FDtoM_13.lha FDtom 1.3 by Detlef Riekenberg - converts a Standard '.fd'-File in the special Form, needed by Amiga_E. (The Library Function File "libname.m" for Amiga_E, and a "libname_lvo.m" with all LVOFUNKTIONNAME's for the Inline-Assembler). FDtom also generates "libname_lvo.i" for any Assembler (ASM-Switch).
Mac2E_v40.lha Mac2E 4.0 by Lionel Vintenat - A preprocessor for Amiga E which only supports macro replacing.
stayrandom.lha stayrandom by Trey Van Riper - Just call stayrandom() once at the beginning of your program to seed the random number generator (Amiga E's random number generator). Afterwards, enjoy better random numbers.
StdErr.lha StdErr by Trey Van Riper - Amiga E module providing a flexible, durable, downright NICE standard error port, in an object oriented fashion.
AutoBuild11.lha Autobuild 1.1 by Jan Hendrik Schulz - An automatic build tool for AmigaE. It can do the same thing as the build tool that came with AmigaE v3 if it is used to build programms which are splitted over several modules, but it does it automaticly. That meens, you need no .build-file to define the dependencies etc.
debug_m.lha debug.m by Lionel Vintenat - The E module equivalent to the C linked library debug.lib.
e_update30e.lha Amiga E 3.0e patch by Wouter van Oortmerssen - This archive contains the EC v3.0e compilers (demo and registered, as patches). This is a fix of several bugs, at least one of which had to be fixed immediately.
GED-E2.0.lha GED 1.0 2.0 by Eric Burghard - The E Language Environment for GED.
GenCodeE_v22.lha GenCodeE 2.2 by Lionel Vintenat - An E code generation module for MUIBuilder.