Amiga Flame - Game Reviews


Welcome to Amiga Flame`s "Game Reviews" section.

From here I hope to bring you reviews of new Amiga games. I'll be hopefully reviewing Shareware and Commercial, if it's good I'll review it. So far I have reviewed eight games and one multimedia CD so why don't you take a look and see what I thought.

Game Reviews

Title Type Publisher Date of Release

(*)The Final Odyssey
All, CD-Rom Peter Spinaze/ Vulcan Software December 1997
CD-Rom Invictus Team/ Sadeness Software December 1997
CD-Rom Austex Software/ Vulcan Software November 1997
(*)The Strangers
CD-Rom Vulcan Software November 1997
CD-Rom Oxyron/ New Generation Software/ Islona 1996
(*)Worms: The Directors Cut
Aga, HD installable Team 17/ Ocean March 1997
(*)Castle Kingdoms
All, HD installable Mutation Software May 1997
(*)Tiny Troops
All, HD installable Vulcan Software January 1997
Aga, 030, 4MB Fast Ram, HD only Vulcan Software January 1997
Aga Vulcan Software November 1996
(*)Tommy Gun
All Mutation Software January 1997
(*)Tin Toy In The House Of Fun Adventure
Aga Mutation Software July 1996
(*)Capital Punishment
Aga ClickBOOM November 1996

Multimedia Reviews

Title Type Publisher Date of Release
(*)Hidden Truth
Aga only, 8MB, CD-Rom Drive Sadeness Software


E-mail - philip (@)

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