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- Taken from KeelyNet BBS (214) 324-3501
- Sponsored by Vangard Sciences
- PO BOX 1031
- Mesquite, TX 75150
- August 26, 1990
- newsclippings courtesy of Cheyenne Turner
- President of Mufon Metroplex/Dallas
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- UFO's and the End of the World
- commentary by Jerry W. Decker
- Amid recent world events, many people we know and come in contact
- with have voiced concern that the end times might be upon us as
- predicted in the biblical chapter of Revelations.
- The invasion of Kuwait by Iraq with the subsequent increase in oil
- prices brought on armed responses from the majority of world powers
- directed at Iraq and the actions of Saddam Hussein.
- These armed responses have included trade embargos and is likely to
- lead to a condition of war, not yet decided at the time of this
- writing.
- In a recent meeting with Cheyenne Turner of Mufon/Dallas, she kindly
- gave KeelyNet copies of newsclippings regarding a very strange UFO
- related incident involving Gulf Breeze.
- The documents include a memorandum from VISIT (Vehicle Internal
- Systems Investigative Team) at PO BOX 890327, Houston, TX 77289-0327
- announcing a meeting on August 23, 1990.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- The VISIT program was to discuss the following :
- 1) Discussion of the MUFON 1990 Conference (held in Gulf
- Breeze, Florida)
- 2) More interesting Gulf Breeze info (the debunkers exposed)
- 3) The strange case of the AWOL soldiers (with attached
- newsclippings)
- Six soldiers walk away from sensitive intelligence positions in West
- Germany and show up half way around the world in tiny Gulf Breeze,
- Florida.
- How could this happen? What was their mission? These articles
- raise more questions than they answer. We will discuss the
- following questions and more at the next VISIT meeting.
- * They were with the 701st Military Intelligence Brigade. Each
- held top secret clearances, but were allowed to walk away from
- Page 1
- their posts and were discharged without a court martial. Is
- this the new policy of the military?
- * A sargeant, along with two specialists and three pfc's,
- comprise a squad. Did they have a charter OTHER then what has
- been advertised?
- * Is the crazy religious story a cover?
- * Why did Police Chief Brown receive a phone call from the
- Pentagon only five minutes after his inquiry about Michael J.
- Hueckstaedt? Why was he told not to question anyone in the
- group?
- * Why did Heuckstaedt say to the arresting officer
- "you don't know what you are doing. If you
- take me in you have signed my death warrant."?
- * Who did they plan to kill? What was the real reason?
- * How does psychic Anna Foster figure into what is happening in
- Gulf Breeze?
- * What will happen to the Gulf Breeze police officer responsible
- for exposing the activity?
- * Will the six return to Gulf Breeze to finish the job now that
- they have been officially "discharged"?
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- The newspaper clippings which follow were attached to
- the memorandum and mailed out to the VISIT membership.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- The Sentinel - Gulf Breeze
- Thursday, July 19, 1990 - Page 9A
- Six US Army soldiers were taken into custody by military authorities
- for being AWOL and transported to Fort Benning, Georgia last
- Saturday.
- The six were apprehended after one of the soldiers, Michael J.
- Hueckstaedt was stopped by Gulf Breeze Police Officer Don Stevens
- for a broken tail light.
- Hueckstaedt had no identification and a computer check found him to
- be one of six soldiers wanted for being Absent Without Official
- Leave (AWOL). Four of the soldiers were found at Anna Foster's home
- on McClure Drive in Gulf Breeze and one (a female) was staying at a
- campsite at Fort Pickens.
- When police went to the Foster home Saturday morning, the soldiers
- had several duffel bags, suitcases and briefcases, and about $4,000
- in cash.
- Page 2
- ***** The six belong to a group called "The End of the World"
- and claim they came to this area for the "Rapture"
- which they believe will take place HERE in October. ****
- The soldiers have been sought by authorities since July 9th, when
- they were found missing from their military intelligence unit in
- West Germany.
