Labels:text | electronics | screenshot | font | display | software OCR: Atari's Lynx Review MAGICIAN LORD/AXIS 1/5 Atari -Lynx and games review First some technical information about by Magician Lord of AXIS (Holland) the Lynx and it's cartridges: Greetings to you, dear reader! And THE LYNX UNIT: thanx for selecting this page to read. I know what most Amiga-freaks would say when they see the word ATARI, but I think that this is more of a prejudgement than anything else (And I can tell you , because I also use Resolut ion : 160 x 102 to be a guy that said "Atari ?!? Palette : 4096 blueerrghhhh!". Since some time I have Colours on screen : Unlimited. special 16 been well acquainted with the console- scene, and I have almost had them all Sprites : (I tasted the Megadrive , PC-engine , hardware treats Gameboy , NEO-GEO!) and of course the all screen objects console that this article is about : the Atari LynX !! At the moment I have Processor : as sprites! 6502 only two consoles left: the Lynx and Max .clockspeed : 16 MHZ the Gameboy, and since that everybody Screen : Backlit colour LCD thinks that the Lynx is "A big black Stereo output : 1 channels, 5 box of shit", I decided to do this Sound : na article . Ports : octave sound. Com lynx-port , Adaptor port, PREV. ARTICLE LABLE OF PREV. PAGE NEXT PAGE CONCENTS NEXT ARTICLE PRINC