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Graphics Interchange Format  |  1997-01-01  |  1MB  |  560x306  |  8-bit (250 colors)  |  animated
Labels: text | electronics | screenshot | software | operating system | display | computer icon | multimedia software | multimedia | web page | website
OCR: - - - - - ZZT Table of Contents - - - - Table of Contents Q, A, and DOA Pausing . . . Page 6 Health : 100 Serious opinion letter ... . Page 23 Ammo : 8 The almighty reviews ... Torches : 0 .Page 9 Gens : 0 Score :8 In of order: Arcade . . Page 89 Keys: Upcoming Stuff Page 100 T Torch B Movies are reassuring .... Be quiet . Page 27 H Help Meat . . er . . cat. . uh. . Meet the team, Move yes, that's it! . Page -6 Shift 14++ Shoot Exit S Save gane P Pause Q Quit AKware- It's for breakfast now!