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- #!/bin/sh
- #
- # $Id: post_unpack,v 1.23 1997/04/09 18:45:43 beth Exp $
- #
- # unpack_idl
- #
- # This script expects to be run from the top level RSI directory
- # after IDL has been unpacked from the distribution media. It performs
- # tasks that need to be run on the target machine to complete localization.
- #
- # $1 - If $1 is non-empty, this script assumes that it's being
- # run directly from the tty and offers the user the option
- # of trimming excess binaries from the IDL tree. Otherwise, it
- # limits itself to non-interactive setup tasks.
- IDL_DIR=`pwd`/idl_$VERSION
- SCRIPT=`basename $0`
- UDIR=`pwd`
- # Generate idldemo command.
- echo "#! /bin/sh
- # Defines the environment variables required to get an unlicensed IDL
- # residing in a non-standard location up and running the IDL demo. This
- # lets people give IDL a quick demo without having to get installation
- # and license management done first.
- #
- IDL_PATH=+\$IDL_DIR/lib:\$IDL_DIR/examples/demo
- if [ ! -f \$IDL_DIR/lib/hook/demo.sav ]; then
- echo \" The IDL Demos have not been installed. Please consult the
- installation guide for instructions on installing the demos.\"
- exit 0
- fi
- \$IDL_DIR/bin/idl -em=\$IDL_DIR/lib/hook/demo.sav" > $IDL_BIN/idldemo
- chmod 755 $IDL_BIN/idldemo
- # Generate insight command.
- echo "#! /bin/sh
- # Defines the environment variables required to run insight
- #
- if [ \"\$IDL_PATH\" = \"\" ]; then
- IDL_PATH=\"+\$IDL_DIR/lib:+\$IDL_DIR/examples\"
- else
- IDL_PATH=\"+\$IDL_DIR/lib:+\$IDL_DIR/examples:\$IDL_PATH\"
- fi
- exec \$IDL_DIR/bin/idl \$IDL_DIR/bin/start_insight.txt " > $IDL_BIN/insight
- chmod 755 $IDL_BIN/insight
- # Generate register command.
- echo "#! /bin/sh
- # Defines the environment variables required to get an unlicensed IDL
- # residing in a non-standard location up and running the Electronic
- # Registration. This registers idl to receive a license file.
- #
- exec $IDL_DIR/bin/idl -em=$IDL_DIR/lib/register.sav" > $IDL_BIN/rsi_register
- chmod 755 $IDL_BIN/rsi_register
- # Create the shell scripts idl_setup and idl_setup.ksh which can be used
- # to set up the environment variables and aliases required by IDL
- # related commands (idl, idlde, idlhelp, idldemo) if the links to
- # the default directory (/usr/local/rsi/idl) are not being used.
- #
- # C shell users should source idl_setup or envi_setup from their .cshrc files,
- # using the full path to the IDL directory as follows:
- # source full_path_to_IDL_Directory/idl_setup
- # Korn shell users should run idl_setup.ksh or envi_setup.ksh from their
- # .profile file (using the ". idl_setup.ksh" notation), as follows:
- # . full_path_to_IDL_Directory/idl_setup.ksh
- #
- echo "# C shell commands to define IDL environment variables and aliases.
- #
- # This script can be used by IDL users who use csh as their interactive shell
- # to define the environment variables and aliases required by IDL
- # related commands (idl, idlde, idlhelp, idldemo) if the symbolic links to
- # the default directory (/usr/local/rsi/idl) are not being used.
- #
- # csh users should source idl_setup from their .cshrc files,
- # using the following command:
- #
- # source $IDL_DIR/bin/idl_setup
- #
- setenv IDL_DIR $IDL_DIR
- setenv IDL_PATH \+\$IDL_DIR/lib:\+\$IDL_DIR/examples
- alias idl \$IDL_DIR/bin/idl
- alias idlde \$IDL_DIR/bin/idlde
- alias idlhelp \$IDL_DIR/bin/idlhelp
- alias idlrpc \$IDL_DIR/bin/idlrpc
- alias insight \$IDL_DIR/bin/insight
- alias idldemo \$IDL_DIR/bin/idldemo" > $IDL_BIN/idl_setup
- chmod 755 $IDL_BIN/idl_setup
- echo "# Korn shell commands to define IDL environment variables and aliases.
- #
- # This script can be used by IDL users who use ksh as their interactive shell
- # to define the environment variables and aliases required by IDL
- # related commands (idl, idlde, idlhelp, idldemo) if the symbolic links to
- # the default directory (/usr/local/rsi/idl) are not being used.
- #
- # ksh users should run idl_setup from their .profile file
- # using the following command:
- #
- # . $IDL_DIR/bin/idl_setup.ksh
- #
- export IDL_DIR
- IDL_PATH=\+\$IDL_DIR/lib:\+\$IDL_DIR/examples
- export IDL_PATH
- alias -x idl=\$IDL_DIR/bin/idl
- alias -x idlde=\$IDL_DIR/bin/idlde
- alias -x idlhelp=\$IDL_DIR/bin/idlhelp
- alias -x idlrpc=\$IDL_DIR/bin/idlrpc
- alias -x insight=\$IDL_DIR/bin/insight
- alias -x idldemo=\$IDL_DIR/bin/idldemo" > $IDL_BIN/idl_setup.ksh
- chmod 755 $IDL_BIN/idl_setup.ksh
- # Call script to generate the odbc.ini file for the platforms
- # which support it.
- $IDL_BIN/gen_odbc_ini $IDL_DIR HP
- $IDL_BIN/gen_odbc_ini $IDL_DIR SOLARIS2
- $IDL_BIN/gen_odbc_ini $IDL_DIR SUN_OS_4_1
- $IDL_BIN/gen_odbc_ini $IDL_DIR AIX
- $IDL_BIN/gen_odbc_ini $IDL_DIR SGI
- if [ "$1" != "" ]; then
- # How many sets of binaries are there?
- NUM=0
- for FILE in $IDL_BIN/bin.*; do
- if [ $FILE != "*.tar.Z" ]; then
- NUM=`expr $NUM + 1`
- fi
- done
- echo " This IDL distribution supports $NUM operating
- system/hardware combination(s).
- "
- # If this distribution supports multiple OS/hardware combinations, offer
- # to remove some of them to save room.
- if [ $NUM != 1 ]; then
- echo "
- This distribution is able to support multiple hardware/operating
- systems. This is done by providing multiple copies of the IDL
- binaries. If you do not need all the combinations present,
- you can remove the unwanted ones and save disk space. You will
- now be given a description of each one and then asked if it
- should be deleted.
- "
- if [ `sh $IDL_BIN/yesno "Do you wish to remove excess binaries"` = 1 ]; then
- for FILE in $IDL_BIN/bin.*; do
- if [ -f $FILE/DESCRIP ]; then
- echo " "
- if [ `sh $IDL_BIN/yesno "Delete"` = 1 ]; then
- echo " Removing " $FILE
- rm -r $FILE
- fi
- fi
- done
- fi
- fi
- fi