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- //////////////////////////// DOCUMENTATION OF //////////////////////////////
- / /
- / The E Language Environnement for GED 1.0 - Version 2.0 /
- / © BURGHARD Eric - burghard@iuta.u-nancy.fr - WANABOSO/AGOA /
- / /
- / GED - GoldED is © Dietmar Eilert /
- / E Language - © Wouter van Oortmersen /
- / Mac2E - © Lionel Vintenat /
- / EPP - © Barry Wills /
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- I started programming with Fantastic Wouter van Oortmersen's E
- language 1,5 years ago. At this time, all seems to be simple for me;
- how many times did i type under shell "EC foo.e", each time i wanted to
- compile what i just have edit under ED ?
- Since this was quite boring, i started to search for a good
- programmer's editor with AREXX scripts capabilities. And then i found
- GoldED, another incredible Amiga DP programmer's work, which fill up
- all my wishes and many more. I easily write a script that compile
- current edit file, and write ec output on a CON: window, but this wasn't
- enought, Since i should jump manualy on the error line.
- But i started programming AREXX, and without any documentation
- this was quite hard. By chance, i found, a day, a script which handle
- EC errors on GED requesters, and jump automaticly on the bad line
- (I think this was ESEE1.0). I start then to modify an enhanced it day
- by day, to handle the numerous utilities written around E language;
- I think about EPP © Barry Wills, wich enable you to programm in a
- modular fashion, and Mac2E © Lionel VINTENAT (Salut Lionel), wich is a
- macros preprocessor.
- These AREXX scripts are not bugs free, but i used them for several
- months now, without any big problems, and now i give them to all
- E Language Fanatics, who will, be impressed today or tomorrow, by the
- powerfull GED.
- As this is not ultimate GED-E language environnement, all scripts
- are fully in public domain. Do what you want with them, but send me
- a email if you found them usefull. Bugs reports, wishes, are welcome too.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- -------------------
- You will find 2 versions of ec_compile.rexx; One for compiling with
- EC2.1b and the other for EC3.0a|b. What differs beetween these 2
- versions:
- - EPP is no more useful with EC3.0a|b so all stuffs related to EPP
- are removed.
- - EC3.0a|b show you where it find an error with an ANSI code;
- i handled this by printing "^" under the error line in a GED
- requester.
- - Menus change a little; ShowModuleCache and FlushModuleCache
- items are removed from 2.1b menu.
- -------------------
- But what these 22 AREXX scripts, enables you ?
- - Compiling with EC v2.1b. Errors and Warnings messages are
- reported in GED gadtools requesters. Automatic line jump. Option
- for compile to disk, auto-revision (chekmarks), ec and executable
- arguments (GED-gadtools requesters). Run produced file on request or
- by menu.
- - Debug with MonAm (Soon a module to debug with SIM) and
- Profile (AProf).
- - EPP 1.4d is handled in a transparent manner (if you use the
- keyword PMODULE), like his errors output.
- - Mac2E is handled with a menu checkmark. You can defined
- multiples pre-analyzed macros files, by requester. Errors are handled.
- - You can load EPP's or Mac2E's files, after they have
- processing source file.
- - Automatic autodoc's help, based on the word under cursor, or
- requester, using amigaguide and his AREXX port. (You must have
- the file autodocs.xref and all autodocs converted in aguide format
- by AD2AG, AD2HT or similar tools).
- - Compile/Tools menu enable you to launch MUIBuilder
- © Eric Totel, GadToolsBox © Jan van den Baard, ScrGen; for automatics
- source generation of a gadtoolsbox's gui file, Converter; a very simple
- base numbers convertor (writen by me in E), ShowModuleGui; a tools to
- show, in a gadtools window, e modules contents in a readable fashion.
- With EC3.0 you can see modules cache contents and flush it. If you
- compile to ram:, you can free it with all sources, executables, variables.
- RtRequest put files you select with a reqtools requester in the specified
- variables; i have write it, because GED's AREXX 'REQUEST' command don't
- support multiple selection. (You will need it if you use Mac2E).
- Note: Since some of these tools are not part of this archive,
- you should have to get them. You can find them on all good aminet mirror
- sites, or all good PD libraries. ShowModuleGui is a part of CAPUS
- archive, located in dev/e on aminet.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ------------------
- NOTE: It's quite difficult to provide a universal installation or an
- automatic script; you must do all by your hand.
- ------------------
- If you are conviced, and have GED an E language installed
- somewere, then all that you have do is to
- - Create an AmigaE and a GoldED directory in the REXX:
- directory.Then copy the script beginning with ec_ in AmigaE, and
- the other ones in GoldED
- - Append GED-E.men to your menu after lauching GED
- - Certainly, you have to modify scripts and menus.
- Severals assigns are used:
- - PROGDEVICE: this is my language directory. tools, like
- gadtoolsbox, muibuilder... are placed in directory tools of
- - EDEVICE: this is PROGDEVICE:E2.1b/ directory. Mac2E,EPP
- ShowModuleGui, are copyed here. EReference.guide is located in the docs
- directory.
- - REXX: See above
- TO DO:
- ~~~~~~
- - Notification on ECOpt; Auto-Recompile if ECOpt change
- - Send your suggestions
- ~~~~~~~~~~
- I wish that all descriptions above, are enough to use these
- scripts correctly. In a case of problems, you can contact me
- by snail-mail: BURGHARD Eric - 19 boulvard Emile ZOLA
- 54520 - LAXOU
- or by electronic mail: burghard@iuta.u-nancy.fr
- English, as you probably noticed, is a foreign language for
- me, i write the best english as i can, but excuse me for these
- horribles vocabulary, grammar and syntax errors, you should find
- in this text.
- Enjoy E and GED.