Labels:text | screenshot | font OCR: Stealing disk, or what ?? PAGE 01 Hi Freaks! PAGE: 032 OF 142 wacky mumbolo' keeps sending as if no- thing ever happened, I return his disks As you already might have guessed, this AGAIN and repeat this message with lou- is Lazerbrain/Crusaders. The reason for der words, but. .. Can't this fool READ to write this article is that I was English. .. Maybe all he can write is! accused for being a disk-stealer in the Me shit like that. This is when I get fu- Thanx 4 disx - Send soon - CU 18er & last issue. I felt that this accusation Pious Was unfair (in my eyes). Have in mind Sometimes and keep the disks, that parcels actually CAN get lost in it also happens that I just the post. It has occured to me a few forget about someone (I'm only human, times. Another thing is that you can't you know). If you had seen my room this either, expect to always get your disks back wouldn't be so hard to believe. It looks like thunder & lightning dropped If you for instance contact someone, and the stuff you send was PU- by. Disks & letters are floating around KE, disk. If they seldom care to return the everywhere. This is of course MOST in- but it's my nature. Now a you sent more than 1 disk, convenient, then the little commercial break. You probably case is different. I can now return your disk(s) without loosing wonder how I manage to keep it tidy among my contacts. Well! I use Swappit. anything by keeping one of them, and I don't call this "stealing it', it's It's a database proggy made by Dr. Shit- just for the stamp. Note that I ALWAYS face/Crusaders, and it REALLY keeps return ALL disks to those who send sth. track of my contacts, I couln't live useful. It has also happened that I'M without it. I only put my contacts in swapping with someone and then I say to Swappit, 50 this is the reason why I this someone: HEY I'm sorry, but I'll fail to return disks to one of the guys to drop you because all you send contacting me 1 in a 100 times. A litt- le is shit & lousy letters (notes). O.K .! have note to Dr.No Blockbusters who I return his disks with this message, claimed I had stolen his disks. I've and then . . . what happens? This ' jacko never heard of you, I've neither ever been swapping with you (that's for 일부 BEE !달180 BEEOHS트 ! HOY트 BEED ID 688 5 #