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Jump To: Text (10)  |  Other (50)

Text (10)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
demokont.kto Text File 25 1KB 1990-09-16
demokont.txt Text File 49 3KB 1990-09-16
farben.dat Text File 2 78b 1990-09-16
fehlerte.kto Text File 2 28b 1990-03-26
fehlerte.sts Text File 1 1b 1990-03-19
handbuch.doc Text File 1,813 79KB 1990-10-03
install.bat DOS Batch File 46 1KB 1991-10-18
start.bat DOS Batch File 4 32b 1990-10-14
start.txt Text File 25 1KB 1990-10-14
zin.bat DOS Batch File 5 38b 1990-01-04

Other Files (50)
komma.com MS-DOS COM Executable 182b 1990-04-27
lese.com MS-DOS COM Executable 8KB 1989-08-02
lharc.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 30KB 1989-05-04
zinsen.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 87KB 1990-10-13
barumwan.tbc Turbo Basic Chain module 19KB 1990-09-14
barwert.tbc Turbo Basic Chain module 19KB 1990-09-14
degressi.tbc Turbo Basic Chain module 20KB 1990-09-14
digital.tbc Turbo Basic Chain module 21KB 1990-09-14
doppelt.tbc Turbo Basic Chain module 18KB 1990-09-14
effziann.tbc Turbo Basic Chain module 20KB 1990-09-14
effzikle.tbc Turbo Basic Chain module 19KB 1990-09-14
effzins.tbc Turbo Basic Chain module 18KB 1990-09-14
endwdyn.tbc Turbo Basic Chain module 20KB 1990-09-14
endwert.tbc Turbo Basic Chain module 19KB 1990-09-14
endwrent.tbc Turbo Basic Chain module 19KB 1990-09-14
endzins.tbc Turbo Basic Chain module 20KB 1990-09-14
ewigbar.tbc Turbo Basic Chain module 18KB 1990-09-14
ewigrent.tbc Turbo Basic Chain module 18KB 1990-09-14
feiertag.tbc Turbo Basic Chain module 6KB 1990-09-14
gemischt.tbc Turbo Basic Chain module 22KB 1990-09-14
gewinn.tbc Turbo Basic Chain module 19KB 1990-09-14
hypo.tbc Turbo Basic Chain module 20KB 1990-09-14
invann.tbc Turbo Basic Chain module 19KB 1990-09-14
invkap.tbc Turbo Basic Chain module 24KB 1990-09-14
invzins.tbc Turbo Basic Chain module 24KB 1990-09-14
kalender.tbc Turbo Basic Chain module 25KB 1990-09-15
konto.tbc Turbo Basic Chain module 83KB 1990-10-03
kredit.tbc Turbo Basic Chain module 19KB 1990-09-15
kredzins.tbc Turbo Basic Chain module 19KB 1990-09-15
leasen.tbc Turbo Basic Chain module 24KB 1990-09-15
linear.tbc Turbo Basic Chain module 20KB 1990-09-15
nomzins.tbc Turbo Basic Chain module 18KB 1990-09-15
reich.tbc Turbo Basic Chain module 19KB 1990-09-15
renditew.tbc Turbo Basic Chain module 18KB 1990-09-15
rentabil.tbc Turbo Basic Chain module 23KB 1990-09-15
rente.tbc Turbo Basic Chain module 19KB 1990-09-15
rest.tbc Turbo Basic Chain module 19KB 1990-09-15
restkred.tbc Turbo Basic Chain module 19KB 1990-09-15
tag.tbc Turbo Basic Chain module 5KB 1990-06-24
tagdiff.tbc Turbo Basic Chain module 17KB 1990-09-15
tilgneu.tbc Turbo Basic Chain module 26KB 1990-09-15
tilgvar.tbc Turbo Basic Chain module 41KB 1990-10-03
wachsen.tbc Turbo Basic Chain module 19KB 1990-09-15
wertaend.tbc Turbo Basic Chain module 18KB 1990-09-15
wertpapm.tbc Turbo Basic Chain module 23KB 1990-09-15
wertpapo.tbc Turbo Basic Chain module 23KB 1990-09-15
zinsenbe.tbc Turbo Basic Chain module 27KB 1990-09-15
zinseszi.tbc Turbo Basic Chain module 20KB 1990-09-15
chklist.ms Unknown 108b 1994-05-10
tilgung.tbc Unknown 41KB 1990-10-08