The Virtual Meeting Folder contains the following applications and sample files
Conference Gateway
The Conference Gateway orchestrates the Multi Media Teleconference on your Macintosh. You use the Conference Gateway to connect your Macintosh to the others in the Meeting.
The live WhiteBoard is used to broadcast sketches, drawings and text to all the other meeting participants in real time.
QT Movie Player
The QT Movie Player is used to control an view the presentation of Apple╒s QuickTime¬ movie and slide presentation files.
Apple TeachText
TeachText allows the viewing of TEXT files and PICT files. TeachText can also be used to create simple TEXT files.
Folders Where You Should Store Your Meeting Files
In the Virtual Meeting Folder you will find five other folders called Applications, Documents, Presentations, Files and Scripts. You can organize your presentation and meeting documents by putting them in one of these folders or in the Virtual Meeting Folder itself. These are the locations that the system will search first when documents or applications are needed. If they are not found in one of these locations you will be prompted by the standard Macintosh File Finder dialog to locate the needed files every time they are needed.
Before a meeting you should distribute any presentation files you are going to use to all of your collaborators either electronically or by mail. Everyone should place the files into one of the above folders in order for them to be available during the conference. This preparation is not necessary if you use the WhiteBoard to prepare your slides because the WhiteBoard can transmit the images in its drawings as you open them if you wish.
Sample Conferencing Files
This file contains a PICT resource of the meeting moderator.
This file contains a PICT resource of the panelists in a panel discussion style meeting
This file contains the PICT resource of the participants in a meeting
Agenda File
This TEXT file could contain all the items that would be presented in a HyperCard based presentation.
Hyper Slide Show
This is a HyperCard stack that demonstrates how easy it is to integrate HyperCard applications into your conferencing system.
Open HyperCard
This TEXT file contains a TVM script that launches HyperCard.
Open WhiteBoard
This TEXT file contains a TVM script that launches the WhiteBoard.
PICT File 1
This PICT file is a sample PICT File Slide that can be displayed by TeachText or any PICT viewing application like Adobe PhotoShop etc.
Pict File 2
This PICT file is a sample PICT File Slide that can be displayed by TeachText or any PICT viewing application like Adobe PhotoShop etc.
Pict File 3
This PICT file is a sample PICT File Slide that can be displayed by TeachText or any PICT viewing application like Adobe PhotoShop etc.
Pict File 4
This PICT file is a sample PICT File Slide that can be displayed by TeachText or any PICT viewing application like Adobe PhotoShop etc.
Pict Scrapbook
This is a sample slide show collection. The slides are stored as PICT resources in a resource file much as in the Macintosh,s Scrapbook. Scrapbook files can be created by most presentation systems like Microsoft PowerPoint and Aldus Persuasion.
This is another sample slide show collection. This slide show is a presentation on The Virtual Meeting and was created with Microsoft Power Point.
This is a sample slide show collection. The slides are stored in an Apple QuickTime file. PICT files , PICS files, and scrapbook files can be converted to a QuickTime movie using the Convert To Movie¬ application.
This is a sample QuickTime Movie of a human heart in action. QuickTime movies can be created using a video digitizer like Super Mac╒s Video Spigot or the one built into the AV series Macintoshes.
This is a sample QuickTime Movie of a mathematical model.
WhiteBoard Slide 1
This is a sample WhiteBoard File.
WhiteBoard Slide 2
This is a sample WhiteBoard File.
WhiteBoard Slide 3
This is a sample WhiteBoard File.
WhiteBoard Slide 4
This is a sample WhiteBoard File.
TVM Read Me
This is a sample TeachText document that describes how to install the Virtual Meeting system and how to connect to a Virtual Meeting.
TVM Tour Postcard
This document as a Postcard. you can open it using the Open ScrapBook... menu command in the WhiteBoard.
Customizing TVM
This is a sample TeachText document that describes how to customize the Virtual Meeting system for your organization.
