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- ; $Id: diffeq_23.pro,v 1.2 1997/01/15 04:02:19 ali Exp $
- ;
- ; Copyright (c) 1991-1997, Research Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
- ; Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.
- pro diffeq_23, funct, init, start, finish, times, yvalues, tol=tol, $
- report = report, Params= params, Listname = listname, $
- Depvar = depvar
- ;+
- ; NAME:
- ; DIFFEQ_23
- ;
- ; Solve a system of first-order, ordinary differential equations:
- ; yi' = fi(t, y1(t), ... yn(y)), i = 1,..., n
- ; ai = yi(start), i = 1,..., n
- ; using the Runge-Kutta method of order 2 and 3. Step size is selected
- ; automatically and hence is variable.
- ;
- ; Mathematical Functions, General
- ;
- ; DIFFEQ_23, Funct, Init, Start, Finish, Times, Yvalues, $
- ; TOL = Tol, PARAMS = Params, REPORT = Report, $
- ; LISTNAME = Listname, DEPVAR = Depvar
- ;
- ; Funct: A character string containing the name of the user-supplied
- ; function implementing f = [f1, ...., fn]. This function
- ; should be written in IDL and have two arguments -- the scalar-
- ; valued time argument t, and the vector argument
- ; [y1(t), ... ,yn(t)]. Additional constant parameters may be
- ; supplied through the keyword PARAMS.
- ;
- ; Init: The vector [a1, ..., an] of initial values.
- ;
- ; Start: The initial value of t.
- ;
- ; Finish: The final value of t.
- ;
- ; TOL: The error tolerance. The default is .001.
- ;
- ; PARAMS: A keyword to be passed to the function f. PARAMS can be used
- ; to specify constant-parameter values if f is a parametric
- ; family of functions. See the example below.
- ;
- ; If the IDL function to compute f does accept the keyword
- ; PARAMS, then PARAMS should not be set in the call to DIFFEQ_23.
- ;
- ; REPORT: If set, this flag signals that, at each step, the time
- ; value, step size, and dependent variable values should
- ; be written to the screen or to a file specified by keyword
- ;
- ; LISTNAME: The name of the file to receive any output. The default is
- ; to write to the screen.
- ;
- ; DEPVAR: A string array of the names of the dependent variables to
- ; be used in the output. Depvar(i) = name of variable i.
- ;
- ; Times: A vector of times at which f is computed.
- ;
- ; Yvalues: An array of y values. If ti = times(i),
- ;
- ; Yvalues(*, i) = f(ti,y1(ti),..., yn(ti))
- ; = [f1(ti,y1(ti),..., yn(ti)), ...,
- ; fn(ti,y1(ti), ...,yn(ti))].
- ;
- ; None.
- ;
- ; None.
- ;
- ; None.
- ;
- ; Solve the set of equations:
- ;
- ; y1' = -.1 * y1,
- ; y2' = .1*y1 - .05*y2,
- ; y3' = .05*y2
- ;
- ; y1(0) = 1000, y2(0) = 0, y3(0) = 0
- ;
- ; on the interval [0, 5].
- ;
- ; First, we define the function RADIO as
- ;
- ; FUNCTION RADIO, t, y, PARAMS = params
- ; k = params(0)
- ; kp = params(1)
- ; RETURN, [-k*y(0), k*y(0) - kp*y(1), kp* y(1)]
- ; END
- ;
- ; Next, call DIFFEQ_23:
- ;
- ; DIFFEQ_23, "radio", [1000, 0, 0], 0, 5., times, yvalues, $
- ; PARAMS = [.1, .05], /REPORT
- ;
- ; The result can be plotted by entering:
- ;
- ; PLOT, times, yvalues(0,*)
- ; FOR i = 1,2 DO OPLOT, times, yvalues(i,*)
- ;
- ; CAB, Sept., 1991.
- ;-
- On_Error,2
- ; Check parameters
- if n_params(0) lt 4 THEN $
- message, "Missing parameters"
- if KEYWORD_SET(listname) THEN $
- openw, unit, /get, listname $
- else unit = -1
- if KEYWORD_SET(tol) eq 0 THEN tol =.001
- if KEYWORD_SET(Params) eq 0 THEN $
- Paramset = 0 $
- else Paramset = 1
- if KEYWORD_SET(report) eq 0 THEN report = 0 $
- SN = size( depvar)
- n = n_elements(init)
- if (SN(1) eq 0) THEN BEGIN
- I = indgen(n)
- Names = ['Var' + StrTrim(I, 2)]
- if SN(1) lt n THEN BEGIN
- I = Indgen(N)
- Names = [DepVar, 'Var' + StrTrim(I(SN(1) : N-1),2)]
- ENDIF else Names = depvar
- printf, unit, format = '(A13, 2x, A13, 2x, $)', "Times", "Stepsize"
- for i = 0, n-2 do printf,unit,format = '(A13,2x,$)',Names(i)
- printf,unit, format = '(A13)',Names(n-1)
- Printf,unit, " "
- ; Initialize
- h = (finish - start) ;h = stepsize
- minh = h/20000
- maxh = h/5
- times = start
- h = h/100.
- t = start
- v = init
- yvalues = v
- if report ne 0 THEN BEGIN
- printf,unit, format ='(G13.6, 2x, G13.6, 2x, $)', t, h
- for i = 0, n-2 do printf,unit, format ='(G13.6, 2x,$)', v(i)
- printf,unit,format = '(G13.6)', v(n-1)
- errbound = tol * max([sqrt(total(v^2)), 1])
- ; compute yvalues for variable step sizes
- while t lt finish and h ge minh DO BEGIN
- if t+h gt finish THEN h = finish - t
- if Paramset eq 0 THEN BEGIN
- k1 = CALL_FUNCTION(funct,t, v)
- k2 = CALL_FUNCTION(funct, t+h, v + h * k1)
- k3 = CALL_FUNCTION(funct, t + h/2, v + h*(k1 + k2)/4)
- k1 = CALL_FUNCTION(funct,t, v, Params = Params)
- k2 = CALL_FUNCTION(funct, t+h, v + h * k1, Params = Params)
- k3 = CALL_FUNCTION(funct, t + h/2, v + h*(k1 + k2)/4, Params = Params)
- err = (h*(k1 - 2*k3 + k2)/3)^2
- err = sqrt(total(err))
- err_bound = tol * max([sqrt(total(v^2)), 1])
- if err le err_bound THEN BEGIN
- t = t + h
- v = v + h*(k1 + 4*k3 + k2)/6
- times = [times,t]
- yvalues = [[yvalues], [v]]
- if report ne 0 THEN BEGIN
- printf,unit, format ='(G13.6, 2x, G13.6, 2x, $)', t, h
- for i = 0, n-2 do printf,unit, format ='(G13.6, 2x,$)', v(i)
- printf,unit,format = '(G13.6)', v(n-1)
- if err ne 0 THEN $
- h = min([maxh, .9*h*(err_bound / err)^(1/3.0)])
- endwhile
- if ( t lt finish) THEN $
- print, " Beware of singularity"
- if unit ne -1 THEN Free_lun, unit
- return
- end