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- ;;$File idl_tree.pro
- ;;
- ;;
- ;; This set of routines is used to build a simple tree data structure
- ;; using IDL pointers.
- ;;
- ;;
- ;; March 1994, -KDB Initial coding
- ;; August 1996, -KDB Updated to use pointers
- ;;
- ;;===========================================================================
- ;;$ Procedure Tree_New
- PRO Tree_New, Tree, cmp_func
- ;; Initializes an IDL tree structure
- ;;
- ;; tree - The new tree data structure
- ;;
- ;; cmp_proc - The comparison procedure for the tree data
- ;; Since the data depends on the user, the
- ;; user must supply a procedure that has the
- ;; following format:
- ;;
- ;; cmp_func,d1,d2, result
- ;;
- ;; result = -1 if d1 < d2
- ;; 0 if d1 = d2
- ;; 1 if d1 > d2
- ;;
- ;; If cmp_func is undefined (i.e., a null string) return:
- if(strtrim(cmp_func, 2) eq '')then begin
- Message, "Data Compairson procedure undefined, aborting", /CONTINUE
- Return
- ENDif
- ;; Make sure the tree data structure is defined:
- TreeType = {treetype, left:ptr_new(), right:ptr_new(), data:ptr_new()}
- ;; Make a header for the tree, using anonymous structures:
- tree = { cnt:0l, cmp:cmp_func, pHead:ptr_new()}
- end
- ;;=========================================================================
- FUNCTION Tree_NewNode, Data
- ;; Data - The data value that will be placed in a node
- ;;
- ;; Create a new tree node, insert the data and return the pointer:
- Tmp = {treetype}
- tmp.data = ptr_new(data)
- return, ptr_new(tmp)
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- pro Tree_insert, Tree, Data
- ;; See if Data is defined, Else return an error:
- if(N_Elements(Data) eq 0)then BEGIN
- message, "Data value undefined",/continue
- return
- ENDif
- ; Do we have any nodes yet?
- if(Tree.pHead eq ptr_new())then $
- tree.pHead = Tree_NewNode(Data) $
- else $
- _Tree_Insert, Tree, Data, Tree.pHead
- end
- ;;==========================================================================
- PRO _Tree_Insert, Tree, Data, pNode
- ;; This procedure is used to add a new node to the tree specified by
- ;; the structure Tree. The procedure will recurses on itself until
- ;; the correct insert location is found on the tree, then it
- ;; inserts the node and returns.
- ;;
- ;; Tree - A tree struct
- ;;
- ;; Data - The data to be put in the tree
- ;;
- ;; pNode - Pointer to the current node. If this is null, insert
- ;; node here.
- ;;
- ;; Use the comparison function for the data to see what do to:
- Call_Procedure, Tree.cmp, Data, *(*pNode).data, result
- if( result(0) le 0)then BEGIN
- if(ptr_valid((*pNode).left))then $ ; continue traverse
- _Tree_Insert, Tree, Data, (*pNode).left $
- else begin
- (*pNode).left = Tree_NewNode(Data)
- tree.cnt = tree.cnt+1;
- endelse
- ENDif else BEGIN
- if(ptr_valid((*pNode).right)) then $
- _Tree_Insert, Tree, Data, (*pNode).right $
- else begin
- (*pNode).right = Tree_NewNode(Data)
- tree.cnt = tree.cnt+1;
- endelse
- ENDelse
- ;;============================================================================
- FUNCTION _Tree_Search, Tree, Data, pNode
- ;; Searches the tree for a match and returns a null ptr if there is no
- ;; match and a pointer if there is a match. This function is recursive.
- ;;
- ;; Tree - The Tree to search
- ;;
- ;; Data - The data to search for
- ;;
- ;; pNode - Pointer to node
- forward_function _tree_search
- if(N_Elements(Data) eq 0) then BEGIN
- Message, "Data value undefined", /CONTINUE
- Return, ptr_new()
- ENDif
- if(not PTR_VALID(pNode)) then $
- Return, ptr_new()
- ; See if we have a match
- Call_Procedure, Tree.cmp, Data, *(*pNode).data, cmp_res
- if(cmp_res lt 0)then $
- return, _Tree_Search(Tree, Data, (*pNode).left) $
- else if(cmp_res gt 0)then $
- return, _Tree_Search(Tree, Data, (*pNode).right) $
- else $
- return, (*pNode).data
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Tree_Search, Tree, Data
- return, _Tree_Search(Tree, Data, Tree.pHead)
- end
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- pro Tree_DeleteNode, Tree, Data
- _Tree_DeleteNode, Tree, Data, Tree.pHead
- end
- ;;============================================================================
- PRO _Tree_DeleteNode, Tree, Data, pNode
- ;; Deletes the first node if finds that contains Data. This routine
- ;; recurses.
