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- /* sym - symbol table routines */
- /*-
- * Copyright (c) 1990 The Regents of the University of California.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by
- * Vern Paxson.
- *
- * The United States Government has rights in this work pursuant
- * to contract no. DE-AC03-76SF00098 between the United States
- * Department of Energy and the University of California.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted provided
- * that: (1) source distributions retain this entire copyright notice and
- * comment, and (2) distributions including binaries display the following
- * acknowledgement: ``This product includes software developed by the
- * University of California, Berkeley and its contributors'' in the
- * documentation or other materials provided with the distribution and in
- * all advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software.
- * Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors may
- * be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
- * specific prior written permission.
- */
- #ifndef lint
- static char rcsid[] =
- "@(#) $Header: /usr/fsys/odin/a/vern/flex/RCS/sym.c,v 2.4 90/06/27 23:48:36 vern Exp $ (LBL)";
- #endif
- #include "flexdef.h"
- /* declare functions that have forward references */
- int hashfunct PROTO((register char[], int));
- struct hash_entry *ndtbl[NAME_TABLE_HASH_SIZE];
- struct hash_entry *sctbl[START_COND_HASH_SIZE];
- struct hash_entry *ccltab[CCL_HASH_SIZE];
- struct hash_entry *findsym();
- /* addsym - add symbol and definitions to symbol table
- *
- * synopsis
- * char sym[], *str_def;
- * int int_def;
- * hash_table table;
- * int table_size;
- * 0 / -1 = addsym( sym, def, int_def, table, table_size );
- *
- * -1 is returned if the symbol already exists, and the change not made.
- */
- int addsym( sym, str_def, int_def, table, table_size )
- register char sym[];
- char *str_def;
- int int_def;
- hash_table table;
- int table_size;
- {
- int hash_val = hashfunct( sym, table_size );
- register struct hash_entry *sym_entry = table[hash_val];
- register struct hash_entry *new_entry;
- register struct hash_entry *successor;
- while ( sym_entry )
- {
- if ( ! strcmp( sym, sym_entry->name ) )
- { /* entry already exists */
- return ( -1 );
- }
- sym_entry = sym_entry->next;
- }
- /* create new entry */
- new_entry = (struct hash_entry *) malloc( sizeof( struct hash_entry ) );
- if ( new_entry == NULL )
- flexfatal( "symbol table memory allocation failed" );
- if ( (successor = table[hash_val]) )
- {
- new_entry->next = successor;
- successor->prev = new_entry;
- }
- else
- new_entry->next = NULL;
- new_entry->prev = NULL;
- new_entry->name = sym;
- new_entry->str_val = str_def;
- new_entry->int_val = int_def;
- table[hash_val] = new_entry;
- return ( 0 );
- }
- /* cclinstal - save the text of a character class
- *
- * synopsis
- * Char ccltxt[];
- * int cclnum;
- * cclinstal( ccltxt, cclnum );
- */
- void cclinstal( ccltxt, cclnum )
- Char ccltxt[];
- int cclnum;
- {
- /* we don't bother checking the return status because we are not called
- * unless the symbol is new
- */
- Char *copy_unsigned_string();
- (void) addsym( (char *) copy_unsigned_string( ccltxt ), (char *) 0, cclnum,
- ccltab, CCL_HASH_SIZE );
- }
- /* ccllookup - lookup the number associated with character class text
- *
- * synopsis
- * Char ccltxt[];
- * int ccllookup, cclval;
- * cclval/0 = ccllookup( ccltxt );
- */
- int ccllookup( ccltxt )
- Char ccltxt[];
- {
