Labels:text | screenshot OCR: i GRE # 3 ........ Author : P . Zimmerman Dated : 10-12-93 Title : PCP Statement to Congress ........ ........ Testimony of Philip Zimmermann to Subcommittee For Economic Policy, Trade, and the Environment IS House of Representitives ........ 12 Oct 1993 Mr . Chairman and members of the committee, my name is Philip ****.... ........ Zimmermann, and L am a software engineer who specializes in cryptography and data security. I'm here to talk to you today about the need to change US export control policy For crypto- graphic software. L want to thank you For the opportunity to be here and commend you For your attention to this important issue . I am the author of POP (Pretty Good Privacy), a public-key 6% Complete 14 & PgUp/PgDown - Scrolls Artikle }