frame buffer problem
- (524922).
- 4.3.5 _G_R_2_,__G_R_3_,__E_x_t_r_e_m_e
- 4.3.6 _X_L_,__I_n_d_y