Labels:text | screenshot | font OCR: <Trite> The point being, I never did anything to provoke such an attack to RCN, nor did my friends. So I did something about it and I released the old source code. If RCN continues, I will get the new source code and release that too. This is your warning. <AtmaWepon> Anyhow, I doubt you'll see the RCN compiler again. After this, we'll make it secret as hell. No one but Xenon himself will ever see it. <Trite> I will keep releasing your RCN source code if RCN doesn't stop its Mad-RCN where it pokes fun of other people. Heh. .. this is funny, you don't even realize how I got it. *** Trite has left channel #RCN How Did Trite Get the RCN Compiler? Only Xenon, Hitex, and I were supposed to have been given access to copies of the RCN compiler. However, near the demise of the first RCN at issue 13, Road Rebel was made an editor of RCN and was thus given a copy of the RCN compiler to continue RCN's legacy. Road Rebel then asked Entropy to help run RCN with him because they were good friends at