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- /*
- * $Id: idl_rpc.h,v 1.2 1997/01/18 08:23:00 ali Exp $
- */
- /*
- Copyright (c) 1989-1997, Research Systems Inc. All rights reserved.
- This software includes information which is proprietary to and a
- trade secret of Research Systems, Inc. It is not to be disclosed
- to anyone outside of this organization. Reproduction by any means
- whatsoever is prohibited without express written permission.
- */
- #ifndef _RPC_IDL_
- #define _RPC_IDL_
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <rpc/rpc.h>
- #include "export.h"
- #define IDL_RPC_MAX_STRLEN 512 /* max string length */
- /*
- * Define the default Service IDL and Version number for the
- * IDL rpc Server
- */
- #define IDL_RPC_DEFAULT_ID 0x2010CAFE
- /*
- * Define the Macros for the Server request messages
- */
- #define IDL_RPC_SET_VAR 0x10
- #define IDL_RPC_GET_VAR 0x20
- #define IDL_RPC_SET_MAIN_VAR 0x30
- #define IDL_RPC_GET_MAIN_VAR 0x40
- #define IDL_RPC_EXE_STR 0x50
- #define IDL_RPC_OUT_CAPTURE 0x60
- #define IDL_RPC_OUT_STR 0x70
- #define IDL_RPC_CLEANUP 0x90
- /*
- * Now define the helper routines used to access data in the vptr
- */
- #define IDL_RPCGetVarType(v) ((v)->type)
- #define IDL_RPCGetVarByte(v) ((v)->value.c)
- #define IDL_RPCGetVarInt(v) ((v)->value.i)
- #define IDL_RPCGetVarLong(v) ((v)->value.l)
- #define IDL_RPCGetVarFloat(v) ((v)->value.f)
- #define IDL_RPCGetVarDouble(v) ((v)->value.d)
- #define IDL_RPCGetVarComplex(v) ((v)->value.cmp)
- #define IDL_RPCGetVarComplexR(v) ((v)->value.cmp.r)
- #define IDL_RPCGetVarComplexI(v) ((v)->value.cmp.i)
- #define IDL_RPCGetVarDComplex(v) ((v)->value.dcmp)
- #define IDL_RPCGetVarDComplexR(v) ((v)->value.dcmp.r)
- #define IDL_RPCGetVarDComplexI(v) ((v)->value.dcmp.i)
- #define IDL_RPCGetVarString(v) IDL_STRING_STR((v)->value.str)
- #define IDL_RPCVarIsArray(v) ((v)->flags & IDL_V_ARR)
- #define IDL_RPCGetArrayData(v) ( ((v)->flags & IDL_V_ARR)? \
- (v)->value.arr->data : (UCHAR*)NULL)
- #define IDL_RPCGetArrayDimensions(v) ( ((v)->flags & IDL_V_ARR)? \
- (v)->value.arr->dim : (IDL_LONG*)NULL)
- #define IDL_RPCGetArrayNumDims(v) ( ((v)->flags * IDL_V_ARR)? \
- (v)->value.arr->n_dim : (IDL_LONG)NULL)
- #define IDL_RPCGetArrayNumElts(v) ( ((v)->flags * IDL_V_ARR)? \
- (v)->value.arr->n_elts : 0)
- /*
- * Define the length of an IDL variable name. If this changes, the following
- * definition should be changed.
- */
- #ifndef MAXIDLEN
- #define MAXIDLEN 128
- #endif
- /*
- * Define a structure used to pass variables between client and server.
- */
- typedef struct idl_rpc_variable{
- char *name;
- IDL_VPTR pVariable;
- /*
- * Define a structure type that is used to pass output lines between
- * the server and the client
- */
- typedef struct idl_rpc_line{
- int flags;
- char *buf;
- /*
- * function prototypes for the client side
- */
- void IDL_RPCStrEnsureLength(IDL_STRING *s, int n);
- void IDL_RPCStrDup(IDL_STRING *str, IDL_LONG n);
- void IDL_RPCStrDelete(IDL_STRING *str, IDL_LONG n);
- void IDL_RPCStrStore( IDL_STRING *s, char *fs);
- char *IDL_RPCMakeArray(int type, int n_dim, IDL_LONG dim[],
- int init, IDL_VPTR *var);
- IDL_VPTR IDL_RPCImportArray(int n_dim, IDL_LONG dim[], int type,
- UCHAR *data, IDL_ARRAY_FREE_CB free_cb);
- void IDL_RPCVarCopy(IDL_VPTR src, IDL_VPTR dst);
- void IDL_RPCDeltmp(IDL_VPTR vTmp);
- IDL_VPTR IDL_RPCGettmp(void);
- int IDL_RPCSetVariable(CLIENT *pClient, char *Name, IDL_VPTR pVar);
- IDL_VPTR IDL_RPCGetVariable(CLIENT *pClient, char *Name);
- int IDL_RPCSetMainVariable(CLIENT *pClient, char *Name, IDL_VPTR pVar);
- IDL_VPTR IDL_RPCGetMainVariable(CLIENT *pClient, char *Name);
- CLIENT *IDL_RPCInit( long lServerId, char* pszHostname);
- int IDL_RPCCleanup( CLIENT *pClient, int iKill);
- int IDL_RPCTimeout(long lTimeOut);
- int IDL_RPCExecuteStr( CLIENT *pClient, char * pszCommand);
- int IDL_RPCOutputCapture( CLIENT *pClient, int n_lines);
- int IDL_RPCOutputGetStr(CLIENT *pClient, IDL_RPC_LINE_S *pLine, int first);
- void IDL_RPCOutListInit( int maxLines );
- char *IDL_RPCOutListDequeue(void);
- char *IDL_RPCOutListPop(void);
- char * IDL_RPCOutListAdd( char *pData );
- int IDL_RPCOutListCnt(void);
- IDL_TOUT_OUTF IDL_RPCToutFunc( int flags, char *buf, int n);
- #endif