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    This is intended for use in macros.  It unconditionally jumps to the
    specified label within this macro.  You must define a label at the
    point in the macro to which you wish to branch, in the format "label:".
    The maximum label length is 15 characters.  For Example:

    A command to delete from the cursor position to the beginning of the
    line, assigned to the f10 key:

    f10 MacroBegin
                       JFalse done:
                       Jump begin:

    This MUST all occur on ONE LINE in your QCONFIG.DAT file.

    See JTrue and JFalse for conditional jumping.

    This command was added in QEdit v2.1

See Also: JTrue JFalse Pause RepeatCmd Macro
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson