On this page we regrouped the favorite links that interest us in priority.
News dedicated to the Amiga. One of the rare forums where one speaks French. For all knowledge on the Amiga, to ask for help on doesn't import what topic.

Wanadoo is the favorite provider of the Amiga Fans, not for the quality of the service, but because he offers some LOCAL acc�s everywhere in france. Besides we achieved a kit of connection for this provider.


Club Internet is the first (and the only?) provider to have sustained the Amiga. The Amiga conection kit have been achieved by Phoenix. To note: the Aminet site complete accessible to all.


Hisoft Systems English society is the dispenser of IBrowse: currently the best Browser on Amiga, as well as of Termite TCP, Squirrel etc....

Cloanto is the creative society of Personnal Paint: A fabulous program of drawing with internet orientation .

For all knowledge, all to know on the Amiga: the last news, the links, all sites etc... Amiga Web Directory is the bible of the Amiga Fan.

    Site mirroir AMINET
The most important collection of public domain programs, shareware, freeware is accessible to all. Of thousand of mega of free programs
A new friendly site for all those that want to try the new commercial software versions. Ratings.org permits you to nearly download all commercial demos on all systems including the Amiga.
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