Rock, Developer. He is a long time programmer for the Amiga with much experience. He is responsible
for the very fast and very compatible linker StormLINK. Right now he is working on the PPC code generator. |
Jens Gelhar,
Dipl.-Inf., Developer of StormC compiler. Certainly one of the best programmers of compilers for the Amiga.
He did his first one about 8 years ago. In 1992 he did the first C++ compiler for the Amiga. Now he puts all his
experience into the StormC compiler. |
Sam Jordan, Developer of PPC Assembler for PowerUP (StormPowerASM), PPC DisAsm (incl. Source Level
Debugger) and 68k-2-PPC Crossassembler. He is certainly the person with the most in-depth knowledge about PPC programming
on the Amiga. He is also a great fan of fast action games. |
Thomas Mittelsdorf, Developer of StormWIZARD, the new GUI development system. The
whole StormC 1.1 was done with it. |
Pratsch, father of ArtEffect :-) the fantastic graphics program. |
Dirks, one of the authors of ArtEffect. |
Thomas Wilhelmi, our best StormC tester, author of TWiMUI class library. |
Andreas Kleinert, programmer of SUPERVIEW and PowerEffects for ArtEffect. SuperView
Support |
T. Vermeulen, Masters degree of the University of Leiden (NL). Project Manager and main programmer of
the Merapi project (Java for Amiga). |
Hans Gujit, Masters degree of the University of Leiden (NL). Now working on the Libraries
for Merapi (Java for Amiga). |
Eike M.
Lang, author of some of our latest manuals. Also working on translations from German to English or vis-versa. |
"Pief" Hollants, did the English translation of some parts of the StormC manual and the complete
StormWIZARD manual. WWW. |
"dreamy" Traskalik, Graphic Artist and HTML Expert. He did the nice art-work (icons) of StormC
and ArtEffect. He is also responsible for some of the (better) pages of our homepage. |
Haage, Art Director. Responsible for all the CI (corporate identity) stuff e.g. H&P logo, StormC/StormWIZARD/ArtEffect
logo, advertising ... |
Becher, Dipl.-Math., one of the founders of HAAGE & PARTNER. He did his first compiler about
4 years ago. Later he did a Source Level Debugger and the first C++ class library for the Amiga. Now he is the
Project Manager of StormC / PPC / p-OS and developer of StormShell, StormDebugger and StormED. |
Haage, Managing Director and one of the founders too. He started his company HAAGE SOFTWARE about 10
years ago. |
That is me, Markus
Nerding, Dipl.-Ing. (FH). I am responsible for this web site. I am one of the founders of HAAGE & PARTNER
and Managing Director. |