- Gulf Breeze Police Chief Jerry Brown said that no arrests were made,
- and they were turned over to the CIA and FBI before going to Fort
- Benning.
- Michael J.Hueckstaedt, 19, is from Farson, Wyoming
- The five other soldiers are :
- William N. Setterberg, 20, of Pittsburgh, PA
- Kenneth G. Beason, 26, of Middlesboro, Tenn
- Vance A. Davis, 25, of Wichita, Kansas
- Kris P. Perlock, 20, of Hudson, Wisconsin
- and Annette Eccleston, 22 of Connecticut.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Northwest Florida Daily News
- July 20th, 1990
- Gulf Breeze - Six soldiers, reported by an unofficial military
- newspaper to be on a mission to kill the Antichrist, were charged
- Thursday with desertion from their intelligence unit in West
- Germany, Pentagon spokesman said.
- A friend also told another newspaper that one of the soldiers
- arrested in this Florida Panhandle city, a hotbed for UFO sightings,
- was interested in unidentified flying objects and wanted to attend a
- UFO convention in nearby Pensacola.
- The religious beliefs of the soldiers, described as Christian
- fundamentalists, are not part of the Army's investigation, said
- Major Joe Padilla, an Army spokesman at the Pentagon.
- "It's pretty cut and dried. It's getting drier each day," Padilla
- said. "We are not allowed to look into religious groups by statute
- so we don't."
- The five men and a woman, all members of the 701st Military
- Intelligence Brigade at Augsburg, West Germany are being held at
- Fort Benning, Ga. They were arrested Friday and Saturday after
- police stopped one of them for a traffic violation.
- They were charged with desertion RATHER THAN THE LESSER OFFENSE of
- being absent without leave because they held top-secret security
- clearances, said Pentagon spokesman Pete Williams.
- Padilla said it will be up to the soldier's commanding officer to
- decide whether to hold a court-martial or take lesser administrative
- action.
- Page 3
- A counter-intelligience investigation is being conducted as a matter
- of routine because the six, all analysts assigned to intercepting,
- identifying and exploiting foreign communications, had handled
- classified material, military spokesmen say.
- "There still appears to be no independent evidence of any espionage
- or security related problem here," Williams said Thursday.
- A member of their unit told the newspaper "Stars and Stripes" the
- six were out to FIND AND DESTROY THE ANTICHRIST, the figure the
- Bible says will challenge Christ. He spoke on the condition his
- name would not be disclosed.
- Padilla, an Army spokesman at the Pentagon, Wednesday retracted an
- earlier statement that the six were members of a group known as "The
- End of the World."
- But "Stars and Stripes" quoted the soldier from the Augsburg unit as
- saying that the cult has ADDITIONAL MEMBERS IN THE AREA.
- "There are others who are upset because they didn't get invited," to
- go along on the search for the AntiChrist, the newspaper quoted the
- soldier as saying.
- Beason (one of the group) was interested in science fiction and
- UFO's and very gullible, Stan Johnson told the Pensacola News
- Journal for a story published Thursday. Johnson, a Morristown
- photographer, said in a telephone interview that he picked up Beason
- and Hueckstaedt July 6th at the McGee-Tyson Airport in Knoxville,
- Tenn.
- "He was one of those people who believed anything someone would tell
- him," Johnson said of Beason. "The idea that he was arrested, or
- that he was hanging around with cult-like grouped didn't surprise
- me. He kind of live in a science fiction fantasy world sometimes."
- Beason told Johnson he was going to Pensacola for a UFO convention.
- The Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) held its 21st annual symposium in
- Pensacola, attracted there by the numerous sightings reported in
- Gulf Breeze, July 6-8, but officials of the organization said they
- couldn't say whether Beason or Hueckstaedt attended.
- Gulf Breeze Police Chief Jerry Brown discounted that possibility,
- saying the soldiers did not arrive in the area until July 9th.
