


1 9 9 8

24. February 1998

12. February 1998

11. February 1998

31. January 1998

25. January 1998

20. January 1998

19. January 1998

16. January 1998

12. January 1998

1 9 9 7

20. December 1997

17. December 1997

14. December 1997

30. November 1997
  • archived and e-mailed the pages to Amiga Format for their upcoming CD-release.
  • updated all TABLEs with better colors and look.
  • fixed some small bugs in some links and other stuff.

27. November 1997

26. November 1997

24. November 1997

06. November 1997

05. November 1997

03. November 1997

28. October 1997

25. October 1997
  • using WebTracker for counting access.
  • reworked support pages to access "" for the updates.
  • added the Computer`97 information on the main pages.

22. October 1997

15. October 1997

14. October 1997

13. October 1997

11. October 1997

09. October 1997
  • reworked all page bottoms for better outfit.
  • started to work on the PicassoIV module pages.

07. October 1997

04. October 1997

17. September 1997

24. September 1997

23. September 1997

17. September 1997

09. September 1997

07. September 1997

04. September 1997

01. September 1997

26. August 1997

22. August 1997
  • reworked the page layout a little bit (tell me your opinion),
  • created/added new Titlelogo.

20. August 1997

15. August 1997
  • added/created WelcomeSound (i hope you like my voice ;),
  • added "FRAMESPACING=0" for our Internet Explorer Users ;),
  • added "META" Informations for Searchmachines on the Web.

10. August 1997

29. July 1997

23. July 1997

22. July 1997

19. July 1997
  • updated Module specifications for the PicassoIV,
  • added the Denise Adapter as a new Add-on for the PicassoIV.

15. July 1997
  • added counter in Mainpage from the org. P96/PIV Pages.

12. July 1997
  • updated the productlogos and other GFX stuff,
  • added a "Updates"-Button, so that Users can find Updates faster,
  • added PicassoII+ technical information and jumper settings.

02. July 1997
  • added HEIGHT & WIDTH to all Images for more readability.

01. July 1997
  • added PicassoII(+) Software Update page.
  • started working on the german pages.

30. June 1997
  • created german buttons.

29. June 1997

28. June 1997
  • added/created Picasso96 Utils&Tools page and logo.

27. June 1997
  • first public release on the WWW-Server,
  • major code cleanup for more readability.

26. June 1997
  • added PicassoIV, Picasso96 and all support pages,
  • created/added Picasso96Mode TNG logo and page.

25. June 1997
  • added PicassoII+, Liana, Pablo, Amitcp, Mainactor and Ariadne pages.

21-24. June 1997
  • painted all buttons and convert the first pages,
  • painted main logo.

20. June 1997
  • First betalayout of new Amiga pages ready.