Labels:text | screenshot | font | number OCR: `CONTENTS EDITORIAL THE SCENE Welcome! + The scene or school Note to PD-distrubitors Stop cracking! Some words about the code Credits/Staff Copying graphics Telling about the scene Addresses The double morale How to support Leaving the scene How to use The Porno The inside story Corrections Where do \\ get the names? Messages from the editors How to get Magbox Why quit swapping? Strange music comp, at THE PARTY II Save the Amiga from PC NEWS The end for the Amiga scene ?? Racism part III News editorial Selling demos - The end of the scene? News A - C Some short scene texts Elite swappers News D - P Irish scene report News Q - Z News Mixed The scene statistics Why complain Alternative news W.O. C. vs Wicked Sensation BALANCE MAGROHT MENU 001 PREV NEXT SEARCH CONT TOP 004