- return ( findsym( (char *) ccltxt, ccltab, CCL_HASH_SIZE )->int_val );
- }
- /* findsym - find symbol in symbol table
- *
- * synopsis
- * char sym[];
- * hash_table table;
- * int table_size;
- * struct hash_entry *sym_entry, *findsym();
- * sym_entry = findsym( sym, table, table_size );
- */
- struct hash_entry *findsym( sym, table, table_size )
- register char sym[];
- hash_table table;
- int table_size;
- {
- register struct hash_entry *sym_entry = table[hashfunct( sym, table_size )];
- static struct hash_entry empty_entry =
- {
- (struct hash_entry *) 0, (struct hash_entry *) 0, NULL, NULL, 0,
- } ;
- while ( sym_entry )
- {
- if ( ! strcmp( sym, sym_entry->name ) )
- return ( sym_entry );
- sym_entry = sym_entry->next;
- }
- return ( &empty_entry );
- }
- /* hashfunct - compute the hash value for "str" and hash size "hash_size"
- *
- * synopsis
- * char str[];
- * int hash_size, hash_val;
- * hash_val = hashfunct( str, hash_size );
- */
- int hashfunct( str, hash_size )
- register char str[];
- int hash_size;
- {
- register int hashval;
- register int locstr;
- hashval = 0;
- locstr = 0;
- while ( str[locstr] )
- hashval = ((hashval << 1) + str[locstr++]) % hash_size;
- return ( hashval );
- }
- /* ndinstal - install a name definition
- *
- * synopsis
- * char nd[];
- * Char def[];
- * ndinstal( nd, def );
- */
- void ndinstal( nd, def )
- char nd[];
- Char def[];
- {
- char *copy_string();
- Char *copy_unsigned_string();
- if ( addsym( copy_string( nd ), (char *) copy_unsigned_string( def ), 0,
- synerr( "name defined twice" );
- }
- /* ndlookup - lookup a name definition
- *
- * synopsis
- * char nd[], *def;
- * char *ndlookup();
- * def/NULL = ndlookup( nd );
- */
- Char *ndlookup( nd )
- char nd[];
- {
- return ( (Char *) findsym( nd, ndtbl, NAME_TABLE_HASH_SIZE )->str_val );
- }
- /* scinstal - make a start condition
- *
- * synopsis
- * char str[];
- * int xcluflg;
- * scinstal( str, xcluflg );
- *
- * NOTE
- * the start condition is Exclusive if xcluflg is true
- */
- void scinstal( str, xcluflg )
- char str[];
- int xcluflg;
- {
- char *copy_string();
- /* bit of a hack. We know how the default start-condition is
- * declared, and don't put out a define for it, because it
- * would come out as "#define 0 1"
- */
- /* actually, this is no longer the case. The default start-condition
- * is now called "INITIAL". But we keep the following for the sake
- * of future robustness.
- */
- if ( strcmp( str, "0" ) )
- printf( "#define %s %d\n", str, lastsc );
- if ( ++lastsc >= current_max_scs )
- {
- current_max_scs += MAX_SCS_INCREMENT;
- ++num_reallocs;
- scset = reallocate_integer_array( scset, current_max_scs );
- scbol = reallocate_integer_array( scbol, current_max_scs );
- scxclu = reallocate_integer_array( scxclu, current_max_scs );
- sceof = reallocate_integer_array( sceof, current_max_scs );
- scname = reallocate_char_ptr_array( scname, current_max_scs );
- actvsc = reallocate_integer_array( actvsc, current_max_scs );
- }
- scname[lastsc] = copy_string( str );
- if ( addsym( scname[lastsc], (char *) 0, lastsc,
- format_pinpoint_message( "start condition %s declared twice", str );
- scset[lastsc] = mkstate( SYM_EPSILON );
- scbol[lastsc] = mkstate( SYM_EPSILON );
- scxclu[lastsc] = xcluflg;
- sceof[lastsc] = false;
- }
- /* sclookup - lookup the number associated with a start condition
- *
- * synopsis
- * char str[], scnum;
- * int sclookup;
- * scnum/0 = sclookup( str );
- */
- int sclookup( str )
- char str[];
- {
- return ( findsym( str, sctbl, START_COND_HASH_SIZE )->int_val );
- }