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- ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
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- └───────────────────────────────────────────────────┘(TM)
- Copyright (C), 1993 John Alway
- ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
- There are two primary purposes for the EMSKETCHER. One is that it
- may be used as a method of creating upper ascii diagrams which are
- transmittable by e-mail without being garbled on the other end. In
- this case the receiver will need EMSKETCHER to decode the image at
- the other end.
- The other is that it may be used to create upper ascii text file
- diagrams much like this one which was created in EMSKETCHER. You
- may type regular text in as you would a normal editor. You "export"
- a diagram to get the upper ascii characters to a text file.
- ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
- 1) Create schematic diagrams with descriptions.
- 2) Create maps.
- 3) Draw pictures.
- 4) Create snazzy ascii file documents with diagrams and descriptions.
- 5) Make upper ascii logos similar to the one show above.
- See the samples files for tangible examples besides this document.
- ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
- Easily Accessible Tool Palette
- Mouse and Keyboard Control (You don't need a mouse to use EMSKETCHER)
- Pull Down Menu System
- Cut/Paste utility
- File Export to ascii function
- ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
- Type "Sketch filename" from the DOS command line to load a specific
- file, or simply type "Sketch".
- Once in the editor you will note a tool palette similar to the one
- shown below. You can select a tool from the palette by placing the
- ┌───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬──────┐
- │ │ │ ┤ │ ─ │ ┼ │ ┴ │ ┬ │ ├ │ ┘ │ ┌ │ ┐ │ └ │ ╙ │ ╘ │ ╒ │ ╓ │ <F3> │
- ├─a─┼─b─┼─c─┼─d─┼─e─┼─f─┼─g─┼─h─┼─i─┼─j─┼─k─┼─l─┼─m─┼─n─┼─o─┼──────┤
- │ ║ │ ╣ │ ═ │ ╬ │ ╩ │ ╦ │ ╠ │ ╝ │ ╔ │ ╗ │ ╚ │ ╖ │ ╕ │ ╜ │ ╛ │ <INS>│
- └───┴───┴───┴───┴───┴───┴───┴───┴───┴───┴───┴───┴───┴───┴───┴──────┘
- mouse in the box with the tool desired and pressing the left mouse
- button, or by pressing [Ctrl+letter], where "letter" is the letter
- above or below the tool wanted. If you highlight the upper tool
- by [Ctrl+h] and you want the lower one, simply press [Ctrl+h] again.
- There are two palettes, to select one or the other place the mouse
- cursor in the <F3> box and press the left mouse button, or press the
- [F3] key.
- To toggle between insert and overwrite mode select <INS> with the
- mouse or press the [Ins] key. The big block cursor indicates that
- the editor is in overwrite mode.
- Once a tool is selected you may type that character to the screen by
- placing the mouse cursor in the position desired and pressing the
- left mouse button... voila, that character should be typed to the
- screen. You can do this via the key board by pressing the [F5]
- key, or the asterisk, [*], key. [F6] allows you to toggle the [*] key
- so that it either types an asterisk or the currently active tool. If
- you use the key board the askerisk key seems to be more comfortable
- for users.
- You may move the text cursor to the position of the mouse cursor by
- holding the [Shift] key down and then pressing the left mouse button.
- This comes in hand for paste operations in the Cut/Paste utility.
- The ascii letter tilde, is the only letter which may not be used.
- ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
- Cut/Paste: isolate text via [shift+arrow], [Shift+PgDn],
- [Shift+PgUp], and [Shift+Home/End]. To copy an isolated block
- to a hidden buffer press [Shift+Ins]. To move an isolated block
- to a hidden buffer press [Shift+Del] or [Del]. To paste the
- hidden block to the screen press [Shift+Ins]. The block will be
- inserted starting at the text cursors current position. You may
- move the text cursor to the desired location by mouse by simply
- placing the mouse cursor in the desired insertion position and
- pressing [Shift] and while holding it down pressing the left mouse
- button. To move the text cursor by keyboard simply use the arrow
- keys as usual.
- You may isolate text via the mouse by pressing and holding down the
- right mouse button and moving the cursor along the screen. You
- can then cut or copy the isolated text to a hidden buffer by moving
- the mouse cursor to the menu and clicking the left mouse button.
- The menu should pull down. To copy simply place the mouse button
- over copy and press the left mouse button, and do the same for cut.
- If you want to paste via the mouse you can do it through the menu
- in the same way.
- MENU: the menu may be used by the mouse or keyboard.
- By keyboard: to get to the menu press the [Esc] key or press
- [Alt+F] for file, and [Alt+E] for edit. Once there you may
- highlight the selection desired by using the arrow keys. Up
- and down arrows to select a menu item, and right and left arrows
- to select a menu. The box at the lower center of the screen
- gives a brief description of the highlighted function. You
- may also execute any element in the menu by pressing the key
- which has the capital letter of the element desired.
- By mouse: to get to the menu by the mouse place the mouse cursor
- over "File" or "Edit" in the upper left hand corner of the screen
- and press the left mouse button. The menu should pull down. You
- Then select an item by placing the mouse cursor over it and
- pressing the left mouse button. To leave the menu place the mouse
- cursor somewhere where on the screen where the menu isn't and press
- the left mouse button.
