Labels:text | screenshot | font OCR: How to refuse ... page 01 PAGE: 026 OF 196 HOW TO REFUSE MILITARY SERVICE IN NORWAY CAND PROBABLY SOMEWHERE ELSE) Well, the time has come for you to take who have very good reasons not to do a biiig decision. What you choose may have huge consequences later in your their military service, can, after a life, so you better think twice about fierce round of questioning, do some this before you make your final choice. social service instead. This social If you've thought that this will gonna service' length is at present 16 be a simple way of refusing military Months; two Months longer doing anything else longest military service (the navy, than the service without than playing a little bit mad, then which is 14 months. The army has only 12 months service). skip this article and read something else. This article will give you some good pieces of advice if your reason is DO YOU STILL WANT TO REFUSE ??? pacifistic or religious, or even both. Good! In the year when you're gonna be Here we go! First, you have to know that you are 19 years old, you'll be called up (Nor- applying for an exemption from military wegian! innkalt til sesjon). You'll service. You can't just forget them. have to meet. Not meeting is a crime, You have the right to refuse military and the police will come and convince service. It's in the law. you of that. Which law ??? The law of 19th Mars 1965 When you are there you will go through No 3 of course. I'm not gonna repeat it a Medical examination, a mental test here, you'll have to look it up your- and a lot of waiting. It is very wise self. The Norwegian Constitution says to state at the session that you're that every male has to serve for the gonna refuse the military service, Why? Because the processing of your appli- country by doing about one year of cation will move so much smoother and a Military service. It also says that men lot faster if you do it this way. .... IQ WOKE THIS ISTHE EII 80 8DE BEH. WE 파