UTILITIES EXPERIENCE - FF 179 - � 17.9 - DM 52
From the makers of AGA Experience comes a superb utilities collection for Workbench 2.0, 3.0 and 3.1. The compact disc contains graphics tools, icon utilities, commercial demos, workbench & shell tools, business software, programmers tools, source code and far more. Additionally there are many serious and informative text files for the Amiga.
All of this is presented in a clear and attractive workbench manner with a simple interface and all files ready to run
      VIDEO CREATOR - FF 159 - � 15.9 - DM 46
PHOENIX DP vous annonce la r�alisation du premier programme utilisant la carte MPEG Full Motion Vid�o. Avec VIDEO CREATOR, l'utilisateur peut cr�er ses propres clips vid�o, � partir de tout CD audio, avec des effets sp�ciaux, des animations etc... , avec un timing parfait avec la musique. Avec la carte Amiga FMV, les images et les animations peuvent �tre superpos�es sur la vid�o existante. Bien sur, VIDEO CREATOR est parfaitement utilisable sans carte FMV, simplement avec une console CD32 standard ou un Overdrive CD . VIDEO CREATOR est fourni avec un autre programme: RANDOM RAVES qui multiplie la puissance de VIDEO CREATOR, mais sous le contr�le total de la console. Tout ce que vous avez � faire est de placer un disque audio dans votre console et d'assister � un superbe show graphique g�r� automatiquement.
* Plus de 1000 images disponibles 
* Une multitude d'effets 
* Des effets psych�d�liques avec Psycho Cycle 
* Enti�rement g�r� � la souris 
* Inclus: Random Raves  g�n�rateur d'effets vid�os   
* "Remix" des disques Vid�o CD (avec la carte FMV)
Fonctionne sur CD32 et Overdrive CD.
      WEB EXPLOSION 2 CDs - FF 435 - � 43.5 - DM 125
Web Explosion is the largest collection of professional-quality web graphics yet released. Use these images with any web authoring tool to create spectacular sites that will leave your competitors in awe and your friends clamouring for the name of your graphics designer.
Choose from eye-popping neon, art deco and retro-style graphics; lavish marble and granite textures; awesome 3D and futuristic shapes and much more. Buttons are provided in more than 200 combinations of styles and colours and with virtually every text label you'll need for easy linking.
Best of all, there is absolutely no image editing required.
Add an enormous variety of fast-loading clipart images, photographs and more and you have the ultimate graphics library for creating web pages. And, while your designing away, we've included a healthy assortment of "Under Construction" signs for your use too.
Web Explosion is ideal for beginners and professionals alike.

      WORDWORTH 6 CD - FF 279 - � 27.9 - DM 80

WORDWORTH 6 OFFICE CD - FF 420 - � 42 - DM 120

Since its launch in 1991, Wordworth has grown to become the most successful and most popular word processor ever developed for the Amiga. With over 250,000 users, Wordworth is undoubtably the Worlds best-selling Amiga word processor, and now it is even better with the release of Wordworth 6. Just look at these new features
•New drawing tools: polygon, regular polygon, Bezier curve and freehand. •More arexx commands and macros. •Password protection of documents. •Watermarks. •First Amiga word processor on cdrom. •Improved rtf file support. •50 Compugraphic fonts. •Over 1000 pieces of clipart (cdrom version only). •Plus many other minor improvements and refinements.
Wordworth 6 Office CD
Contains Wordworth 6 and Digitas best-selling products Datastore 2, Money Matters 4 and Organiser 2.
      .WORKBENCH DESIGNER - FF 159 - � 15.9 - DM 46
Un nouveau CD venu d'Allemagne contenant tous les programmes DP et shareware vous permettant de modifier, d'am�liorer votre Workbench.
Fonctionne sur tout Amiga 2.0 et +.

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