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Text (11)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
copyrigh.bat DOS Batch File 31 975b 1989-04-29
d.bat DOS Batch File 7 42b 1987-08-14
nurverb.asc Text File 333 13KB 1980-01-01
s.bat DOS Batch File 7 42b 1987-08-14
sein.asc Text File 388 15KB 1988-06-13
start.bat DOS Batch File 17 1KB 1987-08-14
verb2.bas BASIC Source File 584 23KB 1988-06-08
verben.bat DOS Batch File 3 16b 1988-09-28
verbenhs.asc Text File 519 21KB 1988-01-13
wahl.asc Text File 16 757b 1987-07-12
wahl.bas BASIC Source File 33 2KB 1987-08-08

Other Files (7)
keybgr.com MS-DOS COM Executable 3KB 1986-05-28
keybsg.com MS-DOS COM Executable 3KB 1986-03-21
wahl.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 61KB 1988-06-13
sein.tbc Turbo Basic Chain module 13KB 1988-09-10
verb2.tbc Turbo Basic Chain module 23KB 1988-09-10
verbenhs.tbc Turbo Basic Chain module 24KB 1988-12-10
chklist.ms Unknown 81b 1994-05-10