# | CODE,C,254 | STYLE,C,254 | GAME_TITLE,C,254 | CATEGORY,C,254
1 | 3dop | Feature | 3DOpinions | Feature |
2 | aciv | Strategy | Advanced Civilization Review | Review |
3 | beas | RPGadven | The Beast Within Review | Review |
4 | lord | Strategy | Chaos Overlords Preview | Preview |
5 | civ2 | Strategy | Civilization 2 Preview | Preview |
6 | comb | Strategy | Close Combat Preview | Preview |
7 | cmag | Arcade | Cybermage: Darklight Awakening Review | Review |
8 | drk2 | RPGadven | Darkseed II Review | Review |
9 | dead | Strategy | Deadlock Preview | Preview |
10 | fbll | Sports | Front Page Sports: Football Pro '96 Review | Review |
11 | ihnm | RPGadven | I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream Review | Review |
12 | iceb | Arcade | Icebreaker Review | Review |
13 | jack | RPGadven | Jack the Ripper Review | Review |
14 | karm | Misc. | Karma: Curse of 12 Caves Review | Review |
15 | moo2 | Strategy | Master of Orion 2: Battle for Antares Preview | Preview |
16 | mply | Strategy | Monopoly Review | Review |
17 | pand | RPGadven | The Pandora Directive Preview | Preview |
18 | pqsw | RPGadven | Police Quest: SWAT Review | Review |
19 | psxx | Feature | PSXtreme | Feature |
20 | attk | Sports | Quarterback Attack Review | Review |
21 | rise | Strategy | Rise & Rule of Ancient Empires Preview | Preview |
22 | rlee | Strategy | Robert E. Lee: Civil War General Preview | Preview |
23 | scop | Feature | SaturnScope | Feature |
24 | shan | RPGadven | Shannara Review | Review |
25 | shiv | RPGadven | Shivers Review | Review |
26 | A-10 | Simulation | Silent Thunder: A-10 Attack 2 Preview | Preview |
27 | tmw! | Strategy | This Means War! Review | Review |
28 | torn | RPGadven | Torin's Passage Review | Review |
29 | maym | Arcade | Total Mayhem Preview | Preview |
30 | warh | Strategy | Warhammer: Shadow of the Horned Rat Review | Review |
31 | ces1 | Feature | WCES part 1 | News |
32 | ces2 | Feature | WCES part 2 | News |
33 | ces3 | Feature | WCES part 3 | News |
34 | zapp | Strategy | Zapitalism Preview | Preview