- ;;
- ;; Tree - The tree you are Deleting from (structure)
- ;;
- ;; Data - The data that is to be deleted (structure)
- ;;
- ;; pNode - pointer to node
- if(N_Elements(Data) eq 0)then BEGIN
- Message, "Data value undefined", /CONTINUE
- Return
- ENDif
- if (not PTR_VALID(pNode) ) then BEGIN
- Message, "Data not found", /CONTINUE
- Return
- ENDif
- ;; Do we match
- Call_Procedure, Tree.cmp, Data, *(*pNode).data, cmp_res
- if(cmp_res lt 0)then $
- _Tree_DeleteNode, Tree, Data, (*pNode).left $
- else if(cmp_res gt 0)then $
- _Tree_DeleteNode, Tree, Data, (*pNode).right $
- else BEGIN ; we have a match
- l_valid = PTR_VALID((*pNode).left)
- r_valid = PTR_VALID((*pNode).right)
- if(not l_valid and not r_valid )then begin
- ; No children, delete the node
- ptr_free, (*pNode).data
- ptr_free, pNode
- endif else if(l_valid and r_valid)then begin
- ;; Both children are *valid* so we need to find the next smallest
- ;; child. This is the child that is the farthest left branch of the
- ;; current right child:
- pParent = pNode
- pCurrent = (*pNode).right
- ;; Go down the left side of the right branch until there are no more
- ;; valid pointers:
- While( PTR_VALID((*pCurrent).left))do BEGIN
- pParent = pCurrent
- pCurrent = (*pParent).left
- ENDwhile
- ;; Replace the current node's data with data from the node
- ;; we are *splicing* in:
- ptr_free, (*pNode).data
- (*pNode).data = (*pCurrent).data
- if(pParent eq pNode)then $
- (*pNode).right = (*pCurrent).right $
- else $
- (*pParent).left = (*pCurrent).right
- ptr_free, pCurrent
- endif else BEGIN
- ;; Only have one child. Clean up node and move up the child to
- ;; pNode
- if(l_valid)then $
- pKill = (*pNode).left $
- else $
- pKill= (*pNode).right
- ptr_free, (*pNode).data
- *pNode = *pKill
- ptr_free, pKill
- ENDelse
- ENDelse
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- pro Tree_Traverse, Tree, Proc, INORDER=INORDER, $
- _Tree_Traverse, Proc, Tree.pHead, INORDER=INORDER, $
- end
- ;;=====================================================================
- PRO _Tree_Traverse, Proc, pNode , INORDER=INORDER, $
- ;; This function recursivly traverses the tree in the selected order
- ;; applying the given procedure to each node.
- ;;
- ;; Proc - Name of the procedure to apply to each node
- ;;
- ;; pNode - pointer to current node
- ;;
- ;; INORDER - Do an inorder traversal
- ;;
- ;; PREORDER - Do a preorder traversal
- ;;
- ;; POSTORDER - Do a postorder traversal
- if(not PTR_VALID(pNode))then $
- Return
- if(Keyword_Set(PREORDER))then begin
- Call_Procedure, Proc, *(*pNode).data
- _Tree_Traverse, Proc, (*pNode).left , /PREORDER
- _Tree_Traverse, Proc, (*pNode).right, /PREORDER
- endif else if( Keyword_Set(POSTORDER))then begin
- _Tree_Traverse, Proc, (*pNode).left, /POSTORDER
- _Tree_Traverse, Proc, (*pNode).right, /POSTORDER
- Call_Procedure, Proc, *(*pNode).data
- endif else begin
- _Tree_Traverse, Proc, (*pNode).left , /INORDER
- Call_Procedure, Proc, *(*pNode).data
- _Tree_Traverse, Proc, (*pNode).right, /INORDER
- endelse
- end
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- pro Tree_Delete, Tree
- _Tree_Delete, Tree.pHead
- end
- ;;============================================================================
- PRO _Tree_Delete, pNode
- ;; This procedure is used to delete all of the nodes in the tree.
- ;; This is just a postorder traversal of the tree. This is done
- ;; Recursivly.
- ;;
- ;; pNode - The current node.
- if(not PTR_VALID(pNode))then $
- Return
- _Tree_Delete, (*pNode).left
- _Tree_Delete, (*pNode).right
- ptr_free, (*pNode).data
- ptr_free, pNode
- end