- Using Windows:
- When doing various operations, such as loading files, windows will
- appear. You can cancel these windows by pressing the [Esc] key
- or by highlighing <Cancel> by the [Tab] and [Shift+Tab] key. Once
- <Cancel> is highlight press [Enter]. The <Ok> key means that the
- function performed in the particular window will be executed.
- With the mouse you place the mouse cursor over the function desired
- and press the left mouse button. If there is a window in which to
- type a file name place the mouse cursor in it and press the left
- mouse button. The text cursor should then show up there so that
- text can be typed in.
- Sliding Indicators:
- On the right side of the editors screen, and in the file load window
- ░ there is a slide indicator which shows the current relative position
- ░ of the cursor in the text screen, and the highlighted filename in
- ░ the file list. You may move through the lists by placing the mouse
- █ on the indicator and holding down the left mouse button and dragging
- ░ the indicator along the track. Then release the button and you will
- ░ see the screen or file list has been moved. You may also place the
- ░ mouse cursor on either side of the indicator on the track and click
- the left mouse button this moves the text cursor up/down a line, and
- the highlighted file right/left a line. By placing the mouse cursor
- on the arrows at the end of the tracks you move the screen by page
- up or down, and the file list by column right or left.
- A slide indicator and track is illustrated to the left.
- New File: select "New" from the file menu, [Alt+F] then [N], and a
- new "untitled" file will be loaded.
- Load File: select "Load" from the file menu, [Alt+F] and then [L],
- and the file list will appear. ".EMD" is the usual suffix to an
- EMSKETCHER's file, though it doesn't have to be. You can then
- type in the file name you want to load, or press the [Tab] key and
- then highlight the file desired by the arrow keys. Finally press
- enter to select. See "Using Windows" above for how to use the
- mouse. The [Tab] and [Shift+Tab] keys move you from item to item.
- Save File: select "Save" from the menu, [Alt+F] and then [S], and
- the file will be saved. A window may appear, in which case you
- type in a new file name.
- Export File: select "Export" from the menu, [Alt+F] and then [E], and
- the file will be saved to a text file. You type a file name into
- the window and select <Ok> and press enter. Select by the [Tab] and
- [Shift+Tab] keys to select and press [Enter] to execute.
- B&W/Color: select "B&w" from the menu, [Alt+F] and then [B], and the
- screen toggles between black & white and color. Or press the [F4]
- key
- Full/Half: select "Full/half" from the menu, [Alt+F] and then [F],
- so that the screen can be toggled from small to large. When the
- screen is large the tool palette can not be selected by the mouse.
- Or press [F2].
- Help: select "Help" from the menu, [Alt+F] and then [H], for aid in
- using the EMSKETCHER. Once in help, highlight the topic you want
- information on by pressing the up/down arrow keys, then press
- [Enter] for a description of that topic. Press [Esc] to get back to
- previous key. You can also select by highlighting with the <Enter>
- and <Cancel with the [Tab] and [Shift+Tab] key and pressing [Enter].
- Or press [F1].
- Exit: select "eXit" from the menu, [Alt+F] and then [X], to exit
- the editor.
- ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
- [Backspace] to delete character to left
- [Del] to delete character in cursors position
- [Shift+Del] to delete the word to the right
- [Ctrl+right/left arrow] to move word right/left
- [Tab] to move cursor to next fifth position right.
- Text if in insert mode.
- [End] to end of line
- [Begin] to beginning of line
- [Ctrl+Home] to beginning of file
- [Ctrl+End] to end of file
- [Alt+Y] to delete a line
- [Alt+U] to undelete the line to cursors position
- ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
- The files list can view a maximum of 100 files
- The editor can hold a maximum of 15,000 bytes.
- ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
- Send Check or Money order payable to 'John Alway.' Checks should
- be drawn on USA banks, and USA funds.
- Price: the price is $12 in the USA, and $14 outside the USA.
- You may send cash, but it is at your own risk, as it may be lost in
- the mail.
- Send order to: EMSKETCHER!, P.O. Box 7302, Victoria, TX 77903-7302
- See the file ORDER.FRM, fill it out, print it and send it in to order.
- It is preferrable that you type it if that is convenient. If you
- decide to write please make it legible so that I can send it to the
- right address.
- Any comments, recommendations or information on bugs in the program
- are welcome, in fact, encouraged. Thanks!
- ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
- If you register you get the following:
- A Shareware program called THE WRITER'S EDITOR. A multi-featured
- editor.
- Elimination of the registration reminder screen you see when exiting
- ────────┌─────────┐─────────────────────────
- ┌───────┴─┐ ╡ ▄▀▄ ssociation of
- │ ╡ O │ █▀█ ▄▄▄
- │ O ┌──┴──╨───┐│ █▄▄ hareware
- │ ║ │ ├┘ ▄▄▄ ▄▄█
- └────╨─┤ O │ █▄█
- │ ║ │ █ rofessionals
- ───────└────╨────┘───────────────────────────
- Member
- "This program is produced by a John Alway of the Association of Share-
- ware Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the shareware
- principle works for you. If you are unable to resolve a shareware related
- problem with an ASP member by contacting the member directly, ASP may be
- able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem
- with an ASP member, but does not provide technical support for members'
- products. Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road, Muskegon,
- MI 49442 or send a Compuserve message via CompuServe Mail to ASP Ombudsman
- 70007,2336."