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- /*
- ** $Id: simple_c2f.c,v 1.2 1995/08/02 17:01:36 kirk Exp $
- **
- ** NAME:
- ** simple_c2f
- **
- ** This C function is used to demonstrate how to pass all IDL
- ** simple varable types to a FORTRAN routine via a C wrapper function.
- ** The passed variables are squared in the Fortran routine and
- ** returned.
- **
- ** Dynamic Link
- **
- ** This function is called in IDL by using the following command
- **
- ** IDL> result = CALL_EXTERNAL('simple_c2f.so', '_simple_c2f', $
- ** IDL> byte_var, short_var, long_var, float_var, $
- ** IDL> double_var, string_var, /S_VALUE )
- **
- ** INPUTS:
- **
- ** Byte_var: A scalar byte variable
- **
- ** Short_var: A scalar short integer variable
- **
- ** Long_var: A scalar long integer variable
- **
- ** Float_var: A scalar float variable
- **
- ** Double_var: A scalar float variable
- **
- ** String_var: A scalar string value (Actally an IDL STRING struct)
- **
- ** All numeric variables are squared and the "squared" string value
- ** is returned as the result of Call external. All this squaring
- ** is performed in the Fortran function simple_c2f1.
- **
- ** None.
- **
- ** This example assumes that the values are long (4 bytes) and not
- ** short integers. An IDL integer is only 2 bytes long, so the variables
- ** should be delcared in IDL at type long.
- **
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;; The following are the commands that would be used to call this
- ;; routine in IDL.
- ;;
- byte_var = 1b
- short_var = 2
- long_var = 3l
- float_var = 4.0
- double_var = 5d0
- string_var = "SIX"
- result = CALL_EXTERNAL('simple_c2f.so', '_simple_c2f', $
- byte_var, short_var, long_var, float_var, $
- double_var, string_var , /S_VALUE)
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- **
- ** Written October, 1993 KDB
- **
- ** Declare Header files
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- /*
- ** Declare the structure for an IDL string (From IDL User's Guide).
- */
- typedef struct {
- unsigned short slen; /* length of the string */
- short stype; /* Type of string */
- char *s; /* Pointer to chararcter array */
- /*
- ** Define a C macro that will return the length of an IDL String
- */
- #define STR_LEN(__str) ((long)(__str)->slen)
- /*
- ** Declare the function
- */
- char *
- simple_c2f(argc, argv)
- int argc;
- void *argv[];
- {
- /*
- ** Since this function is used on different UNIX platforms the fortran
- ** entry points can differ. Some systems (SUN) fortran compliers will
- ** add and extra '_' to the end of the routine. To correct for this
- ** add some preprocessor commmands.
- */
- #if defined(SPARC) || defined(OSF1)
- void simple_c2f1_();
- #else
- void simple_c2f1(); /* function prototype for the fortran funct */
- #endif
- /*
- ** Declare variables
- */
- char *byte_var; /* Pointer to a char ( One byte ) */
- short *short_var; /* Pointer to short integer */
- long *long_var; /* Pointer to long */
- float *float_var; /* Pointer to float */
- double *double_var; /* Pointer to double */
- STRING *string_var; /* Pointer to IDL string structure */
- char *return_string; /* Pointer to the returned string */
- long ch_size = 100; /* size of the return string */
- /*
- ** Insure that the correct number of arguments were passed in (argc = 6)
- */
- if(argc != 6)
- {
- /*
- ** Print an error message and return
- */
- fprintf(stderr,"simple_c2f: Incorrect number of arguments\n");
- return((char*)NULL); /* Signal an error */
- }
- /*
- ** Cast the pointer in argv to the pointer variables
- */
- byte_var = (char *) argv[0];
- short_var = (short *) argv[1];
- long_var = (long *) argv[2];
- float_var = (float *) argv[3];
- double_var = (double *) argv[4];
- string_var = (STRING *) argv[5];
- /*
- ** Now malloc some space for the return string.
- */
- if( (return_string=(char*)malloc((unsigned)ch_size+1))
- == (char*)NULL)
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"simple_c2f: malloc error \n");
- return(return_string);
- }
- /*
- ** Now we need to call the fortran subroutine. The FORTRAN subroutine
- ** uses varable length strings for the string parameter( CHARACTER*(*) ).
- ** Because of this we must pass in the length of each string that is
- ** passed to the FORTRAN subprocedure. The string lengths are added
- ** to the end of the parameter list.
- */
- #if defined(SPARC) || defined(OSF1)
- simple_c2f1_(byte_var, short_var, long_var, float_var, double_var,
- string_var->s, return_string, &ch_size, STR_LEN(string_var),ch_size );
- #else
- simple_c2f1(byte_var, short_var, long_var, float_var, double_var,
- string_var->s, return_string, &ch_size, STR_LEN(string_var),ch_size );
- #endif
- /*
- ** That should be it, return the new string to the calling routine
- */
- return((char*)return_string);
- }