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Portable Network Graphic  |  1996-01-01  |  17KB  |  752x576  |  8-bit (17 colors)
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OCR: Eds Comments Page 1 of 3 Eds Comments : This month, I'm very excited .. O.K Sarah see you tomorrow night !! Sorry about that interruption, as I was saying . ... Now that the Christmas period is over and you've all been round to your family and friends houses to pick up your presents ... I mean visit your loved ones because you want to, I would like to take this opportunity to run a quick survey, How many of you received a gift voucher from your so called friends or family? Come on own up, you know you want to. Don't you just More>>> A.F. INDEX HEXT PREV FIRST LAST GOTO PRINT 1996 ABOUT HELP COLOUR MUSIC SECRET CLI QUIT AMIGA FRONTIER, THE ALTERNATIVE DISK BASED MAG- @ 1996 - ALECTRONIC FARTS