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         Installs a Serial Comunications System


         ComInst( nPort ) -> nError

         nPort : COM port. 1=COM1, 2=COM2, 3=COM3 and 4=COM4


         ComInst() installs a Serial Comunications System and initializes
         comunication buffers.

         The interrupts manager must be uninstalled by the ComUnInst()
         function before to leave the operating system. In other case
         it will have a general break down of the system.


         A number with the next meaning

           0    Ok
           1    It was specified a port out of the range 1-4
           2    There's no UART for the specified port
           3    The manager was already installed


         ComInst( 2 )           // installs the manager on COM2

See Also: ComUnInst()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson