CD-ROM Today - The Disc! 22
Text File
134 lines
<strong><title>Menu Commands</title>
<A NAME="TOP"></A>
<H1>Menu Commands</H1>
<dt><A HREF="#FILE">File Menu</A><BR>
<dt><A HREF="#EDIT">Edit Menu</A><BR>
<dt><A HREF="#NAVIGATE">Navigate Menu</A><BR>
<dt><A HREF="#WINDOWS">Windows Menu</A><br>
<dt><A HREF="#HELP">Help Menu</A><P>
<a name="FILE"></A>
<H1>File Menu</H1>
<strong>New Window</strong><br>
Opens a new window.<P>
<strong>Open URL...</strong><br>
Opens a document from anywhere on a network to which your computer is connected. Type the <A HREF="url.htm#TOP">URL</A> in the Open URL dialog box.<P>
<strong>Open Local...</strong><br>
Opens an document on your computer or local network.<P>
<strong>Save As...</strong><br>
<a href="saveas.htm#TOP">Saves</a> the current document either as an HTML
document or as plain text.<P>
Closes the current window.<P>
<strong>Close All</strong><br>
Closes all windows.<P>
<a href="printdoc.htm#PRINT">Prints</a> the contents of the current window.<P>
<strong>Page Setup...</strong><br>
Opens a <A HREF="page.htm#TOP">dialog</A> to set margins, headers and footers for printed pages.<P>
<strong>Printer Setup...</strong><br>
Sets printer options. The options available depend on the type of printer selected.<P>
Quits Mosaic.<p>
<a name="EDIT"></A>
<H1>Edit Menu</H1>
Removes the selected text and saves it to the clipboard. <p>
Saves the selected text to the clipboard.<p>
Pastes the contents of the clipboard at the current cursor location, where appropriate.<p>
Deletes the selected text without saving it to the clipboard.<p>
<A HREF="findtext.htm#TOP">Searches</A> for a specified word or phrase in the current document.<P>
<strong>Find Again</strong><br>
Finds the next occurance of the word or phrase previously searched.<P>
<strong>View Source...</strong><br>
Displays the <A HREF="HTML.htm">HTML</A> version of the current document.<p>
Used to <A HREF="prefs.htm#TOP">change user options</A>.<p>
<a name="NAVIGATE"></A>
<H1>Navigate Menu</H1>
Displays the last document you viewed. Same as the Back button in the upper-left corner of this window.<P>
Opposite of the Back command.<P>
Displays a list of documents you have viewed. You can quickly return to any
previously viewed document by selecting it from the list in the <A
HREF="history.htm#TOP">History dialog</a> and choosing the Go To button.<P>
Displays your <A HREF = "file:hotlist.htm#TOP">hotlist</A>.<p>
<strong>Add Current to Hotlist</strong><br>
Adds the document you are viewing to your hotlist.<p>
<strong><A NAME="LOADNOW">Load Missing Images</A></strong><br>
Loads any images that were not loaded with the current document. See <A
HREF="prefs.htm#TOP">Preferences</a> to load images automatically.<p>
Reloads the current document. Useful for documents that are updated frequently.<p>
<a name="WINDOWS"></A>
<H1>Windows Menu</H1>
Arranges open windows side by side so that all of them are visible.<p>
Arranges open windows so that the title bar of each window is visible.<p>
<strong>Arrange Icons</strong><br>
Arranges into rows all icons in the Mosaic window.<p>
<strong>List of Windows</strong><br>
The names of all windows are listed at the bottom of the Window menu. To open a
window, choose its name from this list.<p>
<a name="HELP"></A>
<H1>Help Menu</H1>
<strong>Mosaic Help Page</strong><br>
Displays online help.<p>
<strong>About Mosaic...</strong><br>
Displays copyright and system information.<p>
<A HREF = "topics.htm">Help Topics</A>