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NEWS Mailing List


This mailing list informs you about all

Haage&Partner NEWS

e.g. all about new products, updates, patches, add-ons...

The News of this list are bilingual English and German. They will be send about biweekly.

How to subscribe

Requests to join the list may be sent to


with the command

subscribe news-list

in the body of the message - not in the subject (!).

Please check your return address and "reply-to", because we are getting a lot of requests with wrong e-mail addresses. This causes us a lot of trouble and you will never get any mail.

When your subscription was successful you will receive a message from the majordomo of the list. When you do not get it within one day you should check your data in your e-mail program, especially your "return" and "reply-to" address and subscribe again.

If you want to subscribe an e-mail address that is your return address or "reply-to", then please use command:

subscribe news-list myname@whatever.com

in the body of the message - not in the subject and replace myname@... by your e-mail address.

How to unsubscribe

Requests to unsubscribe the list may be sent to


with the command

unsubscribe news-list

in the body of the message - not in the subject (!).

If you want to unsubscribe an e-mail address that is your return address or "reply-to", then please use the command:

unsubscribe news-list myname@whatever.com

in the body of the message - not in the subject and replace myname@... by your e-mail address.

© 1998 HAAGE & PARTNER Computer - http://www.haage-partner.com