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- /*
- * $Id: widget_arrowb.c,v 1.1 1995/07/21 18:04:00 ali Exp $
- * 6 August 1993, AB, RSI
- *
- * arrowb.c - This file contains C code to be called from VMS IDL via
- * CALL_EXTERNAL. It uses the IDL stub widget to add a Motif
- * ArrowButton to an IDL created widget hierarchy. The button issues
- * a WIDGET_STUB_EVENT every time the button is released.
- *
- * 11 April 1995
- * Fixed failure to call widget_set_stub_ids(). This was OK in
- * previous IDLs, but IDL 4.0 uses those variables for geometry
- * management.
- *
- * Converted to new IDL 4.0 API.
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <X11:keysym.h> /* Keysyms for text widget events */
- #include <X11:Intrinsic.h>
- #include <X11:StringDefs.h>
- #include <X11:Shell.h>
- #include <Xm:ArrowB.h>
- #include "idl_dir:[external]export.h"
- static void arrowb_CB(Widget w, caddr_t client_data, caddr_t call_data)
- {
- char *rec;
- XmArrowButtonCallbackStruct *abcs;
- IDL_WidgetStubLock(TRUE);
- if (rec = IDL_WidgetStubLookup((unsigned long) client_data)) {
- abcs = (XmArrowButtonCallbackStruct *) call_data;
- IDL_WidgetIssueStubEvent(rec, abcs->reason == XmCR_ARM);
- }
- IDL_WidgetStubLock(FALSE);
- }
- static void arrowb_size_func(int stub, int width, int height)
- {
- char *stub_rec;
- unsigned long t_id, b_id;
- IDL_WidgetStubLock(TRUE);
- if (stub_rec = IDL_WidgetStubLookup(stub)) {
- IDL_WidgetGetStubIds(stub_rec, &t_id, &b_id);
- printf("Setting WIDGET %d to width %d and height %d\n", stub, width,height);
- XtVaSetValues((Widget) b_id, XmNwidth, width, XmNheight, height, NULL);
- }
- IDL_WidgetStubLock(FALSE);
- }
- int widget_arrowb(IDL_LONG parent, IDL_LONG stub, int use_own_size_func)
- {
- Widget parent_w;
- Widget stub_w;
- char *parent_rec;
- char *stub_rec;
- unsigned long t_id, b_id;
- IDL_WidgetStubLock(TRUE);
- if ((parent_rec = IDL_WidgetStubLookup(parent))
- && (stub_rec = IDL_WidgetStubLookup(stub))) {
- /* Bottom widget of parent is parent to arrow button */
- IDL_WidgetGetStubIds(parent_rec, &t_id, &b_id);
- parent_w = (Widget) b_id;
- stub_w = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("arrowb", xmArrowButtonWidgetClass,
- parent_w, NULL);
- IDL_WidgetSetStubIds(stub_rec, (unsigned long) stub_w,
- (unsigned long) stub_w);
- XtAddCallback(stub_w, XmNarmCallback, (XtCallbackProc) arrowb_CB,
- (XtPointer) stub);
- XtAddCallback(stub_w, XmNdisarmCallback, (XtCallbackProc) arrowb_CB,
- (XtPointer) stub);
- if (use_own_size_func) IDL_WidgetStubSetSizeFunc(stub_rec,arrowb_size_func);
- }
- IDL_WidgetStubLock(FALSE);
- return stub;
- }