Labels:text | screenshot | font OCR: The end of Quantum Leap Page 1 of 2 THE END OF QUANTUM LEAP --- Arrrrrrrggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh ????? I can't believe they did it like that, NBC can't be *that* stupid TWICE. In 1969 NBC decided to cut the original Star Trek from the air. They said it was due to falling "ratings". Does nobody out there is TV land realize that science-fiction tends to appeal more to the minority than the Major ity, There are a core of SF fans who loved these programs (Star Trek & Quantum Leap) that were/have been betrayed. TV networks only really like the sort of TV that I /personally/ consider dross - the soap opera. These soaps are overflowing from our screens and, for the most part, are exceedingly dull and their writers have to continually think up new and even more far-out stories to compete with each other, Soaps are a "safe" bet for networks because of the sheer number of people who will watch them, It appears to me that quality has nothing to do with whether a show remains on air or not - just the viewing figures. ? EXIT INGE MUSIC IST . PASE LAST PAGE SOTO PASE DOUBLE CLICK