Labels:text | screenshot | display OCR: I suppose you feel pretty much in control of what your mind does, And most of the time I'll bet that you feel you know what's happening 'up there', Right now, while you're reading this, you probably aren't actually thinking about anything ... not in the same way that you set out to contemplate something, anyway ("Now what can I get Judy for Christmas?"), Such thoughts usually manifest themselves in am ordered and linguistic way - you could speak the thoughts aloud without any trouble, This is all well and good; you know what you're thinking, and can even develop trains of thought and control the way your mind is working, But what's happening in your mind when you're not engaging in this elusive 'thinking' activity? A machine such as an electroencephalograph (EEG) hooked up to your brain will show that even the brain of someone who is sleeping, or has 'cleared their mind' is full of activity. Unfortunately, however, even the most sophisticated instruments can't tell us what is happening, only that below the 0 2