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/ DP Tool Club 8 / CDASC08.ISO / VRAC / AZ_TRVL.ZIP

File Comment
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) file from
the Usenet newsgroup rec.travel on travel to
Arizona. Includes restaurant recommendations
and info on touring the Grand Canyon. Last
revision date in archive: 09-17-1993.

Text (6)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
ARIZONA.EAT Text File 445 16KB 1993-09-17
DEATH_VL.TRV Text File 174 8KB 1993-09-17
FILE_ID.DIZ Text File 6 219b 1993-09-17
GC_RAFT.TRV Text File 538 28KB 1993-09-17
GRAND_CN.TRV Text File 557 30KB 1993-09-17
PHOENIX.EAT Text File 202 8KB 1993-09-17