- Beason told a similar story to his sister and her husband, Caroly
- and Charles Reed, when he spent the night, July 7 at their home in
- Talbott, Tenn., the Knoxville News-Sentinel reported Thursday.
- The Reeds said Beason had met a woman named Anna when he was
- stationed in Pensacola, and she got him involved with a group that
- believed the government was covering up alien visits to Earth. Part
- of the group's mission was to reveal that cover-up.
- Some of MUFON's members have accused the government of such a cover-
- up but the organization has not made such a policy statement itself,
- said Don Ware of Fort Walton Beach, the group's Eastern Regional
- Director.
- Page 4
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Thursday, July 26, 1990
- Six U.S. soldiers who went AWOL from intelligence posts in West
- Germany and were arrested at a Florida beach known for UFO reports
- won't be court-martialed. But many other questions remain.
- Were the six - five men and a woman - acting on "psychic input" from
- biblical figures and preparing for the world's end, as a friend of
- one suggested?
- Did they plan to move to the West and live "like a survivalist
- group," as a police captain said he was told by two in the group?
- Or was there another explanation of the events that began unfolding
- when the six, who held top-secret security clearances, left the
- 701st Military Intelligence Brigade in Augsberg, West Germany, early
- this month?
- "Don't judge them yet. They have a right to defend themselves,"
- said Anna Foster, at whose Gulf Breeze, Florida, home four of the
- six were arrested July 14. Foster, a civilian described by
- authorities as a psychic, is not charged in the case.
- The Army offered the six "non-judicial punishment" - no trial by
- court-martial - after an investigation by the Army Intelligence and
- Security Command found no evidence of espionage.
- At Fort Knox, KY., where the six were being held, Major Ron Mazzia
- said they could receive reductions in pay or rank, or both, and
- could be fined. Specific terms will be determined by an officer
- acting as a sentencing judge.
- Having lost their security clearances, the six might be discharged,
- Mazzia said.
- They were reported missing in West Germany on July 9th. On Friday
- the 13th, Pfc. Michael Hueckstaedt was stopped in Gulf Breeze for
- driving a van with non-working taillights. A computer check found
- him to be absent without leave.
- Army information and a search of the van revealed the whereabouts of
- the five other soldiers.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Saturday, July 28, 1990
- Fort Knox, KY - The Army on Friday discharged six soldiers who left
- their intelligence unit in Europe and went to a Florida town known
- for frequent sightings of UFO's.
- The soldiers were reported missing July 9th from Augsburg, West
- Germany, and were arrested a few days later in Gulf Breeze, FL.
- Page 5
- An investigation found no evidence the soldiers from the 701st
- Military Intelligence Brigade had been involved in espionage during
- the time they were AWOL, said Major Ron Mazzia, a spokesman for Fort
- Knox, where the soldiers were detained.
- Stan Johnson of Bybee, Tenn., a friend of one of the soldiers, Spec.
- Kenneth G. Beason, 26, said Beason told him they had been "chosen by
- DIVINE INTERVENTION to help prepare for the end of the world, which
- was supposed to occur in about EIGHT YEARS FROM NOW."
- Johnson added that, "when the second coming of Christ occurred,
- Jesus Christ was going to ARRIVE IN A SPACESHIP."
- Gulf Breeze, where Beasom and others in the group received
- training, has had many reports of UFO sightings. A symposium of the
- Mutual UFO Network, concluded there July 8th, police said.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- We don't know quite what to make of this, but it needs to be out on
- the nets so it has been typed in for distribution.
- Please feel free to pass it around.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- If you have comments or other information relating to such topics as
- this paper covers, please upload to KeelyNet or send to the Vangard
- Sciences address as listed on the first page. Thank you for your
- consideration, interest and support.
- Jerry W. Decker.........Ron Barker...........Chuck Henderson
- Vangard Sciences/KeelyNet
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- If we can be of service, you may contact
- Jerry at (214) 324-8741 or Ron at (214) 484-3189
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