What Should You Do Now
I Installing the client software
1. You must have Apples System 7.0 or greater installed on your Mac.
2. Drag 'The Virtual Meeting' folder from the Conferencing Tools disk on to your hard disk.
3. Drag all the Samples on the sample disk into the 'The Virtual Meeting╒ folder you just created.
4. You will need some Communications tools and QuickTime installed in the Extensions Folder inside your system Folder. You will find the Communications tools in the Extensions folder on the System Extensions disk.
Copy the following Comm tools into your Extensions folder.
Apple Modem Tool
Serial Tool
AppleTalk ADSP Tool
TTY Tool
VT102 Tool
Text Tool
Copy the following System Extensions into your Extensions folder.
5. Plug the Microguard (if one was supplied) Into the ADB Port or keyboard
6. Restart Your macintosh
7. That's all there is to it.
Establishing a Connection between Two Users
In order to connect together two users that are connected on a network.
1.On the user╒s computer who will wait for a call Choose the Appletalk ADSP Connection tool using the Connection... Command from the Configure menu.
2. A Connection Dialog will appear. click OK.
3. Choose Wait For Connection from the Session Menu.
4. On the Other users computer the user who will initiate the connection
Choose the Appletalk ADSP Connection tool using the Connection...
Command from the Configure menu. Choose the
AppleTalk ADSP tool. A Connection Dialog will appear. You will
then need to locate the other client in the Network Zone where
it resides. The List on the left side of the AppleTalk ADSP tool╒s
connection dialog is the Network Zone List if you have Just one Zone
it should have an * Asterisk char typed into the Zone Name. The List
on the right Side of the AppleTalk ADSP tool╒s connection dialog would
be a list of Waiting clients or Conference Servers You should see an
entry for the waiting client showing its Macintosh Name.
select the client or conference server from the list by clicking on it
then click the OK button.
2. Choose initiate connection from the Session Menu.
3. Both users should now be connected to each other and they should
now be able to type back and forth to each other in the terminal window or use the multimedia conferencing features described below.
Learning The System
QuickTime Player
In order to use the QuickTime movie player to display a slide show presentation click
on the QuickTime movie player╒s icons in the CC window.
Once the QuickTime Movie player is Lauunched you can open a
QuickTime Movie or slide show using the Open Command from the File Menu.
The following sample movies should be in The Virtual Meeting Folder
You should choose The QuickTime Player will load and cue the QuickTime slide presentation.
You can now use the right arrow keys to advance thru the slide presentation.
If you click the right mouse button in the QuickTime player window a message gets sent to your collaborators to display the cursor in their QuickTime player window s at that same location. You can cause all the QuickTime Movie players to quit using the Quit Another Program command in the Conference Gateway╒s Process menu.
Try Opening a Quicktime movie using the Open... command from the File Menu in the QuickTime Players File Menu. A file finder dialog box will appear so you can choose which QuickTime movie file to open. You should choose The QuickTime Player will load and cue the Clear Heart movie .
You can now use the up and down arrow keys to start and stop the movie.
If you stop and move around in the movie you can use the Transmit Cue Point menu command in the Movie menu to synchronize the current frame on all your collaborators computers.
In order to use the WhiteBoard you should Launch the WhiteBoard by clicking
on the WhiteBoard ╒s icons in the CC window. The WhiteBoard Application will be launched on your computer as well as your collaborators computer. Choose a sketching tool and sketch an object. Try changing its color using the Color command from the WhiteBoard menu.
Try Opening a Scrapbook or Postcard using the Open Scrapbook command
from the file menu. A Sample scrapbook has been provided called "TLVMSLIDE.ScrapBook╙ Open it and go thru the pages experiment with drawing and annotating on top of the pages. This document has been provided in a Postcard format try opening it and paging and scrolling thru it.
Try Opening a PICT file sing the Open PICT File command from the file menu.
Some Sample PICT files have been provided.
PICT File 1
PICT File 2
PICT File 3
PICT File 4
Experiment with drawing and annotating on top of the PICT╒s.
