global currBut,currButDistance,currV,currH,localDir,homeDir
put the mouseV into currV
put the mouseH into currH
repeat with x = 1 to 4
if currV>(the locV of getAt(currBut,x)-the locV of getAt(currButDistance,x)) and currV<(the locV of getAt(currBut,x)+the locV of getAt(currButDistance,x)) and currH>(the locH of getAt(currBut,x)-the locH of getAt(currButDistance,x)) and currH<(the locH of getAt(currBut,x)+the locH of getAt(currButDistance,x)) then
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
if x = 1 then
set helpBack=[("PondReturn"),(the pathName&the movieName)]