[About The Guide]
Introduction MetaFunctions
AsciiTab() Shows an ascii table
AplicName() Determines the application name
Backup() Makes a backup
BigClock() Shows a digital watch with large numbers
Calculator() Displays a calculator
Calendar() Displays a calendar
ChkDsk() Checks a floppy format
Chrono() Gets/Sets 3 programable chronos
Clock() Un/Installs a resident clock
DirTree() Create an array with the structure of a disk
Editor() Edits a text file
FastMemo() Edits a memo value
FontEdit() Edits a font of characters
Format() Formats a floppy
Fire() Simulates a monitor on fire
GaugeNew() Creates and inits a status bar
GaugeUpdate() Increases a status bar
IsSound() Determines if the speaker sounds are allowed
Manager() A little PCTools in Clipper
MiniDebug() Allows to evaluate CA-Clipper expresions
Notes() Makes your calculations in a lotus stile
Restore() Restores a backup
ScreenSaver() Shows a screen saver
Stars() Shows a screen saver
Timer() Lets you define the number of ticks per second
TimeScr() Determines the time of Screen Saver
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility.
Written by Dave Pearson