1. You must have Apples System 7.0 or greater installed on your Mac.
2. Drag 'The Virtual Meeting' folder from the Conferencing Tools disk on to your hard disk.
3. Drag all the Samples on the sample disk into the 'The Virtual Meetingâ•’ folder you just created.
4. You will need some Communications tools and QuickTime installed in the Extensions Folder inside your system Folder. You will find the Communications tools in the Extensions folder on the System Extensions disk.
Copy the following Comm tools into your Extensions folder.
Apple Modem Tool
Serial Tool
AppleTalk ADSP Tool
TTY Tool
VT102 Tool
Text Tool
Copy the following System Extensions into your Extensions folder.
5. Plug the Microguard ( if you have one ) Into the ADB Port or keyboard.
6. Restart Your macintosh
7. That's all there is to it.
You should read the TVM Tour document for information on how to start
learning and using the system or call the number listed below and we will
schedule a live on-line demonstration of the system.