Try using the mouse and command M or Function key F5 to point at objects in the WhiteBoard window.
In order to experiment with HyperCards multi user HyperText capabilities. Launch HyperCard and the Hyper Slide Show stack using the Launch To Front With Documents... command from the Processes menu. HyperCard will be launched and the Hyper Slide Show stack will be opened. You can click on any of the buttons and the action you choose will be performed on your Macintosh as well as your collaborators Macintosh simultaneously.
A sample hypercard stack called ╥A Zoo In A Floppy╙ has been included for your viewing pleasure. To view it launch HyperCard and the ╥A Zoo In A Floppy╙ stack using the Launch To Front With Documents... command from the Processes menu. HyperCard will be launched and the A Zoo In A Floppy stack will be opened.
Teach Text
In order to Teach Text to View a Document Choose Open Text File from the Conference menu. A file finder dialog box will appear allowing you to look for and choose the text file that you want to open. Find the ╥TVM Read Me╙ file and click OK. The TeachText Application will be launched on your computer as well as on your collaborators and the ╥TVM Read Me╙ file will be displayed on everyones screens .
Teach text can also be used to open and display PICT files using the Open PICT File command from the Conference menu. Before TeachText can only open one document at a time so you should kill Teach Text first by using the Kill Application command from the Process menu
Working With Your Own Content
Soon you willbe ready to experiment with some of your own documents and presentations. The Print2Pict and the Print To QuickTime Extension for Print2Pict have been included on the Great Shareware diskette. With them you will be able to Create QuickTime Slide shows, Scrapbook Files or Postcard Files using the Print... command found in virtually every Macintosh application. The QuickTime Files can be usefull if you want to send a presentation to users with Windows computers or in situations where you will not be annotating or drawing on top of the slides. The Scrapbook or postcard files are usefull if you want to annotate on top of the slides during the presentation. Scrapbook and postcard windows can be scrolled and resized remotely as well. You will also find some other very usefull utilities on the Great Shareware Diskette as well.
Establishing connections with multiple users using the Conference Server Application
1. When you start the Conference Gateway application you will be prompted for a user name. You should enter one of the following names because sample photographs have been provided for these user names.
Bruce, Dean, Doug, Greg, Jonathan, Ken, Mark, Michael, Rich, Sean
2. Choose a Connection tool using the Connection... Command from the Configure menu.
To use our conference Server on a Wide Area Network or when connected to a network using AppleTalk Remote Access you should choose the AppleTalk ADSP tool. A Connection Dialog will appear. You will then need to locate the Conference Server in the Network Zone where it resides. The List on the left side of the AppleTalk ADSP tool╒s connection dialog is the Network Zone List if you have Just one Zone it should have an * Asterisk char typed into the Zone Name. The List on the right Side of the AppleTalk ADSP tool╒s connection dialog would be a list of Conference Servers or just one you must select the conference server and zone . is the Network Zone List if you have Just one Zone it should have an * Asterisk char typed into the Zone Name.
To use an online service or Bulletin Board Systems chat function as a conference server using a modem connection choose the Modem Tool.
3. Choose initiate connection from the Session Menu.
4. You should be connected
In most cases all you have to do is wait for the conference to start. You should get some idea of whats going on thru your associated Audio Conference Call.When you have something you would like to say you can raise your hand electronically by clicking on the raised hand icon in the CC Window or by using the menu command provided.
One Macintosh in a conference should be the Moderator and should have the Moderators Extension copied into his Extensions Folder. This will cause a Moderators Menu to appear on his Conference Gateway Menu Bar. The Moderator acts as the chairman of the meeting and can recognize and give users the conference floor. When a user gets the floor his photograph is displayed in the Current Speaker Window and he is able to sketch for everyone in the WhiteBoard or control the movie or slide show being presented in the QuickTime player window.
The moderators Extension can be found on the Multi-User folder. You should read the Moderators Release Notes and the Conference Server Release Notes for more information.