home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* $VER: 0.9, ©1994 BURGHARD Eric. */
- /* Load MAC source associated with current source if possible */
- options results /* enable return codes */
- /* not started by GoldEd ? */
- if (LEFT(ADDRESS(), 6) ~= "GOLDED") then address 'GOLDED.1'
- 'LOCK CURRENT QUIET' /* lock GUI, gain access */
- if rc then exit
- options failat 6 /* ignore warnings */
- signal on syntax /* ensure clean exit */
- parse var result name ' ' path ' ' optcdisk ' ' optmac ' ' anytext
- if (anytext=='TRUE') then do
- if (optmac='TRUE') then do
- if upper(right(name,2))='.E' then do
- if upper(right(name,6))~='_MAC.E' then do
- name=left(name,length(name)-2)
- if optcdisk="TRUE" then do
- if right(path,1)~=":" then path=''path'/'
- name=''path''name'_mac.e'
- end
- else name='T:E/'name'_mac.e'
- if exists(name) then 'OPEN NEW 'name''
- else 'REQUEST STATUS=" File has not been generated !"'
- end
- else 'REQUEST STATUS=" This file seems already to be a Mac2E output !"'
- end
- else 'REQUEST STATUS=" But.. E Sources names ends with '.e' ?!"'
- end
- else 'REQUEST STATUS=" But... Macros remplacement is not activated ?!"'
- end
- else 'REQUEST STATUS=" Text buffer is empty ?!"'
- exit
- syntax:
- say "Sorry, error line" SIGL ":" ERRORTEXT(RC) ":-("
- exit