Shows & Events


You will find more events on the homepages of Amiga Intl. and!


7. - 8. October 98: Satellite 98, Poland

10th - 12th October 98: RadyKal Party 98, Spain
This show will be held in Granada, Spain. They are expecting up to 4.000 visitors among them Mr. Petro Tytchschenko, who will attend the show and will give away an A1200HD Spanish version, stickers, CDs, posters, etc.
This event could be the biggest Amiga show ever made in Spain, a show that can set a inflexion point in the Spanish Amiga market and the global computer vision.

24th - 25th October 98: AmigaFest 98, Australia

Albert Park, Melbourne
Sat 9am - 6pm, Sun 9am - 4pm

With an expected attendance of over 2000 Amiga users to the show over the two days we know "AmigaFest 98" will be a great event.

AmigaFest 98

13.-15. November: Computer '98/Amiga '98, Cologne

This was the biggest Amiga show on earth for the last years and so it will be this time too.

History of Amiga Events

Events 1998 Events 1997 Events 1996

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