[About The Guide]
Introduction Serial Comunications
ComCarrier() Determines if Carrier flag is on
ComHighDTR() Activates Data Terminal Ready flag
ComInEmpt() Determines if reception buffer is empty
ComInFlh() Initializes reception buffers
ComInput() Extracts a value from the comunications buffer (input)
ComInst() Installs a Serial Comunications System
ComLowDTR() Deactivates Data Terminal Ready flag
ComOutput() Stuffs a value into the comunications buffer (output)
ComOutputS() Stuffs a string into the comunications buffer (output str)
ComOutEmpt() Determines if transmission buffer is empty
ComOutFlh() Initializes transmission buffers
ComParity() Determines comunication parity
ComReady() Determines if the system is ready to transmit
ComSpeed() Determines comunication speed
ComUnInst() Uninstalls Serial Comunications System
CRC32() Returns a CRC32 polynomial of a block as PKZIP
Dial() Dials a phone number through the modem
Hangup() Hangs up a phone call
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Written by Dave Pearson