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/ The Best of the Best / _.img / 02007 / startec.arj

Jump To: Text (8)  |  Other (16)

Text (8)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
ATOM.SIM Text File 22 330b 1992-01-03
DUAL.SIM Text File 31 479b 1992-01-04
ELLIPSEN.SIM Text File 31 473b 1992-01-21
HILFE.DOK Text File 132 7KB 1992-01-06
INFO.TXT Text File 25 1KB 1992-01-15
MULTI.SIM Text File 49 760b 1991-12-31
PLANETS.DAT Text File 101 2KB 1992-01-15
SYSTEM.DAT Text File 3 7b 1992-01-15

Other Files (16)
ARJ.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 62KB 1990-12-28
STAR.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 143KB 1992-01-15
BAHNEN.TPU Pascal Compiled Unit 9KB 1991-12-29
BGIDRIV.TPU Pascal Compiled Unit 25KB 1992-01-06
BGIFONT.TPU Pascal Compiled Unit 54KB 1992-01-06
DTEC.TPU Pascal Compiled Unit 3KB 1991-12-29
FTEC.TPU Pascal Compiled Unit 5KB 1991-12-29
STAR.OVR Borland Overlay 61KB 1992-01-15
STEC.TPU Pascal Compiled Unit 13KB 1992-01-06
TTEC.TPU Pascal Compiled Unit 9KB 1991-12-31
VTEC.TPU Pascal Compiled Unit 10KB 1991-12-29
BILDER.DAT Unknown 21KB 1992-01-06
KOERPER.DAT Unknown 5KB 1992-01-15
MENUE.DAT Unknown 27KB 1992-01-15
MENUE2.DAT Unknown 9KB 1992-01-15
STERNE.DAT Unknown 86KB 1992-01-06