Labels:text | screenshot | graphic design OCR: ........ tz title : Mistigris News author: Nitnatsnoc Hi. This is Nitnatsnoc handling the news for Mistigris's April pack (our 6th). Cthulu is usually in charge of this, but I chopped-off his fingers with the blunt side of an axe, so typing's kind of rough for him. Oh well. Hopefully this pack will be more organized than the previous five packs we've released. Well, this is the second pack Mistigris has released after the merger with Fire. Things didn't go too smoothly at first, Mistigris but now things have started to settle- news for March down. Yay. 1995? AS usual, Mist lost a few members since we last released a pack. Minus, who has scroll . cursors, pgup/pgdn, home/end extract to file.e