/* Message asking user whether the form entries in a document should be saved along with the document. */
"This document has Form Entries in it. Do you wish to save them with the document?" = "Det här dokumentet innehåller formdata. Vill du spara dem tillsammans med dokumentet?";
/* This alert appears when the user has asked to save his file somewhere, but Draw was unable to create that file. This can occur for many reasons, the most common of which is that the file or directory is not writable. */
"Can't save file." = "Kan inte spara filen.";
/* This is the title of the alert which asks the user if he is sure he wants to revert a document he has edited back to its last-saved state. */
"Revert " = "Återgå";
/* Message given to user when he tries to quit the application without saving all of his documents. */
"You have unsaved documents." = "Det finns dokument som inte har sparats";
/* Button choice which allows the user to scale an image he is incorporating into his document so that it will fit within the size of the document */
"Resize" = "Gör om storlek";
/* Save button on alerts */
"Don't Save" = "Spara inte";
/* Button choice if user wants a file dragged into Draw to appear as a link button. */
"Link Button" = "Länkknapp";
/* Name of the tool that draws scribbles */
"Scribble" = "frihandsfigur";
/* Button choice which allows the user to leave an image he is incorporating into his document the same size even though it will not fit within the size of his document. */
"Don't Resize" = "Behåll samma storlek";
/* Name of the tool that draws circles */
"Circle" = "cirkel";
/* The title of the help document. */
"Help" = "Help";
/* Choice (on a button) given to user which allows him to quit the application even though he has not saved all of his documents first. */
"Quit Anyway" = "Avsluta ändå";
/* Menu item which turns a background grid on so that the user's actions are rounded to even grid boundaries. It does not show the grid if the grid is currently hidden. */
"Turn Grid On" = "Slå på stödlinjer";
/* Button choice if user wants a file dragged into Draw to appear as an icon. */
"File Icon" = "Filikon";
/* Yes button on alerts */
"Yes" = "Ja";
/* Name of the tool that draws curves */
"Curve" = "kurva";
/* Title of alerts which come up during open. */
"Open " = "Öppna";
/* Name of the tool that draws polygons */
"Polygon" = "polygon";
/* This is the message of the alert which asks the user if he is sure he wants to revert a document he has edited back to its last-saved state. %@ is the document name. */
"%@ has been edited. Are you sure you want to undo changes?" = "%@ har redigerats. Är du säker på att du vill ångra ändringarna?";
/* Message indicating that the directory the user is trying to save to is not writable. */
"Directory is not writeable." = "Ingen skrivbehörighet till katalogen";
/* Title of panel asking whether doc should be saved before service */
"Service" = "Tjänst";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"Show Ruler" = "Visa linjal";
/* Title of alert which comes up when exiting the application. */
"Quit " = "Avsluta";
/* Title of alert which comes up on unknown file errors */
"File Error" = "Filfel";
/* Message indicating that a backup file could not be created during save. */
"Can't create backup file." = "Kan inte skapa säkerhetskopia.";
/* Menu item which turns off the borders around linked items (using Object Links). */
"Hide Links" = "Göm länkar";
/* Message in alert given to user when he tries to open a draw document and there is an I/O error. This usually happens when the document being opened is not really a draw document but somehow got renamed to have the .draw extension. */
"I/O error. Can't open file '%@'." = "I/O-fel. Kan inte öppna filen '%@'.";
/* Menu item which turns off the background grid so that items do not move and resize on even grid boundaries. It does not hide the grid if it is currently showing. */
"Turn Grid Off" = "Stäng av stödlinjer";
/* Message of panel asking whether doc should be saved before service */
"Do you wish to save this document before your request is serviced?" = "Vill du spara dokumentet innan tjänsten du begärt verkställs?";
/* Button choice which allows the user to revert his changes to what was last saved on disk. */
"Revert" = "Återgå";
/* The operation of closing a window usually generated by choosing the Close Window option in the Windows menu. */
"Close" = "Stäng";
/* Choice (on a button) given to user which allows him to review all his unsaved documents if he quits the application without saving them all first. */
"Review Unsaved" = "Granska osparat";
/* Question asked of user when he tries to close a window, either by choosing close from the menu or clicking the close box or quitting the application, and the contents of the window have not been saved. The %@ is the name of the document. */
"%@ has changes. Save them?" = "%@ innehåller ändringar. Ska de sparas?";
/* Message given to the user when the help document could not be found. */
"Couldn't find any help! Sorry ..." = "Hittar inte hjälpen!";
/* Message in alert when user specifies bad margins */
"The margins or paper size specified are invalid." = "De angivna måtten för marginaler eller pappersstorlek är ogiltiga.";
/* No button on alerts */
"No" = "Nej";
/* Name of the tool that draws lines */
"Line" = "linje";
/* Menu item which shows a background grid which the user can overlay on his document. */
"Show Grid" = "Visa stödlinjer";
/* Cancel button on alerts */
"Cancel" = "Avbryt";
/* Title of new, unsaved document */
/* Title of alert which comes up during import of a link */
"Import Link" = "Importera länk";
/* Title of alerts which come up during save. */
"Save " = "Spara";
/* Menu item which hides the background grid which the user can overlay on his document. */
"Hide Grid" = "Göm stödlinjer";
/* Title of the alert which lets the user know that the image he has incorporated into his document does not fit. */
"Import Data" = "Importera data";
/* Fax Cover Sheet item which allows the user to type in any thing he/she wants. */
"Notes" = "Anmärkningar";
/* Question asked of a user when he drags a file icon into Draw. */
"Do you want the link to this file to appear as a Link Button or as the icon of the file?" = "Vill du att länken ska visas som en länkknapp eller som filens ikon?";
/* Button choice if user wants a file dragged into Draw to appear as the contents of the file. */
"File Contents" = "Filinnehåll";
/* Message of alert shown to user when he has tried to open up the file named %@ and has specified a file in a directory which is inaccessible. The directory is either unreadable or does not exist for some reason. */
"Invalid path: %@" = "Ogiltig sökväg: %@";
/* Question asked of a user when he drags a file which can be imaged directly in Draw into Draw. */
"Do you want the contents of this file to appear in Draw, or would you like to create only a link to this data, in which case, do you want the link to appear as a Link Button or as the icon of the file?" = "Vill du att filinnehållet ska visas i Draw eller vill du bara skapa en länk till den här informationen? Vill du i så fall att länken ska visas som en länkknapp eller som en filikon?";
/* Message given to user when import of linked data fails. */
"Unable to import linked data." = "Kan inte importera länkade data";
/* Button on alert which comes up on unknown file errors */
"Abort" = "Avbryt";
/* Save button on alerts */
"Save" = "Spara";
/* Alert message which asks user if he wants to scale an image or some text that he is incorporating into his document to fit within the size of the document. */
"The imported data is too large to fit on the page. Resize it to fit?" = "Importerade data passar inte in på sidan. Anpassa till sidan?";
/* Menu item which turns on the borders around linked items (using Object Links). */
"Show Links" = "Visa länkar";
/* Button on alert which comes up on unknown file errors */