Labels:text | electronics | screenshot | display | software | multimedia | multimedia software | operating system | display device OCR: news'n Rumors III COMA 1/9 HOT joined ARISE after having shortly guy from SPREADPOINT! visited MORTEM and CORAL! Chrome left TRSI! There are no Ex-Axis members in the Maltese group THE CATS! Deteon MONKS . left BIONEX to join BLACK Here is some news from the U.K. scene: VIC, Stuermer and Ossi left 29Lon. UNITY is dead. Vic is now independent. Stuermer joined LEGEND. Ossi and IPEC ELITE are dead. The north-Section of TENSION is dead! Brain + 3 others left ARGON U.K. CRUSH will release there first SHARKS are planning to release a new Hega-Demo soon . "1-file' Disk-Mag. It'll contain Ads, CRUSH will organize a Party at Ami Infos .. . Expo '91 in Cologne! CED: Hope to Some guys misunderstood a news meet you there ! ) published in McDisk #1. So here's the Black Devil/CRUSH is said to be the correction : Vulgar/AGNOSTIC It was not best graphician in Germany! FRONT private-addresses who to the gave cops but a 29LON kicked out some BBS like PREV ARTICLE LABLE OF PREV. PAGE NEXT PAGE CONCENCS NEXT ARTICLE PRINC