[About The Guide]
AddLine (Editing) <F2> or <Esc><E><A>
Align (Editing)
AltWordSet (Other) (2.08)
AppendScrbuff (Blocks) <Ctrl BA>
Backspace (Editing) <Backspace>
BegFile (Cursor Movement) <Ctrl PgUp>
BegLine (Cursor Movement) <Home>
BegScreen (Cursor Movement) <Ctrl Home>
CenterLine (Other) (2.1) <Ctrl OT>
ChangeFilename (File) <Alt O> or <Esc><F><C>
CloseWindow (Window) <Ctrl OC> or <Esc><W><C>
Copy (Blocks) <Grey +>
CopyBlock (Blocks) <Alt C> or <Esc><B><C>
CopyOverBlock (Blocks) <Alt Z>
CurrentFilename (Macro)
CursorDown (Cursor Movement) <Cursor Down>
CursorLeft (Cursor Movement) <Cursor Left>
CursorRight (Cursor Movement) <Cursor Right>
CursorUp (Cursor Movement) <Cursor Up>
Cut (Blocks) <Grey ->
DefaultWordSet (Other) (2.08)
DelCh (Editing) <Del>
DeleteBlock (Blocks) <Alt G> or <Esc><B><D>
DelLine (Editing) <Alt D> or <Esc><E><D>
DelLtWord (Editing) <Ctrl Backspace>
DelRtWord (Editing) <Ctrl T>
DelToEol (Editing) <F6> or <Esc><E><E>
Dos (Other) <Alt F9>
DropAnchor (Blocks) <Alt A>
DupLine (Editing) <F4>
EditFile (File) <Alt E> or <Esc><F><L>
EndFile (Cursor Movement) <Ctrl PgDn>
EndLine (Cursor Movement) <End>
EndPara (Cursor Movement) (2.08)
EndScreen (Cursor Movement) <Ctrl End>
Escape (Other) <Esc>
ExecuteScrap (Macro) <Ctrl Enter>
Exit (File) <Ctrl KD>
File (File) <Ctrl KX> or <Esc><F><F>
FillBlock (Blocks) (2.1) <Ctrl KL>
Find (Find/Replace) <Ctrl QF> or <Esc><S><F>
FindReplace (Find/Replace) <Ctrl QA> or <Esc><S><R>
Flip (Other) (2.08) <Alt 3>
GetPrev (Editing) <Ctrl - (dash)>
GetScrbuff (Blocks) <Ctrl BL>
GExit (File) <Alt X> or <Esc><Q><X>
GFile (File) <Esc><F><G>
GoBack (TSR Commands) (TSR) <Esc><Q><G>
GotoBlockBeg (Cursor Movement) <Ctrl QB>
GotoBlockEnd (Cursor Movement) <Ctrl QK>
GotoColumn (Cursor Movement) (2.08)
GotoLine (Cursor Movement) <Ctrl J>
GPQuit (File) <F3> or <Esc><Q><Q>
GrabScreen (TSR Commands) (TSR) <Ctrl F10>
GrowWindow (Window) <Ctrl OG> or <Esc><W><G>
GSave (File) <Alt Y>
HalfPgDn (Cursor Movement)
HalfPgUp (Cursor Movement)
HorizontalWindow (Window) <Ctrl OH> or <Esc><W><S>
InputCh (Other)
InsertDate (Other)
InsertLine (Editing) <Alt F2> or <Esc><E><I>
InsertTime (Other)
JFalse (Macro) (2.1)
JoinLine (Editing) <Alt J> or <Esc><E><J>
JTrue (Macro) (2.1)
Jump (Macro) (2.1)
KillFile (File) <Ctrl KZ>
LineDown (Cursor Movement)
LineUp (Cursor Movement)
Literal (Editing) <Ctrl P>
Lower (Other) (2.08) <Alt 2>
MacroBegin (Macro)
MacroRead (Macro)
MacroRecord (Macro) <Ctrl M> or <Esc><M><M>
MacroWrite (Macro) <Esc><M><W>
MainMenu (Other) <Esc>
MakeBotofScreen (Cursor Movement)
MakeCtrofScreen (Cursor Movement) <Shift F5>
MakeTopofScreen (Cursor Movement) <F5>
MarkBlockBegin (Blocks) <Ctrl KB> or <Esc><B><B>
MarkBlockEnd (Blocks) <Ctrl KK> or <Esc><B><E>
MarkCharacter (Blocks)
MarkColumn (Blocks) <Alt K>
MarkLine (Blocks) <Alt L> or <Esc><B><L>
MarkWord (Blocks) (2.08) <Ctrl KT>
Match (Other) <Alt F3>
MoveBlock (Blocks) <Alt M> or <Esc><B><M>
NewFile (File) (2.08)
NextFile (File) <Alt N> or <Esc><F><N>
NextPara (Cursor Movement) (2.08)
NextWindow (Window) <Ctrl ON> or <Esc><W><N>
OneWindow (Window) <Ctrl OO> or <Esc><W><O>
PageDown (Cursor Movement) <PgDn>
PageUp (Cursor Movement) <PgUp>
Paste (Blocks) <Grey *>
PasteOver (Blocks) <Ctrl PrtSc>
Pause (Macro) (2.08)
PQuit (File) <Ctrl KQ> or <Esc><F><Q>
PrevFile (File) <Ctrl KP> or <Esc><F><P>
PrevPara (Cursor Movement) (2.08)
PrevPosition (Cursor Movement) <Ctrl QP>
PrevWindow (Window) <Ctrl OP> or <Esc><W><P>
PrintAll (Printing) <Esc><P><A>
PrintBlock (Printing) <Esc><P><B>
PrintEject (Printing) <Esc><P><F>
Purge (TSR Commands) (TSR) <Esc><Q><P>
QuickHelp (Other) <F1> or <Alt H>
Quit (File)
ReadBlock (File) <Alt R> or <Esc><F><R>
RepeatCmd (Other) (2.1) <Ctrl QQ>
RepeatFind (Find/Replace) <Ctrl L> or <Esc><S><A>
ResizeWindow (Window) (2.1) <Esc><W><R>
Return (Editing) <Enter>
SaveFile (File) <Ctrl KS> or <Esc><F><S>
ScreenLeft (Cursor Movement) <Alt F5>
ScreenRight (Cursor Movement) <Alt F6>
ScrollDown (Cursor Movement) <Ctrl Z>
ScrollUp (Cursor Movement) <Ctrl W>
SetCtabwidth (Tab) <Esc><O><C>
SetEGA25 (Other)
SetEGA43 (Other)
SetPrintBotMargin (Printing) (2.1) <Esc><P><O>
SetPrintLeftMargin (Printing) <Esc><P><L>
SetPrintPageSize (Printing) <Esc><P><P>
SetPrintTopMargin (Printing) (2.1) <Esc><P><T>
SetPtabwidth (Tab) <Esc><O><P>
SetRmargin (Other) <Ctrl OR> or <Esc><O><R>
Shell (Other) <F9> or <Esc><F><O>
ShiftLeft (Blocks) <Shift F7>
ShiftRight (Blocks) <Shift F8>
ShowEntryScreen (Other) <Alt F10>
ShrinkWindow (Window) <Ctrl OS> or <Esc><W><R>
Sort (Other) (2.08) <Shift F3>
SplitLine (Editing) <Alt S> or <Esc><E><S>
StoreScrbuff (Blocks) <Ctrl BS>
TabLt (Tab) <Shift Tab>
TabRt (Tab) <Tab>
ToggleBakups (Toggles) <Esc><O><B>
ToggleBoxDraw (Toggles) <Shift F1>
ToggleBoxType (Toggles) (2.08) <Alt F1>
ToggleEGA43 (Toggles) <Ctrl F1>
ToggleEnterMatching (Toggles) <Esc><O><E>
ToggleIndent (Toggles) <Ctrl QI> or <Esc><O><A>
ToggleInsert (Toggles) <Ins> or <Esc><O><I>
ToggleSmartTabs (Toggles) <Ctrl QT>
ToggleSwap (Toggles) (2.1)
ToggleTabsExpand (Toggles) <Alt V>
ToggleTabsOut (Toggles) <Alt I>
ToggleWordWrap (Toggles) <Ctrl OW> or <Esc><O><W>
UndoCursorline (Other) <Ctrl QL>
UnKill (Editing) <Ctrl U> or <Esc><E><U>
UnmarkBlock (Blocks) <Alt U> or <Esc><B><U>
Upper (Other) (2.08) <Alt 1>
WordLeft (Cursor Movement) <Ctrl Cursor Left>
WordRight (Cursor Movement) <Ctrl Cursor Right>
WrapPara (Other) <Alt B>
WriteBlock (File) <Alt W> or <Esc><F><W>
ZoomWindow (Window) <Ctrl OZ> or <Esc><W><Z>
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility.
Written by